Man and Women vs Same Gender

United States
April 25, 2013 1:59pm CST
I was talking to someone at work about my views on marriage. I believe that marriage is between one man and one women. But nowadays we have people of the same gender that want to get married. I don't believe in telling people how they should live their life. Heck if to people of the same gender want to get married, fine. But i don't believe they should call it a marriage. Maybe a Union. I don;t have anything against people who are attracted to the same gender. They're awesome fun loving people. But I also believe if God intended for two people of the same gender to be together, God would allow them to reproduce. You know what I mean? What are your opinions about marriage when it comes to a man and women or two people of the same gender?
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8 responses
26 Apr 13
Religion has no right to dictate what is legal or not: the law should be secular and apply equally to people of all beliefs. Marriage also has nothing to do with reproduction: it's purely two people who wish to state their desire to spend their life together - the only real difference (apart from traditional views of marriage dictated by religion) is in the tax system which always allowed more leeway to a married couple, whether that's marriage, common law marriage or some other officially recognised pair-bonding ritual... and those advantages are being removed in favour of a more equitable system (at least in the UK). From what you say, you're upset by the use of a word, not the actual act. All you have to do is tell yourself that marriage between two people of the same gender is now called "Flimbywonkle" and everything will be fine.
27 Apr 13
Religion has nothing to do with reproduction - and neither does modern pair bonding. The days of it being absolutely essential that everyone reproduce are long, long, long past: modern civilisation could actually do with a lot less reproduction and a lot more long-term pairing. The traditional, Christian idea of marriage is - to be blunt - outdated and based upon (a) beliefs that shouldn't be inflicted on non-Christians and (b) concerns and social views that are irrelevant in modern times. Unfortunately, losing social relevance is a common problem in religions that are so old and well-established. I'm all for marriage - I intend to marry my lady, for starters - but I don't see why a social contract that shows our love and desire to spend our lives together should be limited to people of one gender, age, belief or anything else. Provided it has no impact on anyone else's life or my financial (and other) responsibilities to society as a whole, the piece of paper that says people are married is just that: a piece of paper.
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
Perhaps, the state should define what a marriage is and go from that. Religion has its definition and will go by that and the state has its own. I guess this is one issue where the state and religion should be really opposite but still without 'overruling' each other. I would gather that the tax system was designed to worked that way because the couple (man and woman) would be building a family and producing children.
• United States
27 Apr 13
SpikeTheLobster I see what you are saying, but have you thought about this. What if everyone had homosexual relationships? No one would reproduce, there for the human race would be extinct. Thats not what God intended.
• United States
26 Apr 13
I kinda agree with you. Being a Christian. Marriage is biblical to me so based on my beliefs it's between a man and woman. On the other hand, I am a liberal and feel that if the word Union was used rather than Marriage it would go over a little better with those opposed to it. This is really an issue I'm divided over because I don't want to be discriminatory and feel people should not be judged on their sexuality and be free to date who they want. On the other hand I believe what the Bible says about marriage. My question is what would be the difference in a civil union versus a marriage or is there really any difference at all?
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
I guess people who wants the same things as a heterosexual marriage would also love to use the term. I kinda resonate with you. Old fashioned and traditional as it might sound, when you say a marriage you mean a couple that consist of a man and a woman. That's what how I was brought. And it is always sacred although it might just imply on the blessing of the church and the community.
• United States
27 Apr 13
at Sherryrob1 thats how i feel too. I'm not trying to be mean or anything and i do believe what the bible says about marriage. This was a touchy subject to post about but i wanted to know everybody's opinion. Though the constitution is right that people do have the right to do what ever. God also give us a choice as well. He tells us what right in the bible, if we chose to do other wise, well we know the consequences. He clearly told Adam and Eve. But I believe the reason why Christians are upset about this is because we know that there are two forces on this earth. Good and Evil. And its one or the other. It can't be both. There is no such thing as luke warm. You know what I mean? And Jeanneyvonne. I see what you're saying as well. Again it is a very touchy subject. And some people only look at it as one sided instead of looking at both sides.
@youless (112915)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Apr 13
I am not against to the gay marriage. As some people who are born to be gay and it is not their fault. The gay people can have true love, too. So why they can't get married? They shall enjoy the same rights as other normal couples. It will be painful for them that they can't get married because they are gay people. Try to imagine if it happens to you, what do you feel?
@much2say (57370)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Apr 13
I know a beautiful couple - they are loved and respected by many. They have an adorable daughter and I must say they are doing a most excellent job parenting this young girl. They are an amazing, happy family - no one can deny them of that. I think these two moms have every right to be married - and they are!
• United States
27 Apr 13
Thats great, but how did that little girl come about? Whose daughter was she originally? Was she adopted? I find it interesting how you may have a homosexual couple and there is always one who is more feminine then the other or more masculine.
• United Kingdom
26 Apr 13
I don't think marriage of the same gender should be discriminated. Maybe in your mind, you don't exclude two people of the same gender to live together. So what ever it calls, such as marriage or union or some words else, if two people can lead a happy life, then let them do. Substance over form, isn't it? :P
• United States
27 Apr 13
No one here is discriminating. Just a thought. Have you looked at it at both sides? or just one. The way I was brought up marriage is between a man and a women. But clearly that has changed. What were you thought growing up?
• Canada
25 Apr 13
Marriage used to be a thing of "God" I have heard..but didn't that change when people started getting married in Las Vegas or at City Hall with town officials? I don't see the big deal as God as outdated a concept as Marriage is nowadays.
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
God as outdated a concept[b][/b] When did this happen? If this happened, there will no one who would claim to be religious.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
25 Apr 13
I feel they can do what ever they want to in the homes. Not anyones business but theirs.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
25 Apr 13
you are right to a point but here I will say this do you want people to know what you do behind a close door as it is and i say this freely I am gay I want the right to marry a man call it what you want at the end of the day is it your right t know who i sleep with