does the new mylot still let you earn money?

@mhayfie (241)
June 8, 2013 4:00am CST
the new mylot is easier to navigate but is it still like the old mylot that gives out payout?
2 people like this
5 responses
8 Jun 13
yes i think so but its not that much money is it!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Jun 13
No, the earnings program ended on May 1st.
@payout (3794)
• United States
8 Jun 13
@mysdianait ..... What :( ??. Why
• United States
8 Jun 13
@payout They never actually gave a reason for the change. Here's the official announcement from myLot.
Later this week, we will launch the most significant revamp myLot has seen since it was born over 7 years ago. myLot has been re-imagined with a clear emphasis...
@payout (3794)
• United States
8 Jun 13
I agree, I was wondering the same thing...??? I try to find some about mylot or terms anything, but I got nothing .. So far.. I hope it still earns for their post that would be nice.. ??? If you found out anything plea let me know.. :)
• United States
8 Jun 13
All of the terms and official documents can be found in the help section.
Have questions about myLot? Help is here!
• Nanjing, China
10 Jun 13
this can earn money?how
• Middelburg, South Africa
9 Jun 13
Ofcause, you can still earn money!!!
• Indonesia
11 Jun 13
yes,very easy earning to my