What Is There Into Thee, That Was, That Is, That Shall Be.

Moradabad, India
October 25, 2013 8:25am CST
SMILING IS NOT THE QUALITY OF LIPS BUT IT IS THE QUALITY OF HEART AND SOUL.Enjoyment enthusism and feeling of pleasure never come from outside. These things are always created from inside our bodies. Love and affection are also created in your heart. A mother's affection for a child is never created but it remains present naturally present in the heart of a mother. To hear a happy news our hearts start jumping. We feel like dancing without music. This is natural and spontaneous. Beauty does not in the objects but in the eyes of beholders. Envy is also an evil present in the heart. Envy is a vice that eats a man from inside as iron is destroyed by the rust,the wood by termite,in the same way man is destroyed by envy.
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