Public school system is a joke, not even a funny one!

Citrus Heights, California
October 30, 2013 6:24pm CST
It seems public schools have an excuse for everything, normally its lack of money,parental involvement, the children. My kids bring home more work to do in a single day then they do in class all week. At the bottom of each assignment(or front page if it is a weekly packet) it says, "Don't Forget to Correct". Really, so after a parent works all day in order to pay incredibly high taxes, which goes to public schooling(or is suppose to) we are suppose to come home and be teachers too. Yet in class they do an assignment and then correct each others papers,as the teacher complains they don't have enough time to educate. Then after pointing out mistake after mistake, including assignments marked missing which were corrected and returned already, blame it on the children. Sorry to let you know your kids getting a low grade because the other children messed up on correcting their work, or even though it was corrected its shown as missing. But if the homework had not been corrected or not to the teachers liking then watch out the parents must not care about their kids. Sorry to say you can learn more for free at a public library in a single day, then you ever kid in any given month at school.So lack of money is baloney. They say the teachers aren't paid enough,yet average salary for a teacher in my state is $64,000. That's not enough? Seems to me if 2/3 of the work is done at home then its way too much. It is no wonder as a nation we continue to fall below most other nations of the world. We were number ! before it was decided government needed to fix things, and what a great job they did. If by fixing you meant to dumb down the next generation of working class citizens,political leaders, and defenders of the nation. Yeah, I didn't mean to forget teachers of the following generation. Yet when you worry more about not discriminating against rapists and pedophiles from becoming teachers then this is what you get!
3 responses
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
31 Oct 13
Hey, Red. I'm with you there. Well, the teachers and parents have to work together, but sometimes neither one or the other wants to. It seems that the teachers in our school expect the parents to do it all and that they are just a baby sitter for the day. I wonder where all that money is going to. Do your schools expect y'all to buy the supplies for all the other students including your children too? At first I sent them thinking that it was back up for if my girls ran out of supplies, but then one of them told me that they were taken up by the teacher to be used by the entire class. Nothing like that ever happened to me when I was a kid. Oh and the middle school does not support the arts here. They say it's unnecessary. So the poor teacher has to seek donations from the parents to keep her class going.
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• Citrus Heights, California
31 Oct 13
I definitely don't think it's all the teacher's fault. I have switched my daughters schools, which also put her in another district and it didn't help as to overall education. At her last school I went to watch her present a project in front of her class and the teacher's aide was there but I saw the teacher for maybe 10 minutes of the hour and a half I was there. I overheard the principal talking about teachers giving other teacher's lunch breaks(even though I thought teacher's were exempt) and with this new school her first week they took of the 3rd grade classes and made three but didn't hire another teacher until 3 weeks later. Yes, parents are required to purchase supplies(for the whole class) yet even when buying extra for my daughter they seem to be confiscated by the teacher as well. Yet when given extra money from outside sources one school decided to repave their parking lot.What would any elementary school do without a new parking lot, definitely not teach children I assume. Sadly when it comes to arts, along with donated supplies, they need a donated instructor as well.Usually it's another teacher from the school. Just by only teaching 80% of whats state mandated the kids already are loosing just by going. I mean there's a lot of bureaucratic B.S. in schools as it is(like tenor,as well as paying superintendents six figure incomes) that just seems as though priorities are not on teaching the children. It's scarey to think that 60% of high school graduates can't even read at a high school level. This is our gift as a nation to our kids, well that and a large debt! I'm moving to Finland! (Sadly that may not be a joke!)
• United States
31 Oct 13
@redspot I've actually been thinking seriously about becoming an expat and not just because of our failing education system.
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• Citrus Heights, California
31 Oct 13
@cupkitties I would say "By what do you mean", but then I would just be silly.People have told me I can always change to private schools,or home-schooling, if the schools are so bad why move to another country. Yet to believe that if it were just about schooling then logically I wouldn't move to another country with possibly many other problems then here. If they could take a moment and look at the big picture then I'm sure they would already have packed their belongings and decided what their in-flight meal would be. With so many reason's to go, there's one reason why I can't, and won't. Even with all the manipulation,lies,deceit,Political Correctness,and above all Ideology which leads me to think "Yo man,you gotta go before you are no longer able too" I can't. Illogical, I don't think so, irrational, probably,(too many commas,yeah).
@jewcial (135)
• Shanghai, China
31 Oct 13
hey dude ,i know the reason what makes u crazy ,obviously is ur heavy job ,so do not put ur anger on the teacher ! the same issue exist in my country ,how can i do ,just do what u should do ,do not forget that is really a good opportunity to communicate with ur child ,so do not upset,love it ,adjust ur bad mood ,i think u will be fine !
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@jewcial (135)
• Shanghai, China
2 Nov 13
@redspot after reading ur reply ,i feel u r worry about ur daughter's future very much ,i found u r a good father obiously ,but do not forget everyone is live in this world ,them could live with it ,why ur daughter couldn't ? just relax my friend ,just adapt it if u r not able to change it ,that my opinon ,as u know China's situation is much worse than U.S ! I found i like sth of ur characters ,u r very frank !
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Oct 13
I guess I've been lucky, but I haven't had most of these problems. The kids do get more homework than I'd like, but I'm not being asked to correct it. The teachers genuinely seem to care, especially the special education teachers, and they alert me when something's going on with my son. When my daughter developed anxiety in Middle School, they worked with her. When they say it's the money, it's partly true. There is less money going into our schools, at least here in California, and especially secondary education. Why do you think tuition is so high? On the other hand, teachers get paid pretty well, especially if they continue their education. But I've heard horror stories from college professors, many of whom are paid on a part time basis, and don't have benefits or tenure.
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