My Hobbies Dancing
By Amanda
@lilmama2323 (8)
Moreland, Georgia
May 27, 2013 3:06am CST
About a year ago, I was on a competition dance team. I did not want to be on the team anymore because I have two and it got hard to make it to practice. I still find myself dancing around everywhere. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm dancing until a friend starts laughing. I enjoy dancing because it’s a fun way to get your heart beating and work out. It's great for bonding with people, and upbeat music can always make me happy. I just love everything about dancing. I like to dance because it makes me feel alive. I am comfortable with myself when I am dancing and all problems disappear for the time being. But the problem is dancing doesn’t like me at some point. Sometime it’s hard to figure out the dance steps.
Sometime I feel as though I have two left feet because I don’t dance as well as I usually do. I also love watching shows that feature different dances. I am most partial to native dances, because to me it is so amazing to watch people dance native dances. By watching this you can somehow explain and understand the culture of one place, because dances have their own story to tell. When I dance, I find myself becoming exactly who I want to be in that moment. It is an amazing feeling!!!
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