Who are you?
By nix mify
@nicamaca (29)
Quezon City, Philippines
October 2, 2013 4:49am CST
Sometimes i think i don't know who i am (yet).
I know my name, my age, my address, and other basic questions you can find in an autograph book.
I am still figuring out who am i, besides the facts you'll see on my birth certificate.
But day after day, I still do not know.
So I am forced to search, because i'm scared. I'm scared of not knowing what I really want, because I'm growing up.
I'm growing up, and I still don't know who i am.
You don't go to class, and say, "Hi, I'm *state your name*, *state your age*, and i..uh...umm..i don't know who i am," when the teacher ask the famous 'tell us something about yourself.'
People find themselves within others, I cannot. I don’t see myself anywhere.
Some people put me in front of a thousand paths, and pushed me to choose one of them.
Why don’t they realize that none of these paths are meant to be mine? How can I live someone else’s life?
I do not know who I am, but I know who I am not.
What if my path does not exist yet? What if i'm going to make my own different path?
They just have to wait and see.
And i just have to keep doing what makes me happy.
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9 responses
@marinaharis11 (4)
• Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2 Oct 13
Just to be who you are. Don't to think to be the center of attention, as long as what you do is comfortable for you, just do it. do not be easily influenced by others, being yourself is very pleasant. because by being yourself, you'll easily find a true family, true friends, and true love. someday you will know who you are
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@gadnynj (74)
• Bayonne, New Jersey
3 Oct 13
The span of the life of an individual consist of several life stages. There are individual that have made it their life passion to study human behavior; it is a science of the mental processes and what motivates these process. Erik Erikson is one of those people, and he left us much on what type of behavior and thought processes take place for each stage. For instance, if you an adolescent, there are certain thoughts that are basically common for most in your group, just like if you were 55 years old, most of the thought processes are similar to those of the same age. I have my own theory regarding adolescence life stage. If your parents steered you in activities that you showed interest when you were a young child, then you would in adolescence be looking to become excellent in that interest. For interest, if when you were a young child, you took interest, say in cars, and your parents steered you in learning about motors and other mechanics that take place in the operation of cars, by adolescence, you would probably be looking to perfect mathematics abilities to get into a excellent high school, and for the intent of getting the best preparation for entering college to study engineering. So, instead of feeling like you don't know who you are, you would know that you want to be an engineer by adolescence and be preoccupied by the thought and learning experiences that will prepare you for that career path. If as a child you showed interest in cooking, by adolescence, you would be studying all types of cook books, and concentrating in your education, so as to get into the best culinary (cooking school) and experimenting in the kitchen; does not matter in these two examples if you are a boy or girl. Some parents instead allow the child to figure it out on his or her own, because they believe that they, as parents ought not influence a child; they don't want a child to grow up and later blame them for the career in which they pushed a child into; that is the mentality (mental process) behind that decision. On the other hand there are parents that quite frankly were not well prepared for parenting and may have in fact stifled their children's progress. With ever situation occurred, if you are in a place were you do not know who you are, you are most probably living in a reactionary mode; in other words, you are going with the flow of life, as it is presented in your unique circumstances and are simply responding as you go without much thought. You are living in the survival mode, when in all reality, in late adolescents (15, 16, and 17 years of age) you ought to have moved from the survival mode into an INTENDED mode. In other words, from a learning and experimenting mode, into a transition mode that takes you from the survival mode to the intended to prepare yourself (through middle and high school education) so that you can enter a university that will then polish your abilities in your interest) so that when you enter early adulthood (23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 years old; more or less) you are prepared in a career path that will have you working towards establishing a comfortable and secure environment through your earnings, working as an able and competitive adult within the community and society that you choose to live out the rest of your life until old age. These revelations may have you worrying about life and what has occurred in your life up to this moment, and what will occur in the near and late future, but I suggest you instead research your interest and make a decision about what type of work you will like to have a career in. Like I informed my own adolescent child; doctors, lawyers, and engineers make the most money, and these career paths are not beyond your capacity. What it requires is that you make a decision, and respect your decision. That is once you make an informed decision about what you want to study is go for it and don't give up, no matter what you can achieve what you want if you put your mind, heart, and young soul to achieve it.
