The Flood and the Dinosaurs
By AndyTwin2
@AndyTwin2 (75)
United States
April 28, 2013 9:11pm CST
So I thought about this for a while. First i should ask, do you believe Dinosaurs existed? I mean, they have had to right? There's bones to prove it. But Then you ask yourself this. Would a kind loving God create such horrible beings? I don't think so. Now this is just my opinion, be i think that before the time of the flood, that human beings were so much more smarter then us today because they were a lot closer to God. THey were also very wicked. All except Noah and his family. (And yes the flood is real, they actually found the ark on Mount. Ararat in Turkey). I believe (like today how we mixed gene's of other animals and go grafting) that possibly the human beings were doing the same thing as well. Is that far fetched? Anyway, I believe that the dinosaurs were not wiped out due to the big bang or a astroid. It was because they drowned. Hence why the bones were buried so deep. What do you guys think? How does the flood and the dinosaurs line up?
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9 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
29 Apr 13
Certainly dinosaurs existed and they weren't such 'horrible creatures' as you seem to think ... certainly no more 'horrible' that today's lions, tigers, wolves, sharks and any other animal which lives by killing other animals. In any case, meat-eating dinosaurs were the exception - most of them were vegetarians.
It is very likely that some kind of flood was real because widely different cultures all over the world have 'flood' myths. The story of Noah in the Bible is one such and can be traced back to similar, much older stories current in many Middle Eastern cultures. It is simply a myth, passed down through countless generations with embellishments and personal names and place names added to make it more 'real'. The supposed site of 'Noah's Ark' on Ararat in Turkey is simply a roughly boat-shaped rock formation which has been vastly exaggerated by people who WANT to believe that the story is true!
Since time immemorial there have been tsunamis and other disasters, so it is not surprising that many cultures all over the world have folk memories of such things where just a few people survived to tell the tale. The disaster which killed off most of the large dinosaurs happened so long before humans were even thought of that it is very unlikely that our folk memories extend back that far. Whatever it was that caused the extinction (the most likely event is a huge meteorite strike in the area now known as the Yucatan peninsula in Central America), it resulted in a drastic worldwide change in climate which made it impossible for large animals to survive.
We know, from the fossil record, that some smaller animals were able to survive, including some warm blooded animals, about the size of rats, which were later to evolve into all of the mammals which we know today, including humans.
The only remnant of the true 'dinosaurs' living today are birds. Reptiles like lizards, snakes and crocodiles were already completely different species by the time of the 'great extinction' and many survived to evolve into the different orders that we have today.
You have to remember that the people who 'wrote' all of the Bible were NOT scientists in the way that we use the word today and knew nothing about many things which we accept as facts today. If they ever found fossils of large bones, they thought that they were the bones of dragons and made up fanciful stories about them. For many years, it was thought that finds of what were clearly the remains of sea creatures (shells and fish skeletons) in the rocks of mountainous areas were evidence of a 'great flood'. We now know that these fossils were actually made when the rocks they are now found in were deep under some ocean.

@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
30 Apr 13
I have no time to argue with a 'creationist' who is ignorant enough to trot out the classic "If we evolved from monkeys, why are there monkeys today?" argument. Until you decide to educate yourself by learning what evolution really is, you are no better than the people who put Galileo in prison for asserting that the Earth goes round the sun.
Of course SOME of the Bible is historically correct but it is not just one book. It is a collection of (mostly) Jewish writings which includes myths, legends, poetry, songs, history and many other things. It was never intended to be read as a literal, historical account from beginning to end. I'm afraid that that is not "simply my opinion". It is the opinion of the vast majority of educated Christians (and Jews) as well.
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
30 Apr 13
This whole discussion reminds me of this
@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
30 Apr 13
I don't doubt they exsisted, But it would have to be after sin. Because like you said, there were meat eaters, but everything God created were vegan. Not even vegetarians (Genesis 1: 29-30, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so." So the only meat we ate was the meat of the trees (which were the fruit or the herbs and such. Remember there was no sin which means there was no killing).
And you saying the story is not true is simply your opinion. And i could say the same thing about the big bang "Theory" and evolution. I don't believe this world just came to be with a big bang! I believe we have a creator who thought of every little detailed creature. Down to the amazing ant to humans and reproducing, animals, plants,Photosynthesis, the sun. moon. How vital water and ect.
I don't believe we evolved from monkeys because if we do, why do we still have monkeys today? why didn't they evolve into humans? Thats why evolution doesn't make sense. I know we have about 99 percent of the same chromosomes as apes, but thats just to show that we have the same creator! And as far a evolution goes, i do believe we adapted to our environment in order to survive. Which is one of the reasons why we have different races. I believe the earth was one plate. And people scattered and then the plates shifted. And after years and years the people that lived up north began to get lighter, there noses adapted to the cold and go thinner so they wouldn't take in so much cold air to their brains. They got lighter because they were covering themselves from the cold and didn't get much sunlight (kind of like what happens when we put a bandaid on our fingers, after a few days its lighter). People in the south adapted to the heat. Their hair and skin got darker. Their noses wider to take in more air. And their eyes were dark brown because they were constantly in the sun. Humans had to adapt to their environment.
And i don't doubt that what you say is true (as far as the shells and skeletons go) but you have to remember that the bible does line up with History and it is proven. The bible is historically correct. It does match up with the events like Egypt and the Romans and such. And again to each their own. Thank you for your input :)

