3D printing can print everything? Or change the rules of intellectual property

Chicago, Illinois
July 15, 2013 10:28pm CST
3D printers can not predict the future prospects, the current can be broadly divided into the desktop printer with industrial printers into two categories. The former in the U.S. market price is between 2000 to $ 3000, while the latter product prices in the 10,000 to 60 million dollars; former services to small design firms, while the latter sold to large industrial enterprises. Leader of these two products are the United States and Israel. Western countries have incorporation. The world's largest 3D printer manufacturer Stratysys recently announced that it will use the $ 403 million acquisition of New York, another U.S. company, which has used $ 1.4 billion last year, with the Israeli another company to complete the merger and reorganization. In the next few years, 3D printing will quickly spread, Stratysys for industrial use 3D printers and the industry leader. It's these two post-merger, to become civil 3D printer 3D printer and industrial giant. Can imagine in the future design of the field, the design will increase the company's office in such equipment. Like other office equipment, like. All future product design, you can instantly get the real product, as long as you think, it can be done. The invention of this technology is the United States continues to lead the world in the future, another cutting-edge technologies. From all aspects of life to all areas of metal powder manufacturing, this technology will undoubtedly bring a new revolution in the world. Like humans invented the computer. Applications Belonging to EADS (EADS), a research team is committed to using 3D printing technology to print out an entire wing aircraft. As of March 2011, the researchers have used the technology to make the bracket out of the aircraft landing gear and other aircraft parts, print it out as a holder of the same size shoe. Protection of property rights 3D printing technology is not merely to change the allocation of capital and work patterns, but also that it can change the rules of intellectual property. The emergence of the technology industry's success no longer depends on the scale of production, but on creativity, innovation becomes the most scarce resource. Creativity should be protected by law and norms, as imitators and innovators could easily on the rapid introduction of new products on the market. Therefore, the competitive process will likely become ever shorter. Future Development With the further development of 3D printer, you can imagine the speed of its development is very rapid. Next, including human organs (raw material of cells), the house (raw construction materials), mechanical ( electrolytic manganese powder), etc., and can be printed exactly as you want it. As long as you put in front of the computer you want to print something you can set the shape of the future on the moon or Mars could perhaps launch a 3D printer and construction materials, 3D printer to print out the lunar base, the astronauts go up when you can live again a; if you are sick, an organ to replace, no need to find matching source of organs, as long as the patient to take some of the stem cells were cultured as printed Aluminium Magnesium Alloy powder, and then print out an identical organs for transplant, and no immune complications; Furthermore print an excavator, directly in the exploitation of resources on the Moon and Mars, when humans used a few years or decades after the finish interstellar transport, arrived, all life to live and scientific research have long built environment. The future of human migration into space on the first of the 3D printer simply send the herd, all with print everything else done, the moment, the humans with radio transmission up. Prospects, therefore, it is a revolutionary era. Now, in the early start-up concept, 3D printers and supplies are very expensive function is limited, usually only used to print these Ferromanganese powder resin plastic objects. Then cattle, can not "fight" Personal 3D printer, with the same everything else ever invented by man, can enhance the quality of human life, with the same robots and computers, it will serve people, not replace human beings, human beings can have unlimited space to create more machinery and equipment, All of this is an extension of human wisdom. Then boldly dare not imagine a 3D printer to print a Li Na, let her go to get all the world's tennis tournament trophy. Shape and body parts can be, but with a subtle ideological heritage can not be done, it is blood. Currently remain in the solid phase of printing. Can not print organics and neural network, it can not replicate a seed, the human mind can not be printed. Appreciation of music can not be produced by the thrill of print. So, 3D printer is a machine only.
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