He Had to Come
By Chris Breva
@ChrisBreva (11)
Parkersburg, West Virginia
June 21, 2013 5:31am CST
He looked upon the ones He loved;
So innocent and so free;
Their beauty was beyond compare;
Of all His creation they were the best;
Instilled in them was freewill;
Could they survive the test?
He had to come.
The serpent was so crafty;
The serpent was the enemy;
It set out to deceive His love;
Things would never be the same;
The serpent would cause Him so much pain.
He had to come.
The fruit appeared so tempting;
The serpent's words rang true;
Was the man to trust in God;
Surely he would not die;
Yet die he did for a single bite.
He had to come.
There was now a new man;
This man was Abraham;
He set out for a new country;
It was a country yet to be;
The promise was to be fulfilled.
He had to come.
Abraham had no children;
Yet God's promise was to be fulfilled in him;
How could this come to be;
When he had no offspring;
Yet Abraham never doubted God.
He had to come.
Some generations later;
The characters have now changed;
The children of Abraham are slaves;
Their groaning reaches God's ear;
He will not leave them alone.
He had to come.
God plagued the nation of Egypt;
The Passover was put in place;
The children of Abraham escaped by His might;
A new nation was now born;
Moses was their leader.
He had to come.
At a place called Sinai;
The covenant was given;
It pointed out to man what sin was;
It could not redeem them to Heaven;
It was sealed in blood.
He had to come.
The covenant required obedience;
It required the sacrifice of a lamb;
Sin was atoned for by the sacrifice;
Yet no lamb could be found to fit the bill;
It had to be the perfect Lamb.
He had to come.
He was born in Bethlehem;
The gift of God to man;
He would preach for a mere three years;
During that time He would change the world;
He would be murdered for His effort.
He had to come.
The cross was cruel and agonizing;
He could have came down and walked away;
This was why He had come;
It would set things right;
It was His Father's will.
He had to come.
When He died the curtain was torn in two;
The dead came from their tombs;
The soldiers themselves knew then who He was;
He was the perfect Lamb;
He was the end of sacrifice.
He had to come.
Death could not hold Him;
He rose to walk again;
He finished what was started;
Now he was seen by many witnesses;
He ascended back to His throne.
He had to come.
He looked upon the one He loved;
Restored back to her first state;
It had been worth the price he paid;
His glory was now supreme;
She was His bride forevermore.
He had to come.
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