Body Hair Removal

April 27, 2013 3:48am CST
It's been the fashion for many decades now for people to remove unwanted and unsightly body hair, but opinions and reasons for this vary widely. +In the UK, USA and large parts of the Western world, it's considered unsightly for women to have hairy legs and arm pits. But it's not so in places like Germany and, I think, many Asian areas. +Likewise, in more or less the same places, women tend to remove the hair, in varying degrees, from their bikini areas. +Lots of men get the hair removed from not only their faces, but also their chest, arms, legs and more personal areas. +Many women, and men, do this simply because it's the fashionable thing to do, many because it's better looking, others because it's more hygienic or cooler or even provides a more imtimate feeling when being romantic. +I personally shave my face fairly regularly because my wife prefers it and do other, more personal, areas because it is cooler of more hygienic. +What is the opinion of this where you live? +Beauty +Grooming +Shaving +Fashion
8 responses
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
In Philippines, just like where I was now, women take it seriously in shaving armpits or pluck the hair out mainly for hygienic purposes. People regard women as sexy and pretty when they don't have peering armpit hairs or any visible hairs in the body. It is embarrassing to show those stuffs off the public. Filipinos are concern more on what other people say about you, so they try to camouflage or blend in, so that people will no longer say bad things about them in public. Those women that have excessive body hairs like the thick-stranded leg and arm hairs, they prefer to shave them off. Because if they do not, they could look manly. Further, women also regard shaving the armpit as the traditional fashion. The fashion that is acquired from the fifth generation ancestors until now -- the fashion of good grooming and beauty. On the other hand, Filipino men do not shave their armpits. It's like the hair adds to their masculinity or manhood appeal. Most of the girls may be get disappointed when the man they have a crush on does not have body hair, particularly in the armpit. So, most men tend to leave the hair in their armpits alone and show off in the public without hesitation, instead. Body hairs like chest hair may vary on impression and the likelihood to have them. Some men want to have chest hair simply just to look masculine and attractive. Others prefer not to because of some personal reasons. But body hairs are not really a big deal to most Filipino men. Many of them just leave them there.
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@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
29 Apr 13
I agree with you about women shaving armpit hair. They will lose their sense of beauty if they leave it grow. Men, according to me, will be better off with their chest being hairy. I do wish my chest would grow hair on it.
• Romania
28 Apr 13
man without hair on chest looks like a opinion
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@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
I'm from Philippines and the same thing is also happening in our country when it comes to removing unwanted body hairs. People spend too much just to get rid of those hairs. This is very evident in the showbiz world, of course they need to show different parts of their bodies when it is required or needed in their shows or movies, that's why they resolve into submitting themselves for hair removal sessions for them to look good all the times. In my end, never tried it even once, I find myself sexy with those few hairs all over my body.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Apr 13
I do shaving. On my legs and arm pits. Being a woman I would sweat alot if I didn't shave under my arm pits! I don't know how woman don't sweat with hairy arm pits! With my legs I do it more in the summer but when my legs start to itch in winter it is time to shave the legs! I also trim some of my facial hair. I have always had dark hair growing on the side of my face. I pluck my dark hairs on my chin. I see too many woman with chin hair! It is not pretty! I have bleached my upper lip because it gets to look like a mustache! I do it for myself because otherwise I don't feel as comfortable.
@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
28 Apr 13
I think hair in the chest looks sexy to women. This is only my opinion. So is hair in hands and legs. I have little hair in my hands, legs let alone in my chest. I used to expect that hair would grow in my chest.
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@Deepak2J (1177)
• India
27 Apr 13
Now-a-days ,the new generation just not like hair on body and most of them uses hair removal. Almost all girls are doing this. Few nos. of boys does this.
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@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
27 Apr 13
i don't know about the other countries in asia but in the philippines, the women pluck or shave their armpits. the men do not shave body hair but most of them shave their facial hair. filipinos are not full of body hair and most women do not shave their legs and arms. here in italy, when the summer season is near, the shops that offer the service of removing unwanted body hair are always busy. clients include both men and women. the women are very particular about this. the hair on their arms and legs are almost always removed when the warm weather starts. my reason for shaving unwanted hair is not based on beauty nor fashion. it's based on hygiene. i feel uncomfortable when i sweat and i have hair on my armpits. i know that sweat has no odor, but the bacteria that is found on these unwanted body hair together with the sweat might cause unwanted body odor too.
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3 Jan 19
Step #1: Trim it Up. trimming removes excess long hair thereby reducing complexity of shaving in next step Step #2: Shower Before Shaving A warm water shower is essential to get roots softer and making it easier to shave the body hair Step #3: Lather It On.Step if you want to apply any of the foam or cream because it contains mosituriser and other cleaning agent this helps in smoother shaving and minimal to low cuts #4: Shave it Off A good quality razor always helps in taking care of minimal cuts