Interesting ways to keep ur mind cool....................liked???

May 28, 2013 7:41am CST
Bath-) Soak in a hot bath to feel the stress just melt away from your body. After a 15 minute soak, your body and mind will both feel refreshed. Meditation-)For improving focus and stress relief, meditation can't be beat. It can even permanently impact your brain for the better. Breathing-) The deep, relaxing form of breathing used during yoga practice can bring benefits to your brain as well. Not only will this deep breathing serve as a form of relaxation, it also oxygenates the body, which keeps the brain healthy. Relaxation exercises-) Try some of these relaxation exercises, and you will teach your body how to feel calmer, thereby reducing your stress levels. Fun-)Have fun in life. Take time away from work and family responsibilities to just enjoy life. When you can't get away, learn how to find the joy in all you do. Yes! Think positively and you will discover that your approach to life is one of much less stress You will feel empowered to make things happen and to appreciate what you've already accomplished. Smile-) and laugh often. Not only will a happy demeanor help you feel better, it will also affect those around you. Sleep-)Getting enough sleep and sleeping well contribute to a reduction in stress levels. Find out how to get a good night's sleep without a sleep aid. Get a pet-)Pet owners show fewer signs of stress and are less lonely. Think about going through a pet rescue organization to help find a home for a needy animal and helping yourself too.
2 responses
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
29 May 13
If you are really troubled with some problems, these remedial measures may help to hide for some time, but when the fact come face to face, we have to fight more vigrously against it. The problems cannot be killed, unless it is resolved. Even after doing all the above, the frustration and questions from the issues will again appear with more power, don't you think so?
• India
29 May 13
Actually these are general measures for day to day u r talking abt troubles, its there in every1s life and we can't ignore them. As far as frustration is concerned, we shud not let it dominate us.Rather think about it and respond in proper manner.
• India
29 May 13
You are correct in general. When it applies to the millions of common man and ordinary people who lives 'just to live' and carrying their daily problems and issues, our modern life patterns would hardly make any changes in their lives. There are problems and solutions, and it get nicely resolved among the 1-2% of the society, but still there are 98% ordinary people suffering from their day-to-day problems with never ending issues. Yes, it can be resolved when the remain no more around...
• India
29 May 13
Thats the difference ppl live just to live....but life is so beautiful. Who doesn't hv problems. If we give a same problem to 10 diffrent people, there will be 10 solutions.Whats required is being calm in every situations. Thats true we indians just react suddenly without thinking which arises new problems.
@Sgoessi (78)
• Switzerland
30 May 13
These are nice tips but we have to face it and solve our problems. And always practice yoga to keep your mind calm and cool.
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• India
30 May 13
right sgoessi!!