Staring intensely at people’s eyes will make them afraid
By Frederick42
@Frederick42 (2043)
May 1, 2013 12:07am CST
In life, there are always people who mock at us, take advantage of us and even point out mistakes in us which are actually not even there. They try to make us feel inferior.
How to deal with such people? Arguing, quarelling may work in some cases, but I do not feel this will work in the majority of cases.
I had one uncle who used to ask me unnecessary questions. I did not know the answers to most of his questions. When I replied saying I did not know, he would give a sermon and speak as if lack of knowledge is a great crime.
One day when he asked a question, I just stared into his eyes. I looked into his eyes with total intensity. I could observe that the old man actually trembled a bit.
Well, that was the last time he ever asked any such question. That was the last time he ever tested my knowledge.
Staring has got a certain power which can sometimes even frighten courageous people. Even physically powerful people, in some cases, cannot stand in front of a person who can stare right into their eyes.
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2 responses
@TerribleMan (579)
• India
20 Sep 17
I am not repondin gto any of ur words in particular coz it is of no use. U will not understand anything and it wil be waste of my time and energy and it wil be a great sin on my part to read ur words and I wil not commit that sin. Glory be to God!
I am just responding coz I want to show the world that I have not been defeated by u and u r not the winner of this discussion. May the world knw that lies and fantasy will never prevail over truth, no matter how hard u try. I will emerge as winner, Even if I do not respond even then I am the winner and No, I do not even want an award. I will refuse an award, even if offered.
U dare to imagine I am the on ehaving ego problems. Definitely something is seriously wrong with u . U can not see the great wisdomin my posts. Voz if u see the truth in my posts, then u will have to change urself and that u will never do, no mtter what happens. U dare to say u copy God? U puny human being, God u can never copy, never in ll ur life. But u can imagine that u r copying God and this bizarre thought gives u great psychological satisfaction. But mind u, consequences wil definitely come nd wil hit u from all directions.
Who asked u to read the holy book? Nobody told u and yet u have the udacity to say I am the controlling lot. In reality, u r the controlling lot, in all ferocity, although u do not realize it or r only pretending. U r that blind- devoid of realization- u wil not recognize ur fault coz if u recognize- then u will have to change urself. And tht u will never do.
U r not even worthy of reading the holy book, not even to touch it. Give ur company to Satan and bask in his glory. Surely even this is what Satan wants and he is very happy in ur company. Enjoy each other, for that is what u want and God will never interfere in ur free will. U want to mould God according to ur ideas. U want to make aservant out of God instead of serving him an dthat is the reason why u r so angry.
Ur statement that U make no demand is laughable. Indeed, u have made me laugh. Indeed u have made lot of demands but my refusal to care for ur demands is troubling gu , though u will not admit it.
Hell is the ultimate justice of God. It is the greatness of God’s intelligence. Who r u to say that God should have abetter way to deal with wayward kids? Whatever way God is now using is the best, not ur way. Ur way is the worst; all that u spout, u devoid of understanding.
U dare to say I have been rude to u. But let me tell u even if I have been rude to you, then u should be happy about it coz I AM the on ethat is rude to u . The very fact that I – I - am rude to u is yur good fortune n it is ur education and u have a lesson to learn through me. I am ur teacher. Learn from me. Be ahungry student. What is the use of boasting? All ur boasts lie on the floor, scattered and shattered, helpless and forlorn. Is this then ur mettle? This is what they taught u in school? U memorized whatever givn in the textbooks without questioning u believed blidly all that was in he textbook and thus u have been brainwashed and u r also brainwashing ur children. Why r u sendin gyur children to school? Tell them to learn on their own. Allow them to search without a guide, find, question and discover for themselves, without anybody’s help. Let them stand on their own feet. You obediently follow the rules, procedure and policies of government instead of questioning. None is in the whole world blinde than u . Why r u paying ta x o the government?
If I told u to shut up, then it is ur blessed fortune coz I – I – told u to shut up. Be thankful to me. Be grateful to me. Instead, u r complaining. I am proud of myself for telling u to cloe ur mouth and I will also be proud of u if indeed u close ur mouth. Who gave u free speech? What do u know about free speech? Nothing u know. I am the one who knows and feel free to consider that I have an ego of which I amnot even aware od coz that will make u feel good.
U think u can win this discussion? Never will u win this discussion. That much capability u do not have. U cant even understand what I wrote above an du say the light is hurting me. Ur light I trample under me feet. Ur light I will drown in the Atlantic ocean.
