bad internet connection

@Kmz059 (652)
April 23, 2013 9:57am CST
Haaaay. I can't participate here tonight because of my bad internet connection, I guess it is because of the heavy rain a while ago. But I'll try my best to participate if my connection is faster. :)
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9 responses
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
24 Apr 13
Hi friend, i often experience this, when the day too cloudy or rainy, my internet connection also too slowly. Usually, I close my PC and take some other activities as well as waiting the weather is better. Have a nice day.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
You're lucky to have experienced rain. Here in the city, the heat is really terrible. I had to go to the mall to spend a few hours for a change. MY electric bill this month would probably be more than 8k pesos!
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
23 Apr 13
I have the same problem once in a while. Very frustrating isn't ? Virus attack is one thing which really damages the performance of the computer. I have to keep a virus protection program on my computer.
@Harold_ks (1673)
23 Apr 13
It's nice that you were still able to make this discussion posted. But yeah, it's really irritating when internet is so slow and much worse if connection is lost. I hope your internet will be back to normal very soon. Anyway may you have a good night. Happy myLotting!
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Apr 13
I hate when you want to be here but you just can't for one reason or another. I always want to MyLot but sometimes I just cannot for some reason, sometimes because of the connection or sometimes its other things but I find that to be the worst! I hope your connection gets better soon so you can be here. =)
• Philippines
23 Apr 13
Hi Kmz059! The service technician from my internet provider told me that rain/storm/bad weather has nothing to do with internet connection's performance. I also have observed the same way you do. When it's weekends, holidays or there's heavy rain, I noticed that my internet connection is poor. Hehe. Well, when I experience slow or intermittent connection I just watch TV or sleep. I don't want to waste my time waiting for my internet connection be fixed when it's taking too long because it will only stress me. Have a nice day!
@velvet53 (22526)
• Palisade, Colorado
23 Apr 13
Mine is real slow today and I think it is because of the storm we are getting. It usually will go out when there is a change like this. They are pretty fast at getting it going again.
@scubapro (1051)
• Gifu, Japan
23 Apr 13
actually rain and sometimes wind can make our internet connection worse. i also had that experience before. also sometimes dns settings can make our pc slower. i can recommend you to change your dns settings when you feel your internet connection is slower. it really changes its pace. peace
• Sri Lanka
23 Apr 13
yes normally internet connection fell down when bad weather use