Did He Know or was He Shocked?( Adam and Eve)

United States
April 25, 2013 11:59am CST
Did G-d Know Adam and Eve were going to eat the fruit or was He shocked? I have been discussing Adam and Eve with friends here and I wondered what you all thought. Me? I thought G-d Knew what was going to happen Before it happens so the planting of the tree was a set up from the start. Dor some crazy reason He Knew they would fail the test. My friends seem to think , correct me if I'm wrong Friends, that Adam and Eve flipped the script, disobeyed and shocked and hurt G-d. What do you think?
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15 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Apr 13
If he knew it was going to happen, why not stop them? And why punish them afterward?
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• United States
26 Apr 13
Exactly! It was a set up from start to finish!
• United States
1 May 13
@flowerchilde. Great post. My only regret is that I can't give you best response because it is in another's box!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 May 13
@sarahruthbeth22 Ha you can't give anything "best response" now. lol
• United States
26 Apr 13
Because of Revelation 13:8 which says in part, "...the Lamb (Jesus Christ) who was slain from the creation of the world," I believe the tree was put into the Garden to test Adam and Eve, but God knew they would fail the test.
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• United States
26 Apr 13
Thank you! Pure set up!
@JohnRok1 (2051)
27 Apr 13
The temptation of Christ by Satan in the wilderness was an equivalent set up, but this time the man, while really and genuinely a man, was God become (genuinely become) man. And this man did not fail the test, but became God's answer, available to us who have failed the test. Let us take Him.
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• United States
28 Apr 13
And I say G-d is still "pi$$ed off" about Eden and it was Jesus who asked to "save" the Christians, as many as He could find. If G-d didn't want us to fail , then Why plant to tree in the first place. Pure set up or He is not flawless. He first and biggest mistake was making humans in the first place.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
28 Apr 13
This is just a Fairy story, and not to be taken factually. As there was no sin before this event, the participants could not have known. God is made to look silly in this story for reasons unknown. Lets face the facts here- this is just a fiction! Perhaps the originator was drinking, and having a bit of fun at humanity!
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• United States
24 May 13
@sarahruthbeth22 Did I answer your question. I'm still confused.
• United States
28 Apr 13
No he wasn't having fun. he was writing an excuse for demeaning women when they marry. To blame the mother for labor pain . and to make all women dangerous and those who can't be trusted. Some fairy tale!
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 May 13
@sarahruthbeth22 The fact is that child-bearing women are going to have labor-pain. Would you rather-OWN that pain or -be an innocent victim to the pain? and do you rather that your children be 'the manifestation of your painful work' or 'walking scabs cut out of your wounded womb'?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
27 Apr 13
What if God did know ahead of time? What do you think He should have done? Should He have taken away from Adam and Eve the right to make their own decision whether they would believe God or the serpent? Should He have not put the tree in the garden in the first place, taking away any possibility of a decision for them to make to trust and believe God or not? God told them what would happen if they ate the fruit. How could it be a set up when they were warned ahead of time?
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• United States
28 Apr 13
It is a set up when you Know what is to happen before it does and you act like you don't. And yes id G-d wanted all of us to follow Him and wanted G-d and man to live together, and for the planet to remain healthy, He shouldn't have put the tree in the garden in the first place!
• United States
28 Apr 13
It was suppose to be "if" . and yes that is what I'm saying Either G-d Knows And has planned everything in advance or... like the rest of us, He is clueless!I think the former. You think the later?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
28 Apr 13
First off, what is "id" in your sentence, "And yes id G-d wanted all of us to follow Him..." Secondly, what gives you the idea God acted like He didn't know? Are you saying man shouldn't have a choice to make, it should all be left to God? How can God know how we really feel about Him if He has already decided for us?
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
28 Apr 13
G-d had BOTH ways planned. True, the second way (the way we went) required a lot more on OUR end & was a lot more complicated; rather than just sitting around & being supported by the garden G-d supplied us, we have to go out and make things "ours" and support them ourselves. You might suppose that the Adam-&-Eve story is merely a metaphor for 'becoming of-age & moving out independently'---so long as we strictly obey our parents (getting a job when they tell us to, moving out where & when they tell us to, marrying when & whom they tell us to, etc.), everything seems to be given by G-d (through them) ... blissful ignorance.