U have no control over me. It is a great sin on my part to speak to u, but for u, it isa great fortune indeed that I have spoken to you. My frankness will feel bitter to you. Go ahed. Cause as much drama as u want. I just don’t care. There are mad people in the asylums who go around shouting and clapping their hands. That is also drama and I am not affected by such drama.
U cud have learnt a lot from this discussion and u culd have changed urself. Tgat is the reason God sent em to u. Yes, I have come to u bot not to be helped by u; but to help u. I am appointed by God. But u refused my help.U misunderstood and now u dare to say u r placing the truth out there. Nothing u can place out there.
I have every right to tell u to close ur mouth, but u do not have any right to tell me to close my mouth coz it is what u choose to do that counts. Moreover , u told me to be who I must, whch also includes the freedom to tell you to shut up, but u have no freedom t tell me to shut up coz I never told u to be who u must.
If there is hatred in my comments, then u are blessed coz those r MY comments. Learn from my comments. I am ur teacher. It is ur duty to learn from me but I have nothing to learn from u. I am not under any obligation to give any explanation, but u are under obligation to offer explanations. I will not answer any question which I do not want to answer and I will ignore u as much as I want, whenever I want. I will stop responding when I feel like stop responding and that moment will be a great one for me coz then I am free from u, freedom from reading ll ur bizarre ideas. Indeed, no freedom could be greater tha that.
Do u know what my religion teaches? No, u will not understand and why should I tell u anyway? Why should I satisfy ur curiosity? Did anybody ask tu to read the holy book? Did anybody say u should not question or search? If u want freedom, hthen u have to give others freedom. But remember, I have not given u any frredom and neither can u demand freedom from me coz I never said ‘Be who u must!” U r the one who said ‘ Be who u must!”
U want to be the winner of this discussion? Well, if u r so desperate, then I congratulate u and for ur sake, I am ready to accept defeat, for ur glory, I will pretend to surrender but remaiber, falsehood never will prevail over truth. I will shatter all ur lies and u will be forlorn.
U have the arrogance to say u keep on responding coz I need ur help. Fact is that when I stop responding, then u will also stop responding. If u really want to help, then u would have to keep on responding until I say : Hey, u are agreat guy, I have great ly been helped by u an dme life has now improved tremendously. But No, u know and I also knw that the moment I stop responidn, then u also wil stop.
U think I ma not happy. Let me tell u that my sadness is far better than ur happiness, my hatred is far better than ur love, mu rudeness is far better than ur politeness, my blind beliefs are far better than ur truth. Whateevr did they teach u in school? Nothing u have learnt.
U say all my actions will return back to me. If only I ahd agreed to whatever u said, then u wuld not have made this statement. U made that statement coz I disagreed. What injustice have I done to u What harm have I done to u? You r the one that has harmed me. U r the one that ahs done injustice tome. So, ur actions will return back to u .
I will always remain who I am and never will live my life in a way that is pleasing to you. I a undr no obligation to plz u. If u have any self-respect , u wil close ur mouth. The fact that u r not closing ur mouth is coz u have neither self-respect nor dignity. If only u had the honest to tell me u hate me and u want me to shut up, then I would have stopped responding coz I respect honesty. U like drama and that I don’t like. U like drama coz u r dishonest and liar. Be honest an dteell me that u nhate me. Tell the truth. Is the truth hurting u? Where is ur honesty? Does it need so much courage to be honest? Blessed are the honest ones. But when will u ever learn!
‘Be who you must!’ is what u said and this means I have the freedom to be a person who tells u to close ur mouth. Definitely. And will my actions return back to me? Let them If somebody in future tells me to close my mouth, guess what? I will close my mouth. What is the big deal? I hate you. So what? Will somebody in future hate me in return? Let him hate as much as he wants. Let the whole world hate each other. My hatred is far better than ur love.
After saying “ I make no demands” u have the arrogance to say me to think, learn and grow. My refusal to think is far better than ur thinking, my not learning is far better than ur learning and my stagnation is far better than ur growth. Indeed ur thoughts are poisonous, ur education is worthless and ur growth is the most terrible stagnation in the world. Indeed, ur life is not a waste. How can it be? Ur life is full of drama, hurting others, dumping ur ideas on others, judging others, endless debates for nothing in particular. Indeed, how can ur life be a waste? All those who disagree with you- their life is the waste. All those who are being who they are – their life si the waste. All those who live their life in a manner whch is different from ur own- their life is the waste. What is the use of calling anybody wonderful when u do not mean it? I can see right through u. I knw what u are. U are adishonest liar, corrupt u are. Yes, of course I hate u and I will continue to hate u and if my hate returns back to me, then let it be so coz my hatred is better than ur love.
