America's Sanctimonious Hypocritical Nonsense
By matersfish
@matersfish (6306)
United States
August 29, 2013 9:28pm CST
Using a racial or homosexual slur on a site like this would cause the moderators to pull it. Even saying the word itself, alone bereft of any context, will be censored out. That “F” word, the”N” word; insulting someone's race or sexual orientation – they're considered the lowest of the low. Why are they considered to be bad, horrible, no good, rotten curses? Because they hurt people. But I can say a ton of other words that might be hurtful to people: Fat, bald, ugly, zit-face, short, hairy, cross-eyed, four-eyes, ignorant, and the list could go on and on.
But if you're a minority or homosexual, society believes you're too weak to be insulted like everyone else, for everything else, and thus people must step in with increased legislation and more outrage to ensure that your feelings are protected more than another person's feelings.
This was on full display tonight on Big Brother. If you're a fan, then you might know of that horrid excuse for a person, the Bad Mouth of the South, Miss Aaryn. This woman is the epitome of a bigot. She's mean, she's nasty, and she'll insult someone based on anything. Black insults, Asian insults, gay insults, appearance insults, intelligence insults; she just insults people constantly. But because we're in America, land of the sanctimonious hypocrite, Aaryn's behavior is worse than other house-guests' behavior.
Case in point: Another housemate, Elissa, is Aaryn's sworn enemy, stating that she just cannot abide Aaryn's racism; it's too hateful for her, it's too low. Making a joke about a person's skin is unacceptable in her opinion. You can't joke about someone's appearance. Oh, wait. Except, if you're Elissa, yes you can! You can joke about appearance, as long as it's not about their race, as Elissa proved with her all-night tirade against Amanda's physical appearance in a scant bunny outfit. Making cruel and vicious insults about Amanda's appearance, the insulted party tried repeatedly to get Elissa to stop the bombardment before fleeing into a downstairs bathroom to cry. She was hurt. But that's okay, according to Elissa--and most of America, you hypocrites!--because Elissa wasn't insulting her race, only her physical appearance (what race is, you morons).
But it's not over yet. Amanda isn't above this. She gives as good as she gets. She was feverishly attacking the way Elissa looked a short time after. Cologen-injected lips, clown Joker face, ugly, and a hundred other hurtful insults about Elissa's appearance. But America is fine with that. It wasn't insulting someone's sexuality or race, so you can literally stalk people around and insult them for hours on end without anyone thinking you're next-level bad – just a typical A-hole.
The reason I bring this up isn't because of the public's reaction to Aaryn vs. her other moronic, mean-girl house-guests, many of whom also made bigoted comments, and all of whom insulted someone at some time. The reason it gets under my skin is how Aaryn and only Aaryn was thrown under the bus as a bad person. CBS has to put up their little disclaimer before the show because of her antics. That's how much heat they were getting for daring to let a racist and anti-gay bigot onto the show. Oh, all the other mean people? They're just good entertainment. Who they insult don't matter quite as much. That damn Aaryn, though, was just too much in a civilized, equal society. And that's not even close to the worst of it!
Upon her eviction, Aaryn sat in the loser's chair, across from Julie Chen, and was scolded and made an example of. Julie baited her into saying she wasn't a racist, and then to boos and laughs from the crowd, Julie read verbatim examples of what Aaryn had said about her housemates. The idea was to shame her. And it worked. Aaryn was truly a deer caught in the headlights, unable to intellectually comprehend why so many thought so poorly of her. Then, when it was done, Chen had the audacity to ask Aaryn if she thought this was a great teaching moment for her. Aaryn still couldn't really comprehend what made her the villain. As a fan of BB, Aaryn has undoubtedly seen that chair-to-chair interview a hundred times, and never has Professor Chen attempted to school someone on their behavior. The meaner they are, the more they're usually embraced by Chen, and America at large. Boogie, Janelle, Evil D1ck, Dan redux.
Why was Aaryn unable to comprehend? Because she lived in a house for 70 days where the only form of entertainment or expression, outside of a romance or scheming, was to cluck about people behind their backs and to insult them. Aaryn had heard, and had been called, bad, hurtful, moronic things. Little does she realize, however, that all of those other things are peachy. You can say every single one of those things, making people feel bullied and terrorized, and yet nobody gives a damn unless you insult their race or sexuality.
Julie doesn't scold other people in that chair for things they said in that fashion. And Julie will not attempt to shame Amanda or Elissa for their incredibly hurtful insults, either in eviction interviews or final two questions.
So while the general public and Big Brother rail on about how hurtful Aaryn is (and she's a capital C bizznitch!) and how those words are unacceptable, they can't get enough of the mean girls when they insult based on any topical factor which doesn't include race, and any vicious attack that doesn't judge someone's sexuality.
Sanctimonious hypocrites.
*Update for latest eviction*
Yep, it's official. Julie didn't scold Amanda upon eviction. The chick who was on a constant rampage, constantly bullying house-guests about their looks, didn't get the wrath of Chen in the exit interview. Julie asked if she was a bully in real life, to which Amanda answered no. But where were the examples of the hatred? Why didn't Chen ask if this was a learning moment for Amanda? Why is it okay to bully someone about their looks, relentlessly, as long as it doesn't touch up against race? Why can you berate someone mercilessly and it's just mean, but yet say something about someone's sexuality and it requires CBS to put up a disclaimer and to make an example of you on national TV?
This new myLot sucks ass and the odds that someone has read this are slim to none, but for my own sanity, as addicted to reality TV as I am these days, I gotta scream at the TV over this nonsense and rant. Folks who claim anti-bullying are like Tumblr feminists; they're not anything but special interest schmoes who want to be totalitarians. If the folks out there, especially CBS, were concerned about hateful speech and bullying, they would have scolded and embarrassed Amanda just like they did Aaryn. But they didn't. They gave her a free pass; they gave hate a free pass. It's only worthy of stopping if it's against someone's race or sexuality. Disgusting.
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