Finally some good news!

@o2bnocn (2992)
United States
April 20, 2013 12:45pm CST
I have been feeling really down lately because I have been receiving bad news a lot. I will start from the beginning. First I had my wisdom teeth that needed to be removed. I was able to find a dentist in my area that was a good price. I am lucky and thankful because I like this dentist, and offers reasonable prices. The bad news here is that when I went for my first visit, he found cavities. So now I have to save up to have the cavities filled because I don't have insurance. I was able to get my wisdom teeth removed successfully but I still need to get the cavities filled. The next bit of information that was bad news is that I am reaching the limit on the amount I can borrow for school. So I will have to pay for the rest of the classes. I understand this but I need a job. Then came even more bad news which is that I will no longer have any income right now. Well this is really bad news because I was counting on that income to buy a car so that I can go to work. Well, I have even more bad news! I wear eye contacts and it is time for my eye doctors exam. A couple of months ago my backup glasses broke. Even more bad news. I just wanted to cry when they broke. They broke after finding out I have cavities. It has just been bad news for months now. I thought I had more contacts left but I am wearing my last pair now and they will probably go bad near the end of this month or beginning of next month. Since it is time for my eye doctors exam they won't let me buy any more contacts without the new prescription from an exam. So today I called and asked how much the eye doctors exam cost.... It has went up about $7 dollars which isn't too bad, but still it is expensive to begin with. Wondering what the good news is? They will fix my backup glasses for FREE!!!
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7 responses
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
21 Apr 13
It is such good news that they will fix your back up glasses for free. I wear contact lenses and I see an optician for an eye test once per year. I get the optician to give me an eye prescription. Then I order cheap contact lenses on-line. I hate how much it costs to visit a dentist. In December 2012 I had to get a painful tooth removed. It was a long appointment with a great dentist. I can't afford to go back to him. Good luck saving up to get your cavities filled at the dentist. It must have been awful to have had your wisdom teeth removed. I have two wisdom teeth. Good luck.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
23 Apr 13
Yes, I’m glad to hear that I can get my glasses fixed for you. I also have to go to the eye doctors once a year. Don’t you hate it when they puff that air into your eye? I know I do! I had a great dentist also. That price was expensive, but manageable. I don’t think the dentist I went to is in it for the money. It wasn’t that bad to get my wisdom teeth taken out. I was really nervous to begin with, but the nurses made me feel calm. I sat in the chair and they gave me laughing gas, then the dentist gave me other medication and before I knew it I was asleep. Then when I awoke, I felt really funny but not in pain at all. I don’t even remember a lot of it to tell you the truth, due to the medications. I do remember laughing a lot, and I don’t even know why I was laughing. My gums were bleeding right after and they wouldn’t quit bleeding. My mother had to keep changing the gauges in my mouth, and they were full of blood. My mouth was swollen and it was starting to hurt so I couldn’t take my medication because of my mouth being swollen. Finally after I took my pain meds, I started to feel better. A few days later I had to go back to get my stitches removed. That was easy, and took no longer than about 5 minutes. Afterwards, I was okay but I couldn’t eat a lot of solid foods. Overall it wasn’t bad, just a sore mouth and gums due to the opening of them and cutting them open.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 13
This is so called, life. It has its ups and downs every now and then. It is difficult to have a smooth going life all the time. It all depends on how we look at it and how we handle it . Either we dwell in negativities or we try to overcome the situations. However, I am glad that with all the bad news you have, there a good news "pops" up for you
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
Thanks. Yeah, I know it is life. I was so tired of hearing bad news, was starting to make me feel depressed. Glad I finally found out some good news, always good to hear good news!
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
Hi there o2bnocn! I am sorry to hear about those negative things that are happening to you. I would like to focus on the things that you should be thankful for and I know that with the right view of things, perseverance and sincere prayer, you will find answers to these problems of yours. First thing to do would be to find a job. Just take each problem as they come, take the first step and focus. God bless!
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
8 Dec 15
That is really a good news indeed. When we are feeling bad for some issue and suddenly when one tells that they are not charging anything, then our excitement knows no bounds . you are really lucky to get it free of cost
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
20 Apr 13
Ha ha ha, i know how much u must be wondering to hear a good news after a host of bad incidents happening with u, to be very honest u should not get disheartened with the bad things happening with u as good n bad things r part n parcel of our lives, so u stay positive and may be u might get a big big good news in a few days.
• United States
21 Apr 13
If life was all good news, there would be no balance. It would be like a world without friction. You would just coast through life and it would be boring. Nobody wants bad news but it adds balance to life. There is something about knowing your at the bottom and there is nowhere to go but up. it in itself is encouraging.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Good news is always great !!! But as we know life is life. And we will get as much bad news as good. We just have to learn to deal with it. have a super Sunday there..
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
Everyone of us have its own bad news others have even worst than yours..You must be thankful that your problem is just regarding yourself.Anyway don't compare yourself to other everyone of us has its own differences.That's we considered challenges how we could face it..I know for sure you could fix your bad news...:)