U placed a lot of conditions on me. U r angry coz I said I will not live my life according to ur conditions. Why would u be angry? What is for u to gain? The gain is psychogical happiness and u r angry coz u r insane. Ur insanity can be seen all through ur posts. Even after pointing, u dare to contradict urself.
Let me tell u that even hell- the most horrible place- is better than ur company. If God gives me two options- either ur company or hell for eternity- then I will gladly choose hell, without a single moment of hesitation. My sin was to respond to this discussion. Fool that I am, I responded even without looking at who the author is. Usually, I just respind without looking the names of the authors. Hneceforth, I need to be very careful and any of ur discussions I will avoid to the ebst of my ability.
What is the use of making all sorts of lofty discusiions, when u don’t evn know how many leaves are there in the tree which grows in ur own garden? Nothing u wil be able to do when u r struck by earthquake or hurricane, unless God wills it. U r so powerless and yet u have the gall to say u will help me. U r the one that needs help, u proud and arrogant. How dare U? Surely my holy book nd religion is troubling gu a lot. That is evident from ur posts, although u don’t admit it. In fact, ur evry denial is the admittance. And the whole world knows it by now.
I will always acknowledge the fact that I am evil and a horrible sinner. I have no shame to accept this fact. Yes, his is how God sees me and he has that right. Yes, God is the most intelligent of all and yet he created hell for the evil-minded. That is his way, his wish, hs choice. Yes, my source comes from the book which man wrote but mind u, that men were inspired by God. Feel free to think I am memorizing from my holy book. Yes, I am memorizing and I will continue to memorize. Will I refuse to change until it hurts? Why should I feel hurt? Whenever I feel hurt, I will pray to the Lord and the hurt will just disappear and this has happened many times. There is no need for me to change and No, I do not resist change. I do not need any resistance. I DO NOT NEED any change. GOT IT, U liar?
I am under no obligation and no duty towards u. If u do not want to leave me alone, then don’t leave me alone. What can u do Keep on responding? All right. Keep on responding. As if I care! Respond as much as u want! Respond until there is breath in ur body! Who cares Would I care for you. My silence is better than ur speech and my speech is better than ur silence. My actions are better than ur wordsa dn my words are better than ur actions. My ego is far better thn ur egolessness. Ur comments have not shaken me in the least. The again, my being shaken is better than ur not being shaken. My fear is better than ur courage.
Whi cares what ur life? I have got free speech, but u have none coz guess what? U said “Be who u must!” but I never told u that. So, I am underno obligation to yoyu. U will question even God, is it? Go ahead, Question God. My Not questiong is better than ur questioning, My not searching is better than ur searching and all your discoveries are far worse than my not having discveerd anything.
@TerribleMan (579)
• India
20 Sep 17
am not repondin gto any of ur words in particular coz it is of no use. U will not understand anything and it wil be waste of my time and energy and it wil be a great sin on my part to read ur words and I wil not commit that sin. Glory be to God!
I am just responding coz I want to show the world that I have not been defeated by u and u r not the winner of this discussion. May the world knw that lies and fantasy will never prevail over truth, no matter how hard u try. I will emerge as winner, Even if I do not respond even then I am the winner and No, I do not even want an award. I will refuse an award, even if offered.
U dare to imagine I am the on ehaving ego problems. Definitely something is seriously wrong with u . U can not see the great wisdomin my posts. Voz if u see the truth in my posts, then u will have to change urself and that u will never do, no mtter what happens. U dare to say u copy God? U puny human being, God u can never copy, never in ll ur life. But u can imagine that u r copying God and this bizarre thought gives u great psychological satisfaction. But mind u, consequences wil definitely come nd wil hit u from all directions.
Who asked u to read the holy book? Nobody told u and yet u have the udacity to say I am the controlling lot. In reality, u r the controlling lot, in all ferocity, although u do not realize it or r only pretending. U r that blind- devoid of realization- u wil not recognize ur fault coz if u recognize- then u will have to change urself. And tht u will never do.
U r not even worthy of reading the holy book, not even to touch it. Give ur company to Satan and bask in his glory. Surely even this is what Satan wants and he is very happy in ur company. Enjoy each other, for that is what u want and God will never interfere in ur free will. U want to mould God according to ur ideas. U want to make aservant out of God instead of serving him an dthat is the reason why u r so angry.
Ur statement that U make no demand is laughable. Indeed, u have made me laugh. Indeed u have made lot of demands but my refusal to care for ur demands is troubling gu , though u will not admit it.
