Two Different Bags
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
June 23, 2013 5:08pm CST
Once upon a time, there was someone who really enjoys happiness and peace in his life. The person has two pockets. In the bag there is a hole in the bottom, but on the other bag contained no holes.
Everything I have ever heard such hurtful invective and satire, he wrote in a paper, small rolled and placed into a bag with holes. But all that is beautiful, true, and useful, wrote in a paper bag and placed into a hole that does not exist.
At night, he brought out all that is in the pocket that is not perforated, read it, and enjoy the wonderful things that have been gained during the day. Then he reached into the existing hole, but he did not find anything. So he laughed and still rejoice because there is not anything that can damage the heart and soul.
Teman2 .. That's what we should do. Keep all the good in "pockets are not hollow", so that none of the good that is missing from our lives. Instead, keep all the bad in the "bag with holes". So bad it's going to fall off and do not need to remember again.
But what a pity .. there are still many people who do the reverse! They keep all the good in the "pocket holes", and what is not good in "pockets are not hollow" (aka nurture evil thoughts and everything hurts). Thus, his soul became depressed and there is no passion in life.
Therefore, in order to enjoy a happy and quiet life: Do not save what is not good in our lives (you know: heartache, jealousy, resentment, and anger can also cause serious illness and even death). Let's try, just keep a good and useful.
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