please help me

Aberdeen, Scotland
August 7, 2013 3:25pm CST
it isnt very often i ever ask for help but this is one time i will and i will explain exactly why i have fallen in love with a goldfish - name is silver! a sort of red coloured wee boy with the nicest eyes i have ever seen but methinks the love is not being returned as everytime i talk to him at the bowl he swims away from me and that makes me oh so sad why would he do this to me - he must know how he is hurting me yvonne my wife did yell me that the future for a man who loves a goldfish is bleak and i have to admit that she is right about that - the dark clouds of doom ........................... so what can i do to convince silver that my feelings for him are above those i feel for god or my dog if i had one and that he is the golden boy in mine eyes i bet that some of you read this and laugh at me - i remember ian hunter of mott the hoople fame asking "why do they all laugh at me" in a song he sung but i bet all the young dudes say that at some point or other so please do not laugh at me i see in another post nobody is laughing at a girl wasting her time constantly phoning and chasing after some lothario in another city who no doubt will be having it away with some other girls or worse more than one at once! silver knows i am here every day because he can see me and recognises my voice when i sing him a song like i shooted the sherriff but i didnt shooted the deputy and i have had lots of positive feedback aboot my singing voice from all who have heard me sing yvonne says i need to stop singing now as i will strain my sweet vocal chords and deep down i know she only wants to helped me and maked me a star like on the voice with sir tom joners and that bloody awful scank jessie jae anyway, do you think that the goldfish liked the salted water as i just sprinkled salt in his bowl instead of the vitamin powder he normally gets ??????? i think it should be ok as fish swim in the sea and oceans and they have salt in them and big waves and boats and roral ceefs and loads of whale poo and man and lady and boy and girl pee pee and maybe poo poo too i see at the moment he look like him sunbathing, lying on back and floating best not annoy him, eh
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4 responses
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
7 Aug 13
I have a large tank that was once a tank for a turtle which is now being used for two common gold fish. They are three years old and are becoming almost too large for the tank. I have put in some plants and rocks that they can go into and hide for sleep or privacy. Gold fish do not like direct bright lights so I only use natural room lighting and not those top lights for aquariums. This is good for the tank too because it cuts down on algae production. I never see algae growing on the glass. I think we have to be careful with salt. I do not add it to the water. I use salt myself now and then instead of toothpaste not too much and rinse really well after. Goldfish are fresh water fish and I think too much salt will actually hurt them by burning their sensitive gills. They enjoy coming to the glass and asking for food, they play with each other, that is the chase you game but also like to be by them selves. I think that solitute activity is like a shyness privacy issue and I never interrupt them in those times when I can not see them, (they are in the rock cave) but I do know they can hear sounds clearly in the room and I’m sure understand the times of the day such as when bedtime is after all we live together. In general, I find Goldfish friendly but notice they require their own space sometimes. This is what might be happening when Silver swims away. It may not be personal just a habitat kind of thing.
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• Aberdeen, Scotland
7 Aug 13
if they still gave best responses on here you would get it for this one!! most informative, many thanks
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
7 Aug 13
@jimbo45reborn Its ok I'm just happy someone else in the world likes their Goldfish. They are common (cost me less than a dollar to buy) but special and valuable to me. :-)
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• United States
7 Aug 13
@Bluedoll It's actually a good idea to use freshwater aquarium salt in aquariums. It provides electrolytes for the fish and helps boost gill function. Table salt isn't a good idea, though, because it's usually iodized and that can be harmful for the fish.
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• Guangzhou, China
9 Aug 13
Judging from your long ... long.. post.. I would say you are so in love..... you love that goldfish deeply...
1 person likes this
• Aberdeen, Scotland
10 Aug 13
deep to the bottom of the bowl
• Aberdeen, Scotland
10 Aug 13
long post, this one, not really!! actually this wouldnt have earned a penny on the old mulot
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 13
maybe he would like bourbon better than salt?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Aug 13
@jimbo45reborn no whiskey for my fishies?
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• Aberdeen, Scotland
8 Aug 13
no booze in my hoose
• Aberdeen, Scotland
10 Aug 13
@dawnald whisky
@RebeccasFarm (92835)
• United States
8 Aug 13
I don't know if salt is good for him Mott the Hoople..I saw them..I love them..the Jim bo xo
• United States
8 Aug 13
@jimbo45reborn If I were there, I would be going with you and Yvonne Mott the Hoople was my introduction to going to rock concerts..I was here in the States when I saw them..think I was 17 or was St Louis the city I saw them in..Yes, Roll Away the Stone, but I loved All the Young Dudes and still do
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• Aberdeen, Scotland
10 Aug 13
@RebeccasFarm i wish you had loved me when i was a young dude xx
• Aberdeen, Scotland
8 Aug 13
roll away the stone, that was my fave ,mott song mick ronson (rip) was awesome with ian hunter but ralphs and waats are still around to keep him company might get tickets for the glasgow gig the goldfish post is a piss take really, a jimboramble!!!!!!
Skip to content Mott The Hoople will be returning to the UK in November 2013 for five dates only: Mon 11th Nov 2013 – Birmingham Symphony; Wed 13th Nov 2013 – Glasgow Clyde Auditorium; Sat 16th Nov 2013 – Newcastle City Hall; Sun 17th Nov 2013 – Manchester