It's Really Not That Hard To Keep It Down.

April 22, 2013 9:45am CST
I don't really get to sleep a lot. Due to bad dreams or having trouble getting to sleep because my mind just won't switch off. My dad and brother know this. I understand people have different sleeping patterns and I know mine is all over the place. But no matter if I nap during the morning, afternoon or a proper time at night. People in the house can be so damn loud. It is mainly my brother though. My brothers bedroom is right next to mine cause we have a small house. There has been so many times at night that I say goodnight to him and ask him to please keep it down because it is hard to fall asleep and would like to stay asleep when it happens. Could be an hour or two later that I am finally starting to drift off and then I hear his TV. It is way louder than it needs to be. I go knock on his door to ask him to turn it down and he does. Start to fall asleep then I wake up to gun shots and bombs exploding. It is like waking up to a war that is going on just outside my door. Sometimes it scares the crap out of me to be woken up with loud explosions. So it's either him still watching a movie or him playing a game like Call Of Duty but what is more annoying is when he keeps losing, he will start yelling out some things and it wakes me up. No joke, there has been so many nights where I wake up more than 20 times just to ask him to turn it down. Or he puts on music that is loud enough for me to hear the thumping of the beats. Or..and this is my favourite.... -_- My brothers dog barks when you chase him around the lounge room, so...both my dad and my brother have decided to run around and chase him. It's not just the loud thuds of someone running that is annoying. It's that freakishly loud shrieking bark that the dog has. They both know his bark wakes me up but no no no, they still play with him while I'm trying to sleep. Then first 3 times I ask nicely but any more than that and I tell him to shut the f*** up. Sometimes I feel like putting my tv up loud or banging on his door when he is nice and comfortable resting haha. But I would feel bad. :P Do you have loud people in the house that affect your sleeping? Happy MyLotting. ~AussieGal~
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4 responses
• India
23 Apr 13
gal Thanks for this discussion, please bang his door or run your tv at full volume, just explain him with cool mind, big problems get solved that way, well you can make your door/windows sound proof.
• Australia
24 Apr 13
Hello Professor! Thank you. :) haha ok then I will bang on his door. He will get mad at me but if it helps me realise how annoying it is to be woken up from a sleep, then that would be great. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
1 person likes this
• India
24 Apr 13
@AidanKay (265)
• Australia
23 Apr 13
lol I think you should bang on his door just once while he is sleeping and hopefully he will learn his lesson. I am actually a really heavy sleeper so I don't wake up from any noise. A bomb could go off and I wouldn't wake up! :/
• Australia
23 Apr 13
Hello AidanKay! haha I might but like I said, I would feel bad and I'm not totally sure if he would learn his lesson. He can be really selfish at times. You lucky thing. I wouldn't want to be that much of a heavy sleeper incase there is an emergency or something but I guess just a little bit more of a heavy sleeper than what I am. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
30 Aug 18
are you still having trouble with your brother?
• United States
24 Apr 13
Well, I live alone so thankfully I have no little brothers or sisters keeping me awake. But I do have two dogs that think they are people. Of course they are sure everything revolves around them and I am here to meet their every desire. And the strongest desire is to go outside in the middle of the night. Whether they really need to or not. Once they get out there they must bark at anything that moves or they think may move at any moment. I have to stay awake until I can get them back in. I usually have to go out and get them and pick them up and carry them in. I have to hope it won't take too long or I will be totally awake then and have a hard time getting back to sleep. When my daughter was still home before getting married she worked so I would always try to get the dogs out and back in without waking her up. I would feel real bad if they wole her up. I don't work so it doesn't really make that much difference to me except I hate getting woken up in the middle of the night. Have you considered using sleeping pills? I use the over the counter type to help me fall asleep. I do suffer from insomnia and often need the help. If not I would not sleep at all some nights. Maybe you could give that a try. Sweet dreams.