Top 10 Most Expensive Android Applications of 2013

Ahmedabad, India
October 7, 2013 1:20am CST
Are you searching for some expensive android application for your precious device? Read this article and check out list of 10 most expensive application of 2013. [url] [/url]
Listly List - Top 10 Most Expensive Android Applications of 2013 - Destinator 9 -- Western Europe ($99.99), 100 Dollar App ($111.05), Vuvuzela World Cup Horn Plus ($200.00), G-CORE Green Caddy Golf Korea ($89.99), Pocket Atlas of ER Ultrasound ($69.99), Mo
1 response
• Calgary, Alberta
7 Oct 13
I wonder if I can download them in piratebay
• Perth, Australia
25 Oct 13
Various kind of android applications available to the user which provide better facilities and very helpful weather it is free or paid