My most hated food in our Local cuisine

Calgary, Alberta
April 24, 2013 12:55am CST
I do love our local Filipino cuisine but there are some Filpino food that is just too hard for me to stomach. I cant stand their smell, texture and taste.I am not really a picky eater as I had been very open to many foods and cuisines but these delicacies is just to hard for me to handle. 1.Paksiw- I love eating fish but I prefer them to be crispy, so Fish being simmered in Vinegar makes me throw up. Many of my friend said I should try to eat their mom's paksiw and my opinions about this dish will change but no. I did manage to finish eating it but I still can stand it. 2.Burong Kanin- Its basically Rice fermented for a long period of time.It looks like cat vomit. It smells like sewage.My parents loves this thing. the house smells funky when they cook this, 3.Binatog- This this is basically corn in dedicates coconut. I can actually eat this this.If someone offered me to eat this, will eat it, but its not something I will crave eating. its too bland. 4.Fish Tinola- I love chicken Tinola, I also love fish but I dont like fish being simmered. as I said I preferred my fish to be crispy. The only fish soup I can eat are dinendeng and sinigang. I am not grossed out with fish tinola, can actually eat it but will not cook it nor order it in a restaurant.
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20 responses
@averygirl72 (38549)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
The paksiw dish is mysterious to me. I look at it and it has no appeal and I don't have appetite when that is the dish. When there is no other choice, I will try it and actually it taste good. I don't like that burong kanin and it does not sound good. The binatog is good actually. I think I like all dish but it depends on how it is cooked.
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• Calgary, Alberta
24 Apr 13
i think the smelly armpit aroma of paksiw is the reason why I cant stand it. I am just not a Vinegar person. I use calamansi juice in my adobo.
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• India
25 Apr 13
yes ... like paksiw dish very much
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• Philippines
24 Apr 13
My Father always cook Paksiw na Isda. It is one of his favorite dish. I can't remember the last time I ate Pasksiw na Isda. It was like a few years ago. I just don't like it too. I don't like its smell and taste. Just like you I would prefer fried fish and eskabeche rather than a fish soup. Eskabeche is one of my favorite. But for sinigang na isda, I only love the soup not the fish.
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• Calgary, Alberta
24 Apr 13
I can eat fish sinigang if the fish used are the harder ones like Salmon,Tuna and Blue Marlin,but if its done with the likes of Tilapia,Catfish,Gigi, Red bass.... will pass. I dont like soft fishes.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
25 Apr 13
#2 sounds inedible to me, too, even though the other ones sound as if they might be something I'd like. Since I love this dish here in the USA (though I haven't had it in years) where herring is marinated in a kind of creamy salad dressing, I'd probably also love the non-crispy fish marinated in vinegar. I know that I love the crispy fish with malt vinegar sprinkled over it (a British dish) and served with fries and pieces of batter. We and the Brits call it Fish & Chips. It's interesting to sample what gets served in other countries just so long as it's now raw, cat meat, dog meat, horse meat, or just totally nasty like this dish from either Ireland or Scotland (the latter, I believe) known as hargis or something like that. It looks like puke in a bag!
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• Anderson, Indiana
2 May 13
@CaptAlbertWhisker I eat things like liver, gizzards, and even a heart. But they all look better to me than haggis--which looks like somebody vomited into a plastic bag to me, and, from what I hear, doesn't taste much better.
• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I actually eat innards of animals, so I might be able to handle haggies because I love liver and kidney. I think I can almost eat everything except simmer fish. I love my fish crispy not melt in the mouth.
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@nanayangel (7878)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Hi there Capt. Albert Whisker! Well, I love Filipino Food and I am a Filipina, but I would have to agree with some of the food that you posted. First, with the paksiw, my mom and my husband loves it but I have to say that I do not like it. Well, I do like it but only when the paksiw is fried afterwards. The flavors of the ingredients and spices used in the paksiw combined with the crispiness when it's fried makes my mouth water just thinking about it. About Burong Kanin, I have never tried it. I also agree with the binatog. I do not like it. I can eat Fish Tinola though.
• Philippines
6 May 13
@CaptAlbertWhisker awful armpit smell - that made me laugh. However, I think it is appropriate for Sinigang sa Bayabas. I love Sinigang but the smell of guava is something I really cannot tolerate.
• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
id frying the paksiw going to eliminate the awful Athlete's armpit smell? that's why i can stand it. Fish tinola and binatog,I can eat them and finish them in respect for the cook but I will never cook it for my self and request it to a waiter while eating out.
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@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Now I am craving for burong kanin with steamed eggplant and smoked fish. How I wish i could go to my province and eat this food. Also this is the first time I know that there's a fish tinola it's very unusual.
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• Calgary, Alberta
24 Apr 13
fish sauce is enough for me to pair up with smoked fish and steamed eggplant. My parents really loves this. They were sweating while eating it.
