Welfare Funds Terrorism & Does DHS Really Keep us Safe & the Immigration Hwy
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
April 27, 2013 1:08pm CST
I want to point out how the Boston Bombings brought to light so many of Obama's pet projects as useless and even dangerous.
First welfare; Imams are telling their adherants, collect welfare, this is a great way to fund jihad. Now we learn the brothers were collecting welfare.
DHS and FBI AND CIA all had information on the brothers as terrorists and dangerous for at least two years.
It is clear that at the very least, the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other federal agencies knew well ahead of time of Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and did nothing to prevent him from allegedly carrying out an attack. Understanding the insidious behavior of both the FBI and CIA, opens up a second and more troubling possibility – that the FBI and/or the CIA were directly involved in the Boston bombings themselves, using the Tsarnaev brothers as patsies. (not falsely framed, but allowed to commit terror for ulterior motives)
Regardless of which is true – there is more than enough evidence currently to remove the FBI from the Boston bombing investigation and open an immediate and urgent inquiry into both the FBI and CIA’s involvement and criminal improprieties in the lead up to the attacks.
There is also enough evidence for the American people to realize they have exchanged for the past decade, their liberty and dignity for safety and clearly have been left none of the above. It is also now clear that the American people possess the moral imperative to seize back their liberties and to throw off this expansive, ineffectual, stifling, incompetent and/or criminal federal security apparatus – from the DHS and TSA, to the FBI and CIA – who despite receiving billions annually and nearly limitless authority failed utterly to prevent the Boston Marathon bombings, and in fact appear to have played a central role in facilitating them.
And the immigration highway for terrorist to enter the country...not JUST in Mexico as illegals but LEGALLY and protected by the government's policies. One of the brothers had a student visa for a college in Ohio, never began his schooling, and lived openly in Boston. No one quesitoned this? No one at the college in Ohio alerted the authorities. It is no secret that the whole family was granted political asylum, student visas, etc. NOTHING was done to insure they were not dangerous despite the on going jihad that is being waged in Chechnya.
Yet, we law abiding citizens are groped and prodded and told it is for the safety of all, while DHS and Immigration allow a flood of legal AND illegal immigrants to enter our country without so much as a background check....which leads me to gun control....lol I'll leave it alone for now except to say this administration and the progressive left want to put everyone on a list of some sort to be watched....except those that really bear watching.
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6 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
28 Apr 13
..my truck driver husband told me he heard a report on the radio (while driving) that there is quite a few people getting paid very good wages to sign people up for food stamps, or whatever the programs are called in each state(?) And I can't remember where I heard it, but I heard - Oh! it was on the news.. (Fox News, the only actual reporting news on the boob tube left!(?) - the government is reaching out and working with the Mexican government to get illegal immigrants/undocumented folks on the food stamp rolls too.
- The bomber in Boston I noticed was walking around on two good legs, young.. etc. It's not that I'm even thinking of the money! I'm thinking of the undermining of our society and nation. I've known for a long time which way the world is going to go [collapse of man's (going global) system/empire]. But it sure seems to be speeding up. The movie 2016 was very revealing, as is "Atlas Shrugged" in a different sort of way.. "2016" if folks would watch it, is pretty informative. I think this progressive moving is well-intentioned, but let's face it, it's still socialism and socialism is built on an ever decreasing foundation. It just can't work. We've got a lot less percent of it than, well Chavez or Stalin.. but look at it already! Man, it'd be nice if folks would wake up. There's a lot to be said for a peaceful, o.k sort of life. Getting a biG brother (and less and less productivity thus more and more shortage).. not so good. My husband and I aren't worried for ourselves, we're worried for our grand kids..
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Apr 13
We granted the entire family political assylum and/or student visas. No background checks before hand due to America's supporting Chechnya's war for independence from Russia. It seems America STILL backs al qaeda despite being attacked by them once 12 years ago.
@robspeakman (1700)
27 Apr 13
I can't respond to this, it is nothing more than typical American paranoia.
So they were claiming welfare? Would they be viewed differently if they were gainfully employed like that upstanding American Timothy Mcviegh?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Apr 13
'typical American paranoia' May I remind you; IT IS NOT PARANOIA IF THEY REALLY DO WANT TO KILL YOU.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Apr 13
And by the way; Tim McVeigh WAS EXECUTED and every decent America cheered when he was.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
28 Apr 13
All I know is that people can easily walk into our country and get all the benefits and more than the average American that needs it. As Russia put out, both countries needs to do a better job on making sure people like these two brothers can leave the country so easily. Funny, how they where on welfare, because according to the media, neither brother had a job of any sort. Just proves our government is going down the crapper faster than I can say hi. Can't really blame the FBI or the CIA, because you have to look at who controls them. There are to many things that have happened that the government knew and chose to ignore it.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 May 13
The bombings are only one example of the gaping holes in US security from such terrorism. I have thought for a long time we are virtually unprotected from random attacks on many fronts. Even worse is that so many social programs in the USA are freely dealt to people who will use them against us. I have said and will say again that the only real protection or hope the US has is for people to return to God and regain his favor as a nation. Psalm 11:3 says if the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do? I still believe we can with God's help rebuild the lost foundations of this country.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
28 Apr 13
As far as welfare is concern, I believe every legal and qualified American is entitled to it - including Muslims.
But, I have questions on how the case was being treated from the start where it should be the CIA or DHS interviewing the suspect when they placed him on the terrorist list. Does FBI have it to conduct terrorist investigations? It is very clear here that it is not so.
In all, I feel CIA's responsibilities should not be absolved from this attack because they were the ones that first got the information to react and plan the course of investigations with their expertise.
DHS should have the manpower and technology to follow the suspect tailing him and investigate comprehensively into his background, bank accounts and whatever that could reveal his involvements and plans.
Or, are these agencies being held back by human rights to conduct such extensive and comprehensive investigations? Then, the question will be does these terrorists including suspected ones have rights when they do not give others the due rights?

@artemeis (4194)
• China
28 Apr 13
I must be wondering what goes on during that crucial interview which to me was probably inviting the suspect for a cup of Starbucks special brew and sending him home. This despite having phone conversations recordings between the suspect and his mother about jihad which is now being revealed over the press.
What was FBI doing? Only God knows.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Apr 13
Russia asked us to interview him years ago. We did and found nothing to concern us, this despite his family's invovement in questionable activities in their home country before assylum was granted. Russia warned us he was a dangerous person (the elder brother) and we placed him on TWO watch lists. YET, he was not watched and entered our welfare system with no problems.
I have a problem with that even if he wasn't Muslim. There is so much more to this story than I am relating here.

@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
29 Apr 13
So how do you like the feel that the US government can shutdown a town for a day and send in government law enforcment in. This shows the power the government now has. It was like marshal law for a day or two there.
So could the use this kind of power to clean up Chicago? or anywhere else.