Family Time Planning
East Liverpool, Ohio
September 28, 2013 4:30pm CST
Most families are caught between making ends meet, having family time, doing household chores, and getting to all of the events and things that are important. This is especially true when children reach the age where they are heavily involved in school activities. This is when planning comes in very handy. Families should set aside one hour a week to sit together and plan the weeks events and the logistics involved in making everything happen. If Grandma and Grandpa are involved in transportation or attendance they too should be included in the planning.Children of school age should be taught to write down events keep parents up on what events are coming up. This is an important responsibility for the child and a good skill for the future.
Once a plan is made it is important to write it down and keep it in a place where everyone can see it. Keep in mind that no plan is foolproof and it may need adjustments. The point is to have a plan and attempt to stick to it.
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