Hell is the ultimate justice of God. It is the greatness of God’s intelligence. Who r u to say that God should have abetter way to deal with wayward kids? Whatever way God is now using is the best, not ur way. Ur way is the worst; all that u spout, u devoid of understanding.
U dare to say I have been rude to u. But let me tell u even if I have been rude to you, then u should be happy about it coz I AM the on ethat is rude to u . The very fact that I – I - am rude to u is yur good fortune n it is ur education and u have a lesson to learn through me. I am ur teacher. Learn from me. Be ahungry student. What is the use of boasting? All ur boasts lie on the floor, scattered and shattered, helpless and forlorn. Is this then ur mettle? This is what they taught u in school? U memorized whatever givn in the textbooks without questioning u believed blidly all that was in he textbook and thus u have been brainwashed and u r also brainwashing ur children. Why r u sendin gyur children to school? Tell them to learn on their own. Allow them to search without a guide, find, question and discover for themselves, without anybody’s help. Let them stand on their own feet. You obediently follow the rules, procedure and policies of government instead of questioning. None is in the whole world blinde than u . Why r u paying ta x o the government?
If I told u to shut up, then it is ur blessed fortune coz I – I – told u to shut up. Be thankful to me. Be grateful to me. Instead, u r complaining. I am proud of myself for telling u to cloe ur mouth and I will also be proud of u if indeed u close ur mouth. Who gave u free speech? What do u know about free speech? Nothing u know. I am the one who knows and feel free to consider that I have an ego of which I amnot even aware od coz that will make u feel good.
U think u can win this discussion? Never will u win this discussion. That much capability u do not have. U cant even understand what I wrote above an du say the light is hurting me. Ur light I trample under me feet. Ur light I will drown in the Atlantic ocean.
U have no control over me. It is a great sin on my part to speak to u, but for u, it isa great fortune indeed that I have spoken to you. My frankness will feel bitter to you. Go ahed. Cause as much drama as u want. I just don’t care. There are mad people in the asylums who go around shouting and clapping their hands. That is also drama and I am not affected by such drama.
U cud have learnt a lot from this discussion and u culd have changed urself. Tgat is the reason God sent em to u. Yes, I have come to u bot not to be helped by u; but to help u. I am appointed by God. But u refused my help.U misunderstood and now u dare to say u r placing the truth out there. Nothing u can place out there.
I have every right to tell u to close ur mouth, but u do not have any right to tell me to close my mouth coz it is what u choose to do that counts. Moreover , u told me to be who I must, whch also includes the freedom to tell you to shut up, but u have no freedom t tell me to shut up coz I never told u to be who u must.
If there is hatred in my comments, then u are blessed coz those r MY comments. Learn from my comments. I am ur teacher. It is ur duty to learn from me but I have nothing to learn from u. I am not under any obligation to give any explanation, but u are under obligation to offer explanations. I will not answer any question which I do not want to answer and I will ignore u as much as I want, whenever I want. I will stop responding when I feel like stop responding and that moment will be a great one for me coz then I am free from u, freedom from reading ll ur bizarre ideas. Indeed, no freedom could be greater tha that.
Do u know what my religion teaches? No, u will not understand and why should I tell u anyway? Why should I satisfy ur curiosity? Did anybody ask tu to read the holy book? Did anybody say u should not question or search? If u want freedom, hthen u have to give others freedom. But remember, I have not given u any frredom and neither can u demand freedom from me coz I never said ‘Be who u must!” U r the one who said ‘ Be who u must!”
U want to be the winner of this discussion? Well, if u r so desperate, then I congratulate u and for ur sake, I am ready to accept defeat, for ur glory, I will pretend to surrender but remaiber, falsehood never will prevail over truth. I will shatter all ur lies and u will be forlorn.
U have the arrogance to say u keep on responding coz I need ur help. Fact is that when I stop responding, then u will also stop responding. If u really want to help, then u would have to keep on responding until I say : Hey, u are agreat guy, I have great ly been helped by u an dme life has now improved tremendously. But No, u know and I also knw that the moment I stop responidn, then u also wil stop.
U think I ma not happy. Let me tell u that my sadness is far better than ur happiness, my hatred is far better than ur love, mu rudeness is far better than ur politeness, my blind beliefs are far better than ur truth. Whateevr did they teach u in school? Nothing u have learnt.
U say all my actions will return back to me. If only I ahd agreed to whatever u said, then u wuld not have made this statement. U made that statement coz I disagreed. What injustice have I done to u What harm have I done to u? You r the one that has harmed me. U r the one that ahs done injustice tome. So, ur actions will return back to u .