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@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
25 Apr 13
I don't like paksiw and Fish tinola.. because the "fish" after taste lingers in the mouth.. ewwwww.. like you Love it crispy, or grilled... but have you tasted the steamed tilapia and bangus with onion and tomatoes in the tummy? I think you will forget your GF's name after eating them hahaha.. just kidding Capt. Love that Burong Kanin and we call it as Balaw balaw.. is this the RED ONE, with small shrimps.. it should be cooked with eggplant. Binatog... ahhhh so expensive ... but delicious too.
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
grilled fishes with tomatoes on the tummy? I am crazy for that. One of my favorite fish dishes ever. The burong kanin my parents like are the one with mudfish(dalag)on it. I dont have problems with eating binatog, i can eat it,Its just not my favorite.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 Apr 13
I dont really mind the fishy smell but for sure fish with herbs and spices are delicious, still fsh with vinegar is not my thing..LOL Paksiw smell's like an armpit. Bana leaves really add some flavor to grilled fish, tried it before.
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@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
27 Apr 13
ohhh captain my captain... .......... yes... grilled fish with a bit pepper and lemon grass on the side... then wrapped with banana leaf....... with kalamansi and patis with chili... on the side... try this...have the fish with tomatoes, pepper and onion in the tummy. sometimes I put chili (panigang the green big ones).. put lemon grass on the side... wrap with the banana leaf.. then wrap again with aluminum foil.. then grill you will actually taste and the extract from the banana leaf and lemon grass and no fishy smell .
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Paksiw is fine with me but my second son always say "thanks mom". I am not also a picky eater (as long as it suits my taste) but I will also say "no thanks" to burong kanin (spare me) Binatog- is fine but not my favorite and I rarely eat this one and no desiccated coconut meat and instead of salt I prefer sugar to seasoned with. Fish tinola- haven't tried it. I also have lists of menus that I can say "does not suit my taste" and number one on the list is "balut"
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I actually like Balut but only the yolk, s that considered cheating? when my late cat or dog were still alive,they always get the chick. speaking of dogs, have a new dog. I purchased an American bulldog and adopted a Filipino dog. Its a challenge because they make my house messy once a day. is there a food that you eat that may gross other people.
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• Indonesia
25 Apr 13
Filipino delicacies? I have never heard of any dishes you meantioned above. Although I may surely won’t like Paksiw, since I hate vinegar. I hate the smell. Although I can’t understand why my mother love vinegar so much.
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
Paksiw and fish tinola are not delicacies, they were regular dishes. Fish tinola is not bad (tinola is a recipe for chicken, love the chicken version not the fish one) There are Filipino dishes with heavy similarities with Indonesian food because the ancestors of Filipinos are from Malaysia and Indonesia. )
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@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
i think it's a regional thing. my parents are from the same province and they came to metro manila as newlyweds so we grew up on the dishes from their hometown. sometimes i wish they came from different places so we have two places to vacation to and been introduced to different kinds of dishes. that's why there are foods i've never eaten since it's never been served at home like the burong kanin. the first time i saw and smelled and found out how it's made, eww. i ate binatog maybe way, way back in elementary. i guess i was adventurous as a kid. i don't even know you can use fish in tinola. i can eat fish paksiw, but lechon paksiw is the best! i'm not a snob, but i don't eat street foods.
• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I think there is something I eat that you may not be able to eat, I am Half Peruvian so part of my culture is eating rabbit (well its actually cleaner and safer than chickens in the market because it doesn't have the cancerous hormones injected in chickens)
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• Philippines
28 Apr 13
yes, albert, i have tasted rabbit many years ago because our neighbor raised them in their backyard. they taste like chicken.
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25 Apr 13
I love eating those food that you mentioned except Burong Kanin not so look enticing to eat and I think of that food as not delicious
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I don't know what it taste like but the smell is just hard for me to stand
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• Pakistan
25 Apr 13
no body can live without food but we have some times facing difficulty for proper using food we some times like some food but our body does not maintain or diget this food Allah gives us sense and wisdom so we used both of them if we feel that we shall coe in trouble by using some tasteful thing we avoid to use trying to use very small quantity then you be able to use ,if your parent used or cooking food that you may hurt from smell it better you go out and do out door work
• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
Is there a dish in your country that everybody eats but you cant? I do know you dont eat pork, but is there a food that you can eat not because of religious purposes but the taste and texture is something you cant swallow?
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• Pakistan
25 Apr 13
i ts better you to take only those thing which are suitable for your body i like fish so much espacially marrinated fish with salt black pepper and soua sauce with dip in egg and roll in bread crum then fry it too delicious
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I do love fish but I just dont like them boiled or simmered. is there a dish in your country that you hate?