• United States
28 Apr 13
I could understand if Eve were 13 and Adam 14 but these were hard a$$ adults. you can see it two ways! Either Adam and Ever Should have known better Or... G-d should have! But I think it was a pure set up. G-d Knew what was to happen before. No shock, no anger, just a pure set up.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
7 May 13
@sarahruthbeth22 Eve did the same way people (Christian & non-) do today, holding 'the physical truth they can see/hear/feel/taste/smell' over-&-above 'what some guy said some supernatural being told him.' (Even if it were written, agreed upon by council-after-council, retranslated, rephrased, and reprinted-&-reprinted.) Example: GOD SAID (reported by 'Moses,' translated by royally-appointed scholars, reviewed by various church-councils, -by various modern writers, -by various modern publishers) that "It is not good for the man to be alone." You would think 'Christians' (who claim to 'serve' God) would see to it that NONE of their brethren were alone! Yet here I am, a brother-of-Christ, ALONE. PROOF that Christians hate God!?
• United States
7 May 13
@mythociate Do you go to a church? People were always trying to get my daughters coupled up with some guy in the church. The first guy ended up dying just about the time my daughter would have had at least 2 children. The second guy in church that wanted to marry her did get married later and then divorced within a year and joined the Marines. He had no respect for women and said he would go when he pleased and where he pleased and his wife did not need to know where. She did that to him and he didn't like it. Hopefully, you aren't like these guys. Just put yourself out there and do like I told my other daughter. Smile, she is so sober.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
18 May 13
" Did G-d Know Adam and Eve were going to eat the fruit " Yes he did , He Almighty know every thing happened in last and what will happen in the future created them to live on earth , not in Heaven .
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• United States
19 May 13
Pure set up. I knew it. And women have been taking the blame ever since. G-d is a man, obviously.
• United States
20 May 13
@@samar54 and left Eve to be blamed. No , it was Meant to bash women and til this day the church put women second , always.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
20 May 13
@@sarahruthbeth22 No Sarah , God did not blame women for that , Adam and Eve ate from the tree , And God taught Adam some words , he said it , and He Almighty accepted his repentance : [ 2-37] " Then Adam received from his Lord [some] words, and He accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful." [20-122] " Then his Lord chose him and turned to him in forgiveness and guided [him]."
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
25 Apr 13
Something else that is explained away with brilliant ease if one has faith. But for folks who don't, it's another confusing, contradictory aspect of a supposedly omnipotent, all-knowing being. My best guess is that God always knows everything and is everywhere, unless one needs to explain free will. Because if one has free will yet the outcome is known, then it's not free will. The decisions one makes that one believes are "free" were actually preordained, which then brings up huge issues, like why a god that demands worship would make it to where most people didn't worship it, or sin, or question, etc. For me personally, it's a story that wasn't thought through well enough. It wouldn't be picked up by any publisher in today's marketplace. And the amalgamation is even worse. For believers, I'm sure it's just that God decided to test out his creations and waved its all-knowingness. I mean, we're speaking about faith here, after all -- the belief that people evolving through natural means is impossible, with a great creator speaking them into existence being the only logical way. If I were to believe in God and personally attribute everything to God that I'm told it's capable of and is, then I would have to believe that God knew (and knows) everything. Thus people having free will becomes an illusion. Because if I were to believe that God didn't know, then I couldn't rightly attribute God with being the absolute supreme most powerful thing I could ever possibly imagine.
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• United States
26 Apr 13
Funny I don't have a problem with G-d knowing everything And human having free will. How? Just because he Knows what shirt you are going to pick out does not mean He is willing to stop you! In other words life is a huge chess game and G-d is just waiting for you to make your first move. he is about 10 moves ahead! In other words you choose which way and then he goes with it. For some reason He didn't want robots, beings he could tell Exactly what to do.
• United States
26 Apr 13
You have never felt like a pawn in the chess game between the devil and G-d? I always seen it as a fight between brothers and us humans are the toys. G-d has more and the Devil keeps stealing His! I do believe 80% of our fate is written as early as the morning after when our mom and dad wake up! the 20%, it is up to us. but like a master chess player , g-d is ten steps ahead.
