Financial Aid, Scholarships, Loans, and it STILL isn't enough?

@tawny_24 (341)
United States
April 27, 2013 4:26pm CST
I was struggling really hard to pay bills and make tuition until I started figuring out the on-line work thing. Now things are good, but before I used to lay awake at night wondering what I was going to do. So now that things have kind of resolved themselves, I'm just curious as to what other people out there had to do, are doing, or would do in order to complete a degree.
1 response
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
27 Apr 13
It's good that to know that everything is working well for you now :) Education is very important, especially these days. Most companies require a college degree before you get accepted. If ever I was put in a situation where I am unable to finish the course, I think I'll stop studying first, look for a job, save enough money then go back to school again. Or if I can, I'll try to do both school and work. It's a good thing that there are many ways where we can all resort to in order to earn money. And I'm also glad that the Internet has provided us with a lot of options :)
@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
28 Apr 13
Ya, totally, I checked out your blog. You really have done your homework on different models of earning an income. Too bad so many of them are so time consuming, or low paying. I'm so glad that I found a blogging platform that also creates an income, I don't have to try to make my content match a product or worry about marketing something I don't even want to use. It's actually better than I'm making it sound, because the platform is also a learning center for people who want to become top earners online. I'm always learning so much that I can apply that moment that if I do end up spending hours at it, it turns out to be fun. Not only that but it links me up with a whole mess of people who are on the same page. You know motivated people who are also having huge success. I put a link to an informational video on my profile if you want to check it out.
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
The blog still has a lot to improve on :) I just don't have the time yet to figure out on what to do with it because I'm caught up with the writing stints :) I'll check out the link. Thanks a lot for sharing! :)
@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
28 Apr 13
You know I didn't think your blog looked bad at all... :) It looked like you are exactly who you say you are. :) It was cute. Do you promote a product on your blog like mine, or do you make posts just for fun?