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@bintang9 (196)
• Indonesia
25 Apr 13
It seems that you like most the fried food. Is it right? Here in Indonesia you could find many kinds of food that the process is being fried. Such as fried chicken, fried Gurami, Gurami asam manis, and many more. I am curious with the food you talked, maybe by seeing the picture it will be clear
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
There is a region in my country known as Bicol and the dishes in Bicol are very similar with Indonesian food, very spicy and have coconut milk. love the food from that region.
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@lizziegee (297)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Hi there from a fellow Filipino. :) I love our food, too. I also don't like those simmered fish. Like you, I prefer them fried. But I love binatog. My mom buys that every afternoon from a rolling store which frequents our neighborhood. I love it with sugar and coconut. :) Sometimes, we have that as our dinner. :)
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• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I can eat binatog and even finish a bowl of it, but ts not something I will crave for or I will miss if I am abroad. I found it boring but I can eat it. We have Filipino desserts that are much more delicious.
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@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
28 Apr 16
I love paksiw na isda. I just like sour things. Lol! Although... I've never tried burong kanin. Hmm... As I said, I like sour things, but I don't like sour if it's because it's panis (spoiled). And burong kanin sounds like it's close to that. Have no problems with binatog and fish tinola though. It is anything with ampalaya that I have difficulty eating because of the bitter taste. Although, I am learning to grin and bear it in recent years.
• Calgary, Alberta
28 Apr 16
I can manage to eat binatog and fish tinola but it is not something I will cook at home nor order at a carinderia. Burong Kanin is just to gross for me to handle. I will rather eat eyeballs of a cow than this fermented rice from hell.
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I am a Filipina as well and I would have to agree with you disliking Burong Kanin. I also dont eat that as well. As for me though, I am not a fan of pinakbet, but when Im left with no other choice, I would eat pinakbet but only the squash and some sitaw or string beans.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 Apr 13
I actually eat Pakbet, though when I was a Kid I cant stand okra and bittermelon but can eat bitter melon, I still have problems with okra but I can eat it now.I just swallow it so I wont feel its slimy texture.
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@Kmz059 (652)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Pround Pinay here I love those food you've mentioned specially the binatog, it is good the rainy days with condenced milk. And I like the Burong Kanin specially with sinangang na kanin. Oh, I am drolling right now.
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• Calgary, Alberta
24 Apr 13
I am able to eat binatog actually but its something ,I wont crave if nto available. is there a particular Filipino dish you cant eat. I forgot to add one on the list. Azucena, The animals ts made of have parasites that cant be killed by cooking and have rabies. I am open minded to eat other meats that is not mainstream but not animals with parasites and rabies.
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• Philippines
24 Apr 13
what i hate is pinagat, paksiw and any soup related with fish. i just want fish to be fried . that's all .
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• Calgary, Alberta
24 Apr 13
I wont mind tuna sinigang because its texture is chicken like. but hate the majority of fish based soups and stew. I wont mind the ones where fish is fried before added in the soup like diningding. I forgot about pinangat,the nightmares..... I will rather eat a basket of raw bittermelon, thats how much I hate pinangat.
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@joizee (500)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Hi there capt! Except for "burong kanin", I tasted the mentioned dishes and I like them, a lot ;) But I love "lechon paksiw" more than fish "paksiw", Chicken "tinola" than fish "tinola", and boiled corn than "binatog". What I just began hating is curry and "dinuguan" (pork blood stew). I've been to Indonesia for 3-4 days and was only served curry (pork, veggies, chicken, etc.). I got tired, no, not tired, I got so fed up! So coming back to the Philippines, I never ate (until now) curry again. It was a different and much grosser experience with dinuguan. I was loving dinuguan before and while enjoying eating it, my mom said it was spoiled already. I just throw up for a couple of time and just felt sicker and sicker with the thought I just ate spoiled. (vomit) Thanks for the discussion, sorry for the mess ;) LOL!
• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
I preferred y fish crispy, firm or rubbery(fish is rubbery when we grill or bake them)This may sound Ironic, I may not be able to eat fish paksiw but I can eat sashimi. I just dont like fish simmered in soups, specially vinegar, I just dont like the armpit smell of boiled vinegar. I can actually eat vinegar as a raw dip but not for cooking. Fish tinola, can eat but its not something I will cook or order at a resto. I found it bland.
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• Philippines
25 Apr 13
As a typical filipino, all the dishes you mentioned were served as daily menu in our house so i loved all of it most especially paksiw. The smell of the vinegar mixed w/ ginger really made me hungry especially when served with steaming rice. I'm also fond of dishes with soup so fish tinola was just right for me. This discussion made me hungry.
• Calgary, Alberta
27 Apr 13
Had you been my parent's offspring instead of e, they would have been happy for tears of joy. as they love Paksiw and I dont.
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