Bombing suspect in serious condition......

April 21, 2013 9:00am CST
After the Boston marathon bombs.. the 2nd suspect is in the hospital in serious condition, and not able to talk. I was hoping hed talk and tell if anyone else was involved in this. Cnn is reporting a hospital official saying today, he may not make it. He faces many serous charges, if he lives. he can face the death penalty.
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16 responses
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
That's what I've feared since they reported that the suspect had serious wounds. I was afraid that he might not survive. It's really very important for him not to die. There are lots of questions that have yet to be answered and this person is the one who could shed light into this whole despicable incident. Let's all hope he lives and be brought to justice. And let's also hope that those other radical religious zealots suffer the same fate as him.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Apr 13
What could he say anyway that would justify anything? I seriously would not trust anything he said at this point. Would you? Maybe we should just stop letting these people into the country. Our economy is in ruins and many are without work. Most of us can't afford the education this kid got. People from other countries come over here to "better" themselves at our expense. Our government allows it and treats them far better than it's own people. Maybe it is time to shut the gates.
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Yes, cnn just talked to a dr. who said its likely he wont survive. I sure wanted him to talk to the Fbi.
• Mexico
21 Apr 13
I agree, I want him to live.. so he can explain it to the FBi..
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
21 Apr 13
let us hope that he will be able to tell the people that are involved and that they will catch them all and bring them to court with no others being hurt or killed my heart goes out to all the family's who has lost a love one and to all of those that have been hurt in this sad day of the bombs
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
I hope so as well. if he does live may be Fbi and da will make a deal to get all the info . Im sure these 2 guys were not alone on this.
• Mexico
21 Apr 13
well as it is the FBI has question the older one a few years back and they did not have any thing to charge him with or hold him on it is sad they did not find something then maybe they would have sent him back and all of this may have not happened
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
yes I saw that, very sad indeed.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Apr 13
I really want him to live and talk
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• Mexico
22 Apr 13
I feel the same way as you do. I just think there were more people involved in this.
@velvet53 (22546)
• Palisade, Colorado
21 Apr 13
Yes, if he makes it his life will be miserable. It is so sad cause he is so young. I do hope he is able to talk soon and share anything he may know. I wonder if they made things themselves or if someone hired them to do this.
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@velvet53 (22546)
• Palisade, Colorado
21 Apr 13
What a waste of young lives. I don't watch the news so I get everything from the places like here. I will be watching for updates. Have a fun day.
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Sure is, seems the older brother brain washed him. So sad. I hope he lives so he can tell the Fbi all that went on to plan this terrible thing. have a great Sunday..
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Apr 13
IF his brother "brainwashed" him then that shows a very weak mind. Not sure that I can buy that and even if true, it is no good excuse. This young man was studying to be a doctor!! He excelled in his studies and we gave him a 25000.00 scholorship!! He was not by any stretch a stupid person and the thanks he gave back to America for helping him in his education is this??? We cater to these foreign people way too much and they don't appreciate and in fact a good many of them actually hate us because of our government.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
21 Apr 13
WHat a shame, he then wont rott in jail. I can't beleive people will do this, and most of it is over religion.
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Yes it is, but if he lives maybe Fbi can get out of him how it was all planned.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
21 Apr 13
Hopefully, but usually never goes that way though.
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@xstitcher (33598)
• Petaluma, California
21 Apr 13
I live in California, which is on the other coast from where Boston is. :( I do not know anyone personally who was involved it it. :(
• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Thats good, but remember this kind of thing can happen anywhere and at anytime. Take care there.
@xstitcher (33598)
• Petaluma, California
21 Apr 13
Yes, that is true, but whatever the Lord's will for me is will be what it is. :)
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
22 Apr 13
It is unlikely he is able to talk for a while, according to the authority, he inflicted wound on himself by cutting his own throat, hoping to avoid capture alive. They have to wait for his recovery before they can make him talk .
@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Apr 13
I could care less about his recovery sooner or later, if it is the end of it, let's be it and feed him to the pig/shark, i wouldn't spend a second of my time wasting on him praying for his recovery. The reason he did it is quite simple; he hated all the people who don't follow his twisted belief system and want nothing to do with his perverted mind, and disapproval use of terror to achieve his goal, it is not as complicated as the white house want you to believe. Use of terror is a 'normal' modus operandi for terrorist organization and terrorists with many excuses, it will take a while to gather all the reasons.
• Mexico
22 Apr 13
Very true, lets hope he gets well soon... as they say. Everyone needs to know why and who else was behind this.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
so i guess now most are wanting for him to be alive - FOR NOW so he could talk and speak..and after that KILL HIM again. weird. if i was that man, i would end up just wishing i'll die now rather than be alive again then be tortured. but well how i wish the truth will come out and reasons will be given as to why they put those bombs
• Mexico
22 Apr 13
Yes, they are hoping he will talk some. or make a deal. But I heard today hes in bad shape.
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
I am very impress about the FBI investigation, it sure is fast. I really hope our national intelligence against crime is also like this. I salute them for able to be so close about solving it. It will have great impact on all the families that are a victim of this event. Hopefully the 2nd suspect will talk about who really is in charge about the bombing and what are their goal.
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
They really had done their research and homework. Big thumbs up for them. Hopefully soon they will find out the reason why the ran was bomb. What was the purpose of it? And will they have any more plans like that in the near future?
• Mexico
22 Apr 13
I agree, Fbi and other police agencies did a wonderful job. So many more could have been killed....
• United States
22 Apr 13
I hope he does make it so he can tell us what happened. What bothers me is that he was seen on campus after the bombings and is acting like nothing had happened. The whole situation is weird because you talk to people who knows these boys and it seems like they had run normal lives and did the typical teenage things (at least the youngest one did). I know the oldest one was married and has a daughter. The wife is American. I hope that the youngest one survives so we can find out what is going on.
• Mexico
22 Apr 13
I agree, the usa needs to know who really was behind this. Im sure it was some other country.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
27 Apr 13
I am far behind on mylot to just be seeing this now. I have to catch up with what has been said about this.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
27 Apr 13
I just want to know why they did it.
• Mexico
27 Apr 13
Hes was moved thursday to a jail hospital. Now I hope he rotts there.
@Mashnn (4501)
21 Apr 13
I just hope he can make it so that he can be able to explain who are behind the bombing. Unfortunately with the throat injury, there is little chances for him to survive.
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
I feel same as you do. We never know you may have been behind it all. he knows that info.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
21 Apr 13
Well that is really a serious case and he is the last hope who can give evidence regarding the bombing as the the two suspects held are crucial for the case to be solved, i know he is suffering due to his own deeds and his life wont be that good also even if he is saved, so let God decide what to do with his life, fingers crossed.
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• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Yes it is, I hope they can make a deal with him.. so he will tall all about how this was planned out. happy Sunday there.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
21 Apr 13
if he can't make it, the whole world will be left hanging. we have so many questions that will be left unanswered. i hope the doctors will be able to help him so we will know what triggered in their minds to do this horrible crime. the authorities have to know if there are others who helped them so that whatever plans for future criminal acts these people may have will be averted.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
22 Apr 13
Besides answering for what his deceased brother and him did, I believe families of the killed and injured including his own families will need to know the answers to bring about the needed closures. He owes it to ALL the people and the country that accommodated his family and him.
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
21 Apr 13
I think it would be good if he lives, so he can tell to the police why he did it.
• Mexico
21 Apr 13
Most of the time, they stay quiet. But this kid is just 19 and I think he will do the right hing. Lets hope so..