God (destiny) will lead you where you follow your needs; if your needs are distorted you will live in distortion, if your needs are to become a successful and competitive young adult able to earn enough money through your career path choice and expertise (having become prepared through a Bachelor Degree and or Master, and PhD degree, that is what you will have by the end of the time period that it take to prepare for that career. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask any question. Don't waste your time blaming anybody; the past is the past, it is time to live the here and now by preparing for the future. If you are young you have plenty of time to prepare, earn good money, and enjoy the fruits of your young adulthood labor. Good luck and God bless.
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@xiaohongxiaohong (340)
2 Oct 13
I know my name, I know where am I, I know the circumstance around me, but I don't know my future. I am confused, you have many paths offer by others, you don't want to take it, to me, I'd love to get some help from others. The world is so funny, the thing that some people dislike, or want to get rid of, it happens to be the desirable thing of others.
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@boomboomboom (5)
• Olongapo, Philippines
3 Oct 13
all people really don't know who they are, its up to us to find where should we be and who really are in this world.
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@gadnynj (74)
• Bayonne, New Jersey
3 Oct 13
You are confused because you have not made a decision as to which interest is worthy of your intended dedication for learning and becoming an expert on it. Let me not forget that once you become an expert on one area, you can always pursuit another learning experience. Like I stated in my first comment, without a decision an intent can not occur, and without an intent and a respect for the decision that rendered the intent, no accomplishment can occur. Without an accomplishment, no other motivation or pursuit can occur; thus a person is simply living in a reactionary (survival mode); which means that the individual is not really participating in the direction of that his or her life is heading into, because everything that happens as a result of one's reactions can not be predicted. When an individual does research in his or her interest, and then makes a decision to pursuit it for a career path, and respects that decision he or she creates a strategic plan to accomplish that goal, and let me add that in the steps within that strategic plan are steps that also reward the individual for accomplishing each step of the way until accomplishment. If you really want to know who you are know one thing that if you are an adolescent, you are a human organisms that has gone through some life stages, gaining consciousness through experiences and will go through other life stages; that will be affected by the perception, perspectives, and motivations resulting from previous life stages if you do not take hold of your emotions (gain emotional intelligence) and steer your life in the direction that YOU want, based on the available view that you have of what can be gained in your environment. If you are American, that environment is vast with unlimited potential: simple. Go for it, nothing is beyond your capacity and no limit can stop you from acquiring one's own desires; especially in material gains. What is needed is a human organism willing to do the leg work; plan and work for it.
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@sunilmishra7756 (4263)
• Moradabad, India
28 Dec 13
we come from unknown country and we go to unknown country.ONE WHO KNOWS WHERE WE HAVE COME FROM, HE(GOD) IS ALSO INVISIBLE.
@gdasila (33)
• New Delhi, India
4 Oct 13
You don't know.. who are you..!
Do whatever you like and what makes you happy, forget everything else. because the question WHO I AM? no one can answer this question..!
Whenever you get any clue about who you are, please let us know. we all will try to find the answer for ourselves.
God bless you
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@sunilmishra7756 (4263)
• Moradabad, India
5 Oct 13
If you want to know the answer of your question. There is only one answer try to ask this question your own self in solitude the answer will definitely come.The world can answer about the worldly things and your own spirit can answer about the spiritual things.
@sunilmishra7756 (4263)
• Moradabad, India
5 Oct 13
Close your eyes in solitude and try to find out the answer in yourself the answer will come. None but you yourself can find out the answer.
@sunilmishra7756 (4263)
• Moradabad, India
5 Oct 13
According to me,whoever says,I know the persons very well,definitely lies because nobody knows himself how can he know others.Our real master lives inside us in the form of soul and only he knows us very well and it is a surprise that we donot know it even a little.
If we want to know ourselves we should meditate.
@Annehou (9)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Oct 13
You are right. Sometimes i also have this kindly of feeling. Even sometimes i a dream, i try to figure out who i am and where i was then suddenly i wake up....
Life is this. Every one is unique in the world. So just keep ur dream, and look into your heart you will find what you want to be......
God knows.....May God bless you.....
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@caisson (3)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Oct 13
my name is caisson,would you like make a friend with me?i will be honest