How to speak English well?

Guangzhou, China
May 17, 2013 3:29am CST
i am learning English now, but some of the pronunciations are so hard, i just do not know how to do with it...
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3 responses
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
17 May 13
Hi, Marie. For pronunciation help, I would try There are various people lending their voices to the site,so just pick the one you find easiest to understand.
Learn how to pronounce English words from native speakers
3 people like this
• Guangzhou, China
17 May 13
oh really, Thank you so much cupkitties, i usually learn it through the tv of America, like Desperate housewives, and lost, but obviously forvo is much better for me now, Thanks again dear!
• United States
18 May 13
learning thru tv and the such is helpful as well, as you can learn certain phrases and her certain pronunciation, but also sometimes the accents can be difficult to understand. best of luck to you in your wanting to manage the english language. I know a chat based site such as this will probably not be of as much help, but it will definitely help with the writing/reading, and keep in mind people here are always more than willing to answer questions about meanings and use of terms!
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@Carruru (31)
• Anqing, China
18 May 13
maby i think ,interested in it is more important,then u need some friends who can speek English well.speak it out .i holp this can help u.