Could it ever be possible that the USA could come under complete martial law?
By avonrep1
@avonrep1 (1862)
United States
April 20, 2013 1:33am CST
I am going to start this off by saying this. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do love history though and really love American History. Through out history things have happened by and lies told by crowns, presidents, public officials, regimes, etc...
Time and time again people through out history have been enslaved, Shoot even here in modern times we still have slavery.
So here lately I been worried about what has been happening here in America and the rest of the world. I started to really question what was really going on in early 2001 when I was married to my ex husband and we were station at Fort Irwin. Fort Irwin is a desert training post in the US Army. 2 days after Bush was elected into office we went from training 2000 soldiers a month to a whooping 20,000. There was no food on post and the families that lived there had to travel an hour just to put food on the table. I ran into the general and asked him what was going on? He told me we were preparing to invade Iraq later in the year. Fast forward just over 7 months later and 9/11 happened.
That day I turned on the television to PBS so I could get some things done and sat my children in front of Sesame Street, got my chores done and left the house shortly after 9:30 am. I was driving to a friends house and I noticed cars backed up at all the gas stations and the grocery stores in the area parking lots were packed. I walked in saying people are acting like we are at war, as the first tower collapsed. I said oh I didn't know they were going to demolished the world trade center. (st this time I still didn't know a plane hit the towers, I have seen building demolished in Las Vegas many times and that is what it looked like)My friend then started to tell me, but the replay on the News finished the story for her. Right then and there I felt something about this isn't right. I told my friend, this is what they are going to use to invade Iraq. I bet the government is behind this, or knew about it and let it happen. Evidence that has come about since then suggest this is true.
Now I am seeing things going on, which makes me believe that since the administration didn't get what they wanted with gun control legislation that they could stage different events to bring about Martial Law. Many people think that can not happen here in America, but I argue that people in Germany didn't think it would happen there either. The Nazi regime staged events to get public support, they freely gave up there guns, because the Nazi regime was going to protect them, and what happened? Yes we all know what happened, I don't have to tell anyone.
Governments are over stepping the powers all over the WORLD not just here in the US, and then the US government is pushing it's nose into everyone business. I am starting to understand why some countries that are living the horror that Boston and the rest of America has felt this last week on why they hate American, even if it really isn't the people they hate it is our government.
“To question your government is not unpatriotic -- to not question your government is unpatriotic”.Sen. Chuk Hagel
Governments should really fear it's people not the people fearing it's and other governments.
I am wondering if anyone else has notice anything strange in their neck of the woods if they live here in America, or strange things else where in the world?
I know UN vehicles are common in many places in the world but they are not common here in the US. I live in Indiana on April 10, 2013 I was driving down the main strip in my town and looked over and saw a UN vehicle in the parking lot of a building that even though it is suppose to be closed always has a lot of cars in the parking lot. I did some checking around and found out the building is being used to train police, soldiers, and apparently now UN soldiers Swat type training.
I also have seen some video of UN Vehicles being shipping on trains to different parts of the country. Anyone else seeing these type of things in your area?
Do you think it is possible that the US could come under Martial Law? Do you think if Martial Law was called nation wide, would it cause a civil war? I think it would cause civil war. What do you think?
3 responses
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Is it possible I think yes....Look how easy they shut down was marshal law...and they did it very fast, with no problems at all. for what...a 19 year old.....
I have noticed when i went to the smokey mountains national park that they changed the plaque that is their...I forget the exact wording but it had something to do with it being part of the united nations. do not know what it means, but are we giving our national parks over to the united nations...and why.
Could that also be why the Government is trying to disarm everyone.....Something is happening...and what ever it is i do not think that we are going to have to wait very much longer to find out.
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@buttheadface932 (708)
• United States
8 Jan 16
I definitely don't believe that either martial law, OR civil war will ever happen here again. Federal powers and international influence and *corporate* power is entirely too widescale for anyone to "separate" off. It would have to be done in a very bureaucratic administrative manner where no one would really feel affected. Heck, look at the uproar over having to sign up on!
@buttheadface932 (708)
• United States
8 Jan 16
I don't believe that this story is true... I am a fan of making suppositions based on evidence and facts.