@JohnRok1 (2051)
30 Apr 13
John MacKay and his Australian creationist colleagues have done some good work on this. One point made is that when people lived to near 1000, reptiles also lived to much higher ages. As reptile bones, unlike those of mammals, do not fuse, that means they also grew much bigger. Some of the species that disappeared may have become much smaller by the time they disappeared.

@JohnRok1 (2051)
30 Apr 13
John MacKay and I have different explanations for the decrease in lifespan. John thinks it was caused by a worsened environment, whereas I think it's due to impoverishment of the gene pool cause by the incestuous reproduction (for the second time in history) forced and enjoined on all that came out of the ark - It was only at around the time of Moses that it became forbidden to Israelites and it seems to have become out of bounds to a number of other races around the same time. Probably both factors had their part to play.
@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
30 Apr 13
Yes i agree with you. The creators were much larger then then they are now. And not only did creators and reptiles live longer, so did people, but over time our lifespans became shorter =/ thank you for your input :)

@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
29 Apr 13
I don't think dinosaurs were horrible but if you wonder if god could make such predatory creatures, just look at some predators living today.
This question reminded me of the poem Tyger by William Blake, that goes:
"Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?"
@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
30 Apr 13
Bionicman THank you for your input. Maybe i shouldn't have said horrible creatures. When i said that all i was thinking about was the t-rex. O_o And you do have a point. We have the shark, poisonous creatures. But depending on what you believe, in the bible originally everything God made was good. It wasn't until sin entered the world through Adam that everything went out of whack. And also humans were much taller then we were now. So maybe if God did create the dinosaurs, they weren't that much taller then us (Maybe we use to be somewhere along 16ft or something). But then again, if God did create dinosaurs, wouldn't they have been saved on the ark?
And I really like your poem. Were the stars suppose to be the meteorites? And the tears rain? And when they say lamb, do they mean Jesus?
@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
30 Apr 13
Owlwings. I just wrote out this whole thing for you and mylot failed to load. -_____- Lets see if i can remember what i wrote. When i wrote horrible creatures i was only thinking about the T-Rex. And Yes i totally agree with you when you say man is horrible. Look at what we did to this beautiful planet and the animals. And Yes God did create the tiger and shark and such creatures like that. But they weren't always evil. And yes the rose is very beautiful and has thrones, but again when God originally created them, everything was perfect and free from sin. It wasn't until sin entered the world through Adam that we got weeds and thrones. That animals started turning on each other. I don;t know if you believe in the Bible, but in Genesis 2:17-18 "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field."
And as far as religion goes, I can agree and disagree with your statement. I do agree that people use religion to control and manipulate people into doing what they want them to do. And that i believe is evil, but religion itself isn't evil. I believe that religion has its good points. It advises you what to do and what not, but its a choice. God never forces anyone to do anything. And if anyone does force you, you already know its coming from the evil one. There is one religion that I am not very fond of. And one day they are going to force you into accept their religion as the one true one and it going to be world wide (one religion one government: the new World Order). Now that is evil.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
29 Apr 13
"Is that far fetched?"
It seems to be the very definition of far-fetched. But to each their own.
If that's more plausible an explanation than what geology and paleontology and biology is able to provide, have at it.
But I only responded here because I had one burning question.
If the humans were that much more intelligent to where they were creating hybrids and more advanced with DNA than what we are today, then why couldn't anyone else make another boat?

