Would you quit?
By Brooke
@o2bnocn (2992)
United States
April 19, 2013 8:17pm CST
About a year ago I had a babysitting job. My cousin needed a babysitter, and I was looking for some income. I was going to start babysitting for her. I agreed to get paid $100 a week no matter what. Which meant if she came and picked the baby up early I would still get paid $100. If she left the baby longer than she was working, I would still get paid $100. I didn't think this was going to be an issue, especially with her being a family member. In all honesty, I don't think I should have agreed to the $100 a week but I needed the income.
I started babysitting and she slowly started to give me demands. Some of the demands were to give the child juice and healthy foods. I understand these demands because she is looking out for the child and wanting her to eat and drink healthy foods and drinks. It was almost everyday that she made a comment to give her juice even though I gave her juice. The only time I gave her water was when I ran out of juice or didn't have any.
The other demands were to take the child outside, get her into a routine, teach her the alphabet and numbers. Some other demands were that she wanted me to discipline when she was misbehaving. I did my best to get a routine and stay within the routine. I also did my best to take her outside, and teach her the alphabet and numbers.
I heard these demands a lot, and I mean a lot. Almost everyday she would tell me again and again. Other times it would be new demands or requests. I always said OK and did my best to follow her request. I know that she was the "boss" of me and I had to do what she said.
One time she called me and told me that the child was misbehaving the night before. She told me that we really needed to work on that. I did not have the baby the night before, and she got mad at me even though I was not babysitting. I understand that I needed to do my part to discipline when she misbehaved, but how am I suppose to discipline when I am not even around the child?
There was another issue that she got after me because she said the child was not learning anything. The baby was just still young...either 2 or 3. I showed her videos and wrote the alphabet and letters down occasionally. It was hard to teach her at such a young age. Maybe I should have put more effort into this part.
When I started to take her outside then the mother complained that she was getting bitten up by bug bites. I understand that scenario, but I didn't know what to do in this case. She wanted me to take her outside but then complained about the bug bites. This became a real issue real fast.
Then she started to tell me what foods to buy and feed her. She even told me to take my paycheck and buy her foods and snacks when I get paid. She expected me to take the $100 a week that I received and buy her child foods and snacks that she was requesting.
The hours started to get longer and longer. There were many 10-12 hour days that I kept the baby, which I never received any more money from. The mother always changed her schedule on me, barely ever told me my hours, and would call and wake me up early in the morning at 4 am to tell me that she was going to be a couple of hours late and then her entire schedule would change. There were even times that she told me I had off and then the next day changed the schedule and told me I had to keep her because they called her into work. She works retail by the way.
So here I was babysitting for nearly 40-60 hours a week for only $100 a week, expected to take the child outside, buy and put bug spray on her, teach her the alphabet and numbers, buy and cook her healthy food, keep a schedule even though her mothers schedule changed all the time. At one point I did the math and some weeks I was only earning $2.50 an hour.
What would you have done?
8 responses
@bintang9 (196)
• Indonesia
21 Apr 13
Oh my God. What a really hard you are. If I were you, I would quit the job, try to find out other job, than working in a pressure. But I think when we are sincere to do that, I think there will be miracle from God, we'll be given the blessing, sitting the baby is a very good job
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
I thought it was a good job at first. After I noticed the long hours, and the demands I saw it was otherwise. I noticed that it wasn’t a good job after all. I know that there are people struggling and people have to take jobs that they don’t like. Not liking the job wasn’t really the issue. The issues were more than not liking the job. It was family and I didn’t want to let anything between family, even work issues. I felt like I did the right thing by quitting.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
Yes I did quit but I told her why. I told her in a nice way also. We still talk and I still see the baby. I am still close to the child, and to my cousin. I’m just glad that it is over now and I don’t have to deal with it anymore. It was horrid for a couple of months, and I struggled trying to keep up with her demands. There are just some jobs that are not worth it. I know that some people don’t agree with that statement, but there are in my opinion. This was one of the jobs that just wasn’t worth it to me.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
20 Apr 13
I would have quit as well. I understand not being able to afford to pay a lot, but it doesn't make you responsible for her child even when you are not there. And parents should provide bug spray and food for their children.
