The Last Cash-Out! How Can We Prepare? (VERY IMPORTANT READING!!!)
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
Anderson, Indiana
May 1, 2013 1:46pm CST
The way I look at it, there is life before and life after the last cash-out.
Some people will decide to stay on after the last cash-out, while other people will decide to move on.
If this has been nothing beyond a moneymaking place for someone, he/she will probably get out of Dodge without looking back.
However, if this has been more than that, he/she will be more likely to keep returning.
I'll be one of the returning ones.
I've not been able--due to a combination of so many other things needing attention in my life (everything from health issues--both mine and my mom's--to how to solve other problems in our lives, including financial and the care of loved ones, etc.)--to participate as much as I'd hoped to here.
It's ironic that the financial part of this dot-com bubble would burst just when I was getting ready to get more active in the part of it that would bring in more money such as inviting a number of people to join as referred by me.
I can understand why MyLot might have to go to being only a social and discussion site with the economy the way that it is along with the fear of more Internet censorship.
I also understand that we need to get paid what we've earned under previous terms in this last cash-out. After all, our participation has driven traffic here that has helped those who created this site to earn some money.
They might not make a huge profit once they factor out what is owed to those of us who have stayed active, but I very much doubt if it will sink them into bankruptcy.
Having said that, I'm now going to give you some things about which to think.
In my own case, I had my minimum pay-out set high to where I would only be able to get paid if I had at least $50 in my account. I decided that I'd better go change that and make my minimum the $5 about which they talked.
I think that it would be wise to try to build up our accounts to at least $10 between now and the last cash-out just in case the under $10 could end up being used as a loophole for getting out of paying even the $5 minimum.
Between now and May 15, we need to step up our discussions--both creating them and responding to ones created by others. In short, we need to be active.
When we create discussions, create meaningful ones. When we respond, respond in meaningful ways.
Now for the Afterlife of MyLot. In the Afterlife, there will remain those of us who loved making the money in the past but still enjoyed the site for its own sake.
We can discuss things back and forth--and, in some cases, the things that we discuss might even lead us to places where we can earn money!
Who knows? Perhaps, MyLot might even run some contests with cash prizes from time to time.
They just won't be able to pay out regularly for so many different things. But wouldn't it be a thrill to be notified that you were getting paid some amount of money, large or small, for being the first person of the day to start a discussion on a given day? or You're the first person of the month to start a discussion under a certain category? or (The possibilities could be endless--as well as surprising, if the contests were secret ones!).
For the most part, however, we will simply be sharing our ideas for free--but the ideas we share might turn out to be priceless to some. For instance, somebody might know of a treatment being done for epilepsy that would be read about by somebody with a friend who has epilepsy.
In my own personal real life something like this happened, and it wasn't done at a discussion site but, instead, in a classroom.
There was no cash payout. In fact, I had paid tuition to attend the class. However, what I learned there was priceless!!!
One of my classmates was given the floor to talk about surgery he'd had in Canada to cure his petit mal (mild) epilepsy about seven years before.
At the time, I had a friend who had--starting when she was three or four years old--begun having grand mal seizures that she couldn't even completely control when taking medicine.
One time, she was even biting her tongue so hard during a seizure that it was turning blackish-purple, and it was a wonder that the didn't bite it off. It took three men (her husband, my dad, and my "adopted" brother) to get her jaws open enough to free her tongue!!!
This kept her from being able to get/keep jobs. Don't even get me started on this!!! At least, she only had seizures a few days per month and, usually, got warnings before one was about to begin.
In short, she would have been able to get/keep jobs and continue to do them well if not for certain prejudices that made it unrealistic for her to even ask for help from potential employers. If she said that she had epilepsy, she wouldn't get hired. If she didn't disclose this during the hiring process, she was able to work at least for awhile until she happened to have a seizure while at work--after which she was accused of lying on her application and fired.
But I asked Mike about whether or not the surgery would work for grand mal, and he said that he only knew for sure that it had been completely successful with his petit mal but to keep in mind that seven years had passed, so who could tell how advanced the surgery had become in what it was able to do.
I told Diana about this, and she told her doctor about it. He said that he had never heard of such a surgery but that it was worth checking into.
When he checked into it, he learned that it would soon be offered right here in Indiana and that he was putting Diana's name at the head of the waiting list for it.
The surgery gave her around ten or twelve years of having no seizures. After that--likely, in response to her husband's near-fatal heart-attack--she began to have them again, but not as badly as before, and she found treatment that pretty much has controlled them.
In the meantime, she was able to drive for the first time in her life along with landing an excellent job with great benefits, both during the time she was working and after she had retired.
Perhaps, a discussion you start or in which you become a participant will end up helping another person like Diana with his/her own set of challenges and the need to find something to help.
That's why MyLot is special and important even without the pay. It's because it connects people!!!
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2 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
1 May 13
They said if you have $5 you will get it. Even if you have more you will only get $5. I'm .03c away from that so I should make it.
The contest idea is great if they do decide to do something like that. Since I get notifications I will check in from time to time, which is what I've been doing now because I'm so busy with other stuff. I should be working on my novel but I'm not even doing that. So my participation probably won't change from what it has been for the last year or so.
Blessings to you and your family.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
2 May 13
Sounds a lot like me. So much Internet activity. So little time. Therefore, I never made a whole lot of money here, though I could have. Ironically, was just getting to the place where I could make MyLot pay off financially when they changed things. Oh well! It's still a great site. I think that the contests would be doable and would encourage more people to stick around...
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
1 May 13
Yeah it is sad to hear about this. I'm sure that there are so many people who will be saddened by this turn of events. I guess I should have started thinking about this happening ever since it has been awhile since I have been having problems with things crashing. I just hope that for those who stick around that the site doesn't crash and make it difficult for people to have discussions. Glad to hear that you will still be around. I hope that I will pop in every now and then. I don't think I will make cashout by may 15.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
1 May 13
Don't give up on cash-out. It happens faster than you might think. Due to trying to juggle real life issues such as my health, my mom's health, our finances, etc. around as well has being active in so many different places online, I haven't been as active here as I would like to be.
Even without not stepping up my activities as much as I had planned to, I was still amazed at how the amount of cash in my account has grown in a short time.
Hopefully this site WILL continue to be available for volunteer sharing and networking.