@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
29 Apr 13
Hmm, good question. If you are referring to what happened with the flood, in the bible it says, they never seen rain before. So when noah kept preaching about it for 120 years i believe, they just laughed. They were just use to seeing mist and the morning dew. Thats what would water the crops and such. So when it finally rained, it was way too late to build a boat big enough or even durable enough to with stand the 40 days of rain. That ark took many years to build. The Ark's dimensions were at least 135 meters long (300 cubits), 22.5 meters wide (50 cubits), and 13.5 meters high (30 cubits). That's 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high! It could have been larger, because several larger-sized cubits were used. But the 45-centimeter (18-inch) cubit is long enough to show the enormous size of the Ark.
@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
29 Apr 13
Aw.... you have such a nice question e. I never thought about that. So it means dinosaurs and the flood has connection? It means science and the bible is correlated to each other. I do not know. For me, Noah and the flood is not that literal even though they found it on Turkey. If it is true, maybe half of the area were being flooded... I do not know but this is what I feel.
@kenshin2143 (1880)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
I do somehow believe that dinosaurs existed a long time ago. Anyhow, I think I would disagree with your statement that dinosaurs were horrible beings. Though they are pretty big according to fossils with scary features, they are just like our animals today. Lions and crocodiles kill and eat gazelles in the wild. Some bats sucks blood from other animals and other sorts of things.
@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
29 Apr 13
you do have a valid point. I can agree with you. I guess all i was thinking about was the t-rex. But can you imagine if they did exist while we were all here? I don't think we'd survive that long. Or we'd have to live underground or something. Thanks for your opinion. :)
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
30 Apr 13
I've heard scientists have found piles of bones and fossils much like a tide had washed them ashore.. and it sure answers the question of how sea life fossils come to be found in the desert. Yes, i think the dinosaur (and also the Cainites with the prominant? brow) disappeared through he flood. I'm thinking at "the fall" since mankind had been assigned overseer of the earth, the spirit of predatorness quickly entered the animal realm. And human, it seems, too.. But that is the fruit of having created rational creatures.. (because thinking ability includes the ability to choose). But heck, what's the other option? I'm amazed at God's patience!
And also, I think we humans greatly underestimate both God, and, His Great Plan of Salvation, i.e. I believe He reaches all. Because He can only be Perfect, and Perfection makes no, mistakes.

@peavey (16936)
• United States
29 Apr 13
It's hardly a question of whether they existed or not, with all the bones they've found. I don't see how dinosaurs were "horrible" other than being of a much larger size than we are used to.
I have wondered, though, at the intelligence of human beings back in time. It seems that the further we go, the less people can reason and understand things. People were much closer to God because they didn't hide in unnatural boxes called "science" or "logic" (which are sometimes neither).
@AndyTwin2 (75)
• United States
29 Apr 13
lol maybe i should have specified when i said horrible. All i was thinking about was the t-rex lol. And yes i see what you mean. And you know how we have/had giants? I believe the human race use to be really tall. There's a place called the valley of giants (if i can remember clearly). They found bones of giants somewhere in the middle east or something like that. Over time i feel like people became smaller and smaller and their lifespan decreased and on top of that so did their intelligence level. And also before the flood (i don't know if you believe in this event) but never use to eat meat. We had vegetation. But after the flood, it was all destroyed, so God allowed us to eat certain flesh as stated in Lev 11. So with that introduced to our diet, it shortened out lifespans as well.
@Hopefull90 (921)
• United States
30 Apr 13
As a child I thought they were made up but when I went to school I learned they were real. I went to a place close to Vernal, Utah where many Dinosaurs were all mixed up in a pile. I think this was caused as the flood water receded and like debris collected in the same spot. Of course, we have the Dinosaurs that were frozen with green stuff still in their mouth. I am not sure the Dinosaurs looked like mankind protrays them but they were big. I have a feeling the devil may have had something to do with the existence of these huge animals and that is one reason God allowed them to all die beside the fact they were probably too big to get into the ark.