Turbo is trying to nap!

United States
April 27, 2013 1:49pm CST
The poor little puppy is all sorts of tuckered out! The kids all took him for walks this morning. Then, the twins had a birthday party down the road so we all walked down there. Then hubby came home from work and brought the dog for a walk. Hubby played with him a bit, then decided to go out and run some errands, and he brought the dog with him for a car ride. The dog just got back, and is trying to snooze on the sofa. Hubby left again to go to a store and brought the younger boys with him, so it's just me and the twins at home with the dog. Every time one of the twins does something.. moves, walks around, makes a sound, the dog perks up and looks to see what's happening. Then he flops his head back down again to try to sleep! It's actually kind of cute! I feel sort of bad for him because in this hectic house it is hard to get a nap in! But I know it won't take long for the dog to get used to the chaos and be able to sleep through it! The younger boys are back now.. so much for nap time for puppy! LOL Does your animal have trouble sleeping around your kids?
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6 responses
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
28 Apr 13
Really very funny. I have no kids here and the cats could always find a place to hide and sleep. Now old Tiger is so elderly the house could fall down around him and Princess demands to go up to sleep at the foot of the bed, on hubby's side. She will in fact try to tell him off and make him go to bed when she thinks it is time.
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
28 Apr 13
Pets rule.
• United States
28 Apr 13
LOL.. I'd love to see that! Hubby and Turbo have been fighting over the same seat of the sofa..
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@GreenMoo (11833)
28 Apr 13
Our puppies are living in the wood shed, but as it's the weekend they aren't getting a moment's peace! They've just got to the stage where they try and bark at you and try to look scary when you go round there. So cute!
• United States
28 Apr 13
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
28 Apr 13
Sweetie Belle does not get much sleep some days with Lily wanting to bug her all the time. She is pretty good about sleeping through Lily running through the house though. I am sure Turbo will figure out soon enough that if he wants to take a nap he is going to have to learn to sleep through the noise.
• United States
28 Apr 13
Maybe you should get a 2nd cat so Lily has another one to bug.. that way they'll each get a break sometimes, LOL! Shelters have some great older cats and can tell you which ones might be best for Lily since she likes carrying them around. Yes, it won't take too long for Turbo to adjust to the noise.. but he'll get some peace during the day when the kids go to school.. until summer vacation that is!
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
27 Apr 13
LOL that poor pup... perhaps he will get a break when the kids go back to school. I am glad he is fitting in and that they are wearing him out. All of that extra energy he has can be put to constructive play instead of getting into things that he is not suppose to. I have to laught when I think about him on the couch and every little noise waking him up!
• United States
27 Apr 13
I know, it was kind of funny, but a little sad at the same time!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Apr 13
Turbo has had a busy day no wonder he is tuckered out and of course he will get used to the noise in time. Every home needs a pet and you appear to have hit the jackpot with Turbo. My first German Shepherd slept under my first son's crib and was very protective of him and the other sons when they came. She would stand so patiently whilst he would tug at her coat to lift himself up. He learnt to walk whilst holding oin to Bridgette. They were in love with each other and if he or his subsequent brothers were in the pram then no worker/stranger could come near to the pram as she would go into attack stance and give warning growls. After the third child she could sleep through any noise
• United States
27 Apr 13
I have heard that german shepards are fiercely loyal to their family! This one seems to be too already!
@lakshmi11 (278)
• United States
28 Apr 13
When we first had our beagle he was tiny, all black and full of mischief. But as she was a baby of course she was tired a lot, but didn't want to sleep,when we were eating,.. being a beagle and all. So I remember her watching us eat and falling asleep in between, she was so tired she just fell over. -
• United States
28 Apr 13
Awww, lol, how cute!