• United States
26 Apr 13
But if God knows the shirt, then it's not you picking out the shirt. You just think you're picking out the shirt, when in fact it was always destined that you were going to pick out that shirt. So there is no free will or chance or freedom whatsoever. It's just an illusion with someone in charge knowing the outcome. And even if someone wants to wax all Touch or MIB 3 on it, with God knowing an assortment of outcomes, they're still preordained outcomes and nothing is chance or free or chosen by an individual. It's all just part of some destined plan, and our lives are nothing more than the entertainment arm of a creator.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Apr 13
Now, Sararuthbeth22, if you are going to start asking questions about those bible stories, you are going to discover they are only stories and do not add up. Your logic is flawless. God would know what was going to happen. It had to be a set up and their god likes punishment. All he needed was an excuse. Clearly, this is not the Real God. Now if you were blindly accepting like many people, you would be happy with the stories. They might say that thinking is dangerous, however it is crucial if one ever wants to discover the truth. I must admit. You have come up with some really good questions for the Adam and Eve story. They shine a light on reality.
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• United States
26 Apr 13
Thanks. I just started to think Why in the hell would a G-d plant a tree and think humans wouldn't touch it? At first I thought it was a first time parent move. You know saying no to a two year old . But then I thought , for that to be true then g-d wouldn't know Everything in advance! Oops! That is when I knew it was a huge set up. A way to blame women on Every bad thing on earth! At lease with the Pandora story the reason is crystal clear, revenge. but Eden? It makes G-d sound either so naive or vicious.Neither are true!
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
28 May 13
If I remember from my catholic school days, wasn't it that he gave Adam and Eve the freedom to make their own choices? Didn't he give them paradise and life to live forever? And if I remember correctly, he told them if they stay clean and pure they will live forever and in paradise. So basically he gave them the choice to make. And they chose what they did.
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@JohnRok1 (2051)
27 Apr 13
They didn't have to fail the test. But they chose to. It is a function of God's nature that He can be shocked without being surprised. So Christ in Gethsemane, sore amazed. Yet He had known it would happen.
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• United States
28 Apr 13
Why be so shocked when you Know what is going to happen.By the time G-d came down as Christ He Should have known about human nature. with Adam and Eve , I understand a little better. His first time trying to connect with humans.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
26 Apr 13
Adam fell that man could be. He could not have children until after the fall. This was part of the overall plan. God in his perfection, cannot create anything inperfect. Also, God will not force and gives everyone freedom of choice. Adam and Eve saw that to have children, (probably more of woman's desire, Adam and Eve choice to fall so that they could realize the plan that they could have children. Else, why was Jesus planned as the Savior before the foundations (creation) of the earth. It is all his great plan.
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• United States
26 Apr 13
" G-d cannont create anything imperfect."? Then a non christian is perfect as is? He/she shouldn't be forced to follow Christ?
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
25 Apr 13
I believe God did not know which way they would choose. On the other hand I don't believe he was shocked either. The possibility that they would make the wrong choice was necessary. God made provisions for their failure and eventual salvation.
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• United States
26 Apr 13
I think He Knew they would fail and Planned it that way. A set up.
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• United States
27 Apr 13
Either way G-d isn't flawless! I prefer the first thought. G-d took All that time making the universe and Still didn't know How Adam was going to lean. Sounds like a first time parent! The second does not make sense. if you know the beginning And the end , you MUst know the middle. Even us humans can figure middles if we are given the beginning and the end.
• Canada
26 Apr 13
I've been setup to fail a number of times by superiors. I didn't like it much. Personally I have a difficult time swallowing the concept that God could possibly be that unfair. That leaves me with two possibilities that I can discern that still work for me. Feel free to tear into both of them. Neither line of thought is unassailable. The simplest is that God really didn't know which way Adam would choose. He had plans in either event. I don't believe we are able to thwart God's will. Notice Genesis 22:12 Partial quote here, "For now I know that you fear God". The implication to me is that before this point God wasn't sure. Theologians debate the point - endlessly. The other line of thought is wrapped up in the concept that God exists outside of time and space. He has no beginning or end as we understand it according to the bible. If time constraints don't mean anything to God, then it is possible for God to know exactly how everything turned out from the beginning without being responsible for our bad choices and decisions. God knows the beginning because he IS there and he knows the end because he IS there.
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@arpazia (191)
• United States
26 Apr 13
Hes god, all knowing and all seeing, so wouldn't that mean he already knew? So I think the same way you do.
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• United States
25 Apr 13
The way I heard it was that God had to put some kind of test for them in the Garden as Satan would accuse God of protecting them. Something about them not having a choice to follow or not. I am not sure why he thought that as they could have had the same weakness that Satan had and that was of pride.
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• United States
26 Apr 13
You mean G-d didn't know how proud humans are? Wow! Well now He Knows.
• United States
27 Apr 13
Of course! That is why he refused to serve us humans.
• United States
26 Apr 13
God knew but did Satan?
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28 Nov 13
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