My left eye stings like there's an irritation on it

United States
April 28, 2013 11:02am CST
My left eye began bothering me this week, and yesterday, it was severe enough for me to remove my contacts. I figured I'd give my eyes a rest for a day or so, but the left one was still red and irritated this morning. I've been wearing contacts since I was 14 years old. I've been wearing soft lenses that are made for someone with astigmatism. I rarely wear my glasses because my eyes have a hard time adjusting between the two. Wearing glasses, I have no peripheral vision because my eyesight is so poor. But in contacts, I'm alright. I hope that I didn't scratch my cornea-it takes a lot longer for it to stop bothering me.
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7 responses
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
28 Apr 13
I would rinse your eye out with some kind of drops to make sure you have not got dust or some kind of hair in your eye this can happen as you know and you have done that right thing by taken them out of your eyes if it still bother you in a day or two I would go to your eye doctor to have it looked at
2 people like this
• United States
28 Apr 13
I don't have anthing but saline here, so I'll have to tough it out and wait until my boyfriend wakes up to drive me to the store.
• Mexico
28 Apr 13
ok well i hope it gets better soon
• United States
28 Apr 13
I appreciate it.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Apr 13
hi scorpiobabes with something as important as your eyes I do think you should see your optometrist and have your eyes checked as with a scratched cornea they can give you something to heal and ease the itching.
• United States
28 Apr 13
I've done it before-all they did was give me some drops and make me wear an eye patch to prevent me from blinking all the time. I'm doing my best to keep that eye closed as much as possible, and it does seem to be helping. I will have to start searching for a neuro-opthamologist because of my MS. It appears I have a condition called low-vision and I starred noticing changes three or four years ago. I need things to be high contrast and brightly lit-my eye doctor just said it was because I slept in my lenses, so I'll get properly disagnosed.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
28 Apr 13
I do hope that this is not going to be serious and that you will be able to recover soon. If the pain still persists after a time of rest, then please do not delay to see a specialist to have it looked at. All the best.
• United States
28 Apr 13
My eye is feeling better, but I think I'm not going to be wearing them for a while. They're disposables, so I'll just put in a fresh pair when I need to drive. But if it worsens, I'll go see my eye doctor.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
28 Apr 13
I also wear contacts for a long time now, and yes I would advise for you to give it a break for a couple of days. If the condition still persists, then maybe you should consult an eye doctor ASAP. Our sight is not something that we can just take in stride and take for granted. I hope you'll be okay soon.
• United States
28 Apr 13
That's what I plan on doing anyway. No driving anywhere alone-it's hard the first few days to adjust back to glasses, and at first, I was quite dizzy last night.
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
Hi! I think you need to consult an eye specialist as soon as possible. I also wear contact lenses when I am out. I had an astigmatism before and the doctor advised me not to wear colored lenses anymore as it causes astigmatism. If the case got worst, it may lead to blindness. Good thing I went for check up as soon as I had an eye irritation after trying to cure it with Eye Mo. I have worn eyeglasses even if I don't want to on my work. The reason I don't want to wear eyeglasses before is that because it frequently have moist (I work in a humid environment).
• United States
28 Apr 13
Contact lenses have nothing to do with astigmatism. I have had astigmatism since I was 7 or 8 years old, and started wearing contacts around 14 or 15. Astigmatism is a condition where your eyeball changes shape, causing your eyes to haveproblems focusing without correction aids, like glasses or contacts. You cannot do anything to cause it. I read somewhere that wearing colored contacts can lead to blindness. I refuse to wear them-my eyes are a blue-green hazel, do I see no need to change them to brown or amber.
@CuteMandy (162)
• China
29 Apr 13
It is very strange you are alright with the contacts. I feel contacts are very dangerous to the eyes. You'd better go to the doctor as soon as possible because eyes are the most important organ to see the world.
• United States
29 Apr 13
Each sense is equally important. And wearing contacts versus glasses is a better way to compensate for my vision loss. Wearing contacts, I have wonderful peripheral vision that disappears the moment I put on glasses instead-something that is vital when driving a motor vehicle. My left eye isn't bothering me today, but I'm taking a break from my contacts anyway.
• Canada
28 Apr 13
Could be pinkeye? I get it sometimes, and that is how it feels. Polysporin Antibiotic Eye/Ear Drops usually clears it up in a few days without wasting time waiting for a Dr.'s appt. And in your case..paying for a Dr.'s appt. Ours are free here in Canada, but not prescriptions. And a Dr. can often prescribe the same thing that is available on the shelpf without paying for the 'dispensing fee' the pharmacy charges. I started wearing contacts when I was 17 and bought a motorcycle. I NEEDED that peripheral vision that was missing wearing prevent being run down by the cars that gave no respect to 'bikes'. If you do suspect pinkeye, then make sure to put a few drops of the antibiotic drops in your contact case, as well, for a few days while being soaked, and rinse them daily putting new solution in, until you begin wearing them again. I would take a few days off wearing them...IF you can. If not, only wear them when absolutely necessary (driving?), putting them in the case to soak whilst adding a couple of drops of the antibiotic in it daily as well as using it in your eyes. It should clear up soon. If not, maybe you did scratch your eye. That does tend to take awhile to heal and irritates quite a bit. DON'T SCRATCH!!!! as it makes it worse. I know it is hard, but do your best, hon. *HUGS*
• United States
28 Apr 13
I'm 99% sure it isn't pink eye because my eyes weren't glued shut with discharge. I had it when I was 11 or so, and I've also had scratched corneas-this feels more like the latter. I'm going to try to not wear them for a while; I've done it before and my eyes have improved.