difeina-fashion of high heel
@tencant (5)
South Korea
June 18, 2013 3:35am CST
Among the countless definitions of difeina fashion, the one from Webster's latest unabridged dictionary (the Third International) comes very close to what professionals mean when they use the word: the prevailing or accepted style in dress or personal decoration established or adopted during a particular time or season .The most widely recognized fashion authority, the late Dr. Paul H. Nys- trom, defined fashion in similar words as ""nothing more or less than the prevailing style at any given time.”. Thus, a fashion is always based on a specific style. A style, however, does not become a fashion until it gains consumer acceptance, and it remains a fashion only as long as it is accepted.
For example, bow ties, tapered jeans, crinoline skirts,and chemise dresses are and will always be styles, but they can only be called fashions if and when they become pre-vailing styles. It is clearly possible, moreover, for a par-ticular style to come in and go out of fashion repeatedly.Some examples of such ""ins and outs"" of fashion are peasant blouses, sheath dresses, padded shoulders, and circular skirts, to name but a few.
The element of social acceptance is the very essence of high heel fashion. Acceptance, however, does not mean that a style is necessarily worn by everyone or even by a majority of the public. Acceptance can be and usually is limited to a particular group of people or to a particular location. For example, what New York men and women wear is often unacceptable in other parts of the United States that have markedly different climates or mores. Furthermore, what is popular among a particular age or occupational group may not be accepted by those of different ages or occupations."

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