if you believe then the dream will be come true

Hefei, China
June 20, 2013 10:39am CST
I am very good do not quarrel do not show off do not wronged do not laugh do not need others to know i am waitting for you
7 people like this
12 responses
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
20 Jun 13
Lovely poem. Hopefully you will stay around and write some more for us.
1 person likes this
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
thanks dear, it is my pleasure~~
@foreng (2)
• Chengdu, China
21 Jun 13
The poem is so good! But maybe i can't fully understand,sorry! I am a new man
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
i am an fish too~~ so we could improve ourself together~~ and the meanning of this poem is about the feeling when i am here waitting my love~~
• Shenyang, China
22 Jun 13
Pretty good.
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
i am an fish too~~ so we could improve ourself together~~ and the meanning of this poem is about the feeling when i am here waitting my love~~
23 Jun 13
Dreamy Place
Nice poem and explain theri feelings. Dream is the pricious part of our life where everyone can true their feeling and suppose everything who wants & need.
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
it is right ~~ like your words.
@CuteMandy (162)
• China
23 Jun 13
Very good!
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
21 Jun 13
nice poem
• Nanjing Jiangsu, China
22 Jun 13
me too
1 person likes this
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
thanks dear
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
• Vietnam
23 Jun 13
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
thanks dear
• Newark, New Jersey
22 Jun 13
Poem is amazing!!
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
thanks ,dear stanger~~
@zqmmhp (2)
• China
22 Jun 13
the poem is simple ,but it is the voice of your heart.
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
yes dear,it is the voice of my heart.
• San Diego, California
22 Jun 13
This is so cute :)
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
~~ thanks.
• India
22 Jun 13
Nice, a very good way to show your feelings.
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
yeah dear ,i think so
• Semarang, Indonesia
22 Jun 13
i know what you feel baby!! that poem describe all
• Hefei, China
23 Jun 13
thanks for your words~~ and your understanding~~
• Hangzhou, China
23 Jun 13
Such a partysu poem and I love it.