It is too bad this didn't work out.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Yeah, I really enjoyed the time I spent with the child. It was issues between the mother and I that didn't work out. It was getting to a point that it wasn't even worth working anymore because of all the money I was spending on items such as food. She never bought bug spray but made many comments about it, she also only brought food one time after I made a comment but only one time. It was soon after that, when I decided to quit. I struggled with the decision for a long time but I couldn't take it anymore. I also felt like I was being taken advantage of, and I think I was. I understand that she couldn't pay a lot, but it was going overboard when she expected me to pay for items such as bug spray and food, especially healthy food because they are more expensive. I also started to notice that she would give the child junk food but expect me to feed her all healthy food. I know it is not my place to make those decisions but it just showed me that she was really expecting a lot from me for very little money.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
20 Apr 13
I probably would have gotten fed up with the situation and quit as well. I understand that retail work changes, but it seems like she was taking advantage of you. Also, expecting you to buy all sorts of food for the child out of the money she was paying you seems a little extreme. If there were certain foods she wanted her daughter to eat then she should have been providing them.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
20 Apr 13
I also understand retail work changes but I worked retail and it still didn't change as often as she said it did. I know the hours suck, and I understood that part. I had a bigger problem with her changing the hours on me, and being late more than the actual hours she originally told me about. Plus I constantly had to ask for my hours or schedule because she barely ever gave them to me. I know she got her schedule two weeks in advance, I wanted mine two weeks in advance but she would wait and tell me my hours the day before. I also didn't think paying for the food was my part either. I understand that the child needs to eat, but buying certain foods with the money I am earning should not be my responsibility. Babysitting is a lot harder than people think it is. I'm glad that this situation is behind me, but now I am struggling with no income. I also think she should have provided the food, especially if she wanted certain items for the child to eat. I didn't mind even buying some of them but to expect me to buy all of them was out of control and extreme.
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
20 Apr 13
I understand babysitting is a risky business, I would not dare do it especially when it is still a very young one. I could get all the blame for what may happen adding to it the long hours and the impossible demands, it is time to quit the very first week I get my measly pay. Actually it is hard for most to get babysitters when they impose demands like that.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
20 Apr 13
A lot of people think that babysitting is easy. I can tell you that it is not. You are right about the long hours and impossible demands. I have heard people talk about babysitting like it is the easiest job to have, when it is clearly not. You are responsible for that child and you are taking on a lot of responsibility. You also cannot watch T.V. all day like a lot of people think you can. Yes, some babysitting jobs are easier than others but no matter what you are responsible for that child. There are many babysitting jobs that don't pay well, and some people think every babysitting job pays well. Other babysitting jobs do pay well but require even more responsibilities. Definitely some risky business.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
20 Apr 13
If I were you, I would have quit this job
. It is unreasonable to meet her request one after another and yet with so much of complaints. Furthermore, it is not right of her asking you to fork out the money buying those stuff for her baby. These should be at her own cost to provide for her baby's food and drink. However, it is not worth the effort for an earning of 2.50 an hour
. Glad with you making the right decision to quit.
Just food for thoughts, perhaps you could find a home tutor job? When I was still studying in the college, I had a part time tutor job for two primary kids in their home nearby where I stayed. It did help a lot in my expenses 

@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Yes I feel like I made the right decision by quitting. I know it was income but at that time I was in a better position and felt that it wasn't even worth it for $2.40 an hour. On top of the low money all of the request, and I wasn't being treated fairly. At a certain point I felt that I was being taken advantage of. I also felt like there were going to be issues between us because we are family. Glad that this scenario is behind me.
Thanks for your suggestion about the home tutor job. It is something I never really thought of. I will look into it, and possibly try. I'm not sure if I am qualified for tutoring but I will check into that.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Apr 13
That sounds awful, no offense but your cousin doesn't sound like a very nice or reasonable person. I would have stopped watching the baby. That's a lot of hours and a lot of work! Plus using YOUR money to buy food and drinks for HER child-sorry but that is HER job to buy those things and bring them to your house, not your job!! That is so ridiculous, I really hope your not still watching her child. It's not easy teaching a child at that age either unless your used to teaching that age group. I was a Preschool teacher for 3 years so yes I know how to work with those ages but not everyone does! She was wrong for expecting SO much from you... That sounds like a job from H*ll with all of the requirements from her.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Thank you. I quit and I told her why. So she knows why. I just hope that there is not resentment for me quitting. I felt like I had no other choice though. I completely agree with you about the hours and about paying for the foods and drinks. I didn't feel like it was fair or my responsibility to pay for those foods. I didn't mind feeding her with the food that I had in my house but to expect certain foods from me when I am only getting paid a small amount is ridiculous. I was so relieved when I quit. I remember when I debated on quitting. It finally got to the point where I could not take it anymore. Yes, I have learned things about this person.... I just hope she learns her lesson and doesn't treat anyone else like this. By the way this was a long time ago and I am not sure if she has learned her lesson because I think she still treats the babysitter she has now the same as she treated me. Well, I can't really say the same though. But it is still not good what she puts the babysitter through. I know she can't afford to pay a lot for child care, but there was so many requirements for the job. Yeah, with the money and the food I started to feel like the job wasn't even worth it anymore.
@vip25sc (48)
• Thailand
28 Apr 13
Yes, I would quit for sure.
In your case I don't know if it is going to be easier for you to get a new job or you have to stay on babysitting job.
It seems you have been babysit for a long time.
I would say if you want to stay on the same job you will get more and more trouble but get pay less and less.
If you want to get out from the problem better quit (you may have problem now because she will not happy but you will be fine later).