I will always remain who I am and never will live my life in a way that is pleasing to you. I a undr no obligation to plz u. If u have any self-respect , u wil close ur mouth. The fact that u r not closing ur mouth is coz u have neither self-respect nor dignity. If only u had the honest to tell me u hate me and u want me to shut up, then I would have stopped responding coz I respect honesty. U like drama and that I don’t like. U like drama coz u r dishonest and liar. Be honest an dteell me that u nhate me. Tell the truth. Is the truth hurting u? Where is ur honesty? Does it need so much courage to be honest? Blessed are the honest ones. But when will u ever learn!
‘Be who you must!’ is what u said and this means I have the freedom to be a person who tells u to close ur mouth. Definitely. And will my actions return back to me? Let them If somebody in future tells me to close my mouth, guess what? I will close my mouth. What is the big deal? I hate you. So what? Will somebody in future hate me in return? Let him hate as much as he wants. Let the whole world hate each other. My hatred is far better than ur love.
After saying “ I make no demands” u have the arrogance to say me to think, learn and grow. My refusal to think is far better than ur thinking, my not learning is far better than ur learning and my stagnation is far better than ur growth. Indeed ur thoughts are poisonous, ur education is worthless and ur growth is the most terrible stagnation in the world. Indeed, ur life is not a waste. How can it be? Ur life is full of drama, hurting others, dumping ur ideas on others, judging others, endless debates for nothing in particular. Indeed, how can ur life be a waste? All those who disagree with you- their life is the waste. All those who are being who they are – their life si the waste. All those who live their life in a manner whch is different from ur own- their life is the waste. What is the use of calling anybody wonderful when u do not mean it? I can see right through u. I knw what u are. U are adishonest liar, corrupt u are. Yes, of course I hate u and I will continue to hate u and if my hate returns back to me, then let it be so coz my hatred is better than ur love.
U placed a lot of conditions on me. U r angry coz I said I will not live my life according to ur conditions. Why would u be angry? What is for u to gain? The gain is psychogical happiness and u r angry coz u r insane. Ur insanity can be seen all through ur posts. Even after pointing, u dare to contradict urself.
Let me tell u that even hell- the most horrible place- is better than ur company. If God gives me two options- either ur company or hell for eternity- then I will gladly choose hell, without a single moment of hesitation. My sin was to respond to this discussion. Fool that I am, I responded even without looking at who the author is. Usually, I just respind without looking the names of the authors. Hneceforth, I need to be very careful and any of ur discussions I will avoid to the ebst of my ability.
What is the use of making all sorts of lofty discusiions, when u don’t evn know how many leaves are there in the tree which grows in ur own garden? Nothing u wil be able to do when u r struck by earthquake or hurricane, unless God wills it. U r so powerless and yet u have the gall to say u will help me. U r the one that needs help, u proud and arrogant. How dare U? Surely my holy book nd religion is troubling gu a lot. That is evident from ur posts, although u don’t admit it. In fact, ur evry denial is the admittance. And the whole world knows it by now.
I will always acknowledge the fact that I am evil and a horrible sinner. I have no shame to accept this fact. Yes, his is how God sees me and he has that right. Yes, God is the most intelligent of all and yet he created hell for the evil-minded. That is his way, his wish, hs choice. Yes, my source comes from the book which man wrote but mind u, that men were inspired by God. Feel free to think I am memorizing from my holy book. Yes, I am memorizing and I will continue to memorize. Will I refuse to change until it hurts? Why should I feel hurt? Whenever I feel hurt, I will pray to the Lord and the hurt will just disappear and this has happened many times. There is no need for me to change and No, I do not resist change. I do not need any resistance. I DO NOT NEED any change. GOT IT, U liar?
I am under no obligation and no duty towards u. If u do not want to leave me alone, then don’t leave me alone. What can u do Keep on responding? All right. Keep on responding. As if I care! Respond as much as u want! Respond until there is breath in ur body! Who cares Would I care for you. My silence is better than ur speech and my speech is better than ur silence. My actions are better than ur wordsa dn my words are better than ur actions. My ego is far better thn ur egolessness. Ur comments have not shaken me in the least. The again, my being shaken is better than ur not being shaken. My fear is better than ur courage.
Whi cares what ur life? I have got free speech, but u have none coz guess what? U said “Be who u must!” but I never told u that. So, I am underno obligation to yoyu. U will question even God, is it? Go ahead, Question God. My Not questiong is better than ur questioning, My not searching is better than ur searching and all your discoveries are far worse than my not having discveerd anything.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
27 Oct 17
Yes, staring can make people feel uncomfortable. Some may even view it as a challenge.