Love & Life Quotes
@DesertDez (1)
London, Ontario
May 24, 2013 8:20pm CST
• There is only one happiness in life; to love and to be loved.
• Love is the pastime of the leisurely and the leisure of the active.
• Love all, trust few, do wrong to none.
• Love me because without you I can do nothing, I am nothing.
• Love is a storm of pleasure and an enchantment of sweetness.
• Love is sudden revelation; a kiss is always a discovery.
• Learning to love others leads to not loving oneself any longer.
• Love is like a butterfly; hold it too tight, it’ll crush, hold it too loose, it’ll fly away.
• Love me when I deserve it least as that is when I’ll need it most.
• The more I love you, the more you flee from me, my darling.
• What is love if not the language of the heart?
• A kiss, when all is said, what is it? ‘Tis a secret told to the mouth.
• A magical night of bliss begins and ends with a kiss.
• Launch your heart before you and run after it.
• In women everything is heart, even the head.
• The woman does not exist of whose beauty all men shall agree upon.
• Judge not thy woman; the more you judge her the less you love her.
• Never trust a woman who tells you her real age; a woman who tells you that would tell you anything.
• Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men.
• Where you find friends, there you find riches.
• Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer.
• Day by day and night by night, we were together – all else has long been forgotten by me.
• By all means marry, if you get a good wife you will become happy, if you get a bad one you will become a philosopher.
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