This is the NEWS!!!

Citrus Heights, California
October 30, 2013 10:32pm CST
I was watching my local nightly news one night. When they had a report about why cats should drink in pairs and not by themselves.No joke! I was just absolutely flabbergasted to see that this was somebodies idea of news. I had to check and see if the channel wasn't switched to Animal Planet when I was not looking. Why the sudden switch from making everybody fearful to step out the door by showing violence?Your telling me in a world full of wars,crime,joblessness,disease,corruption,and so much more actual news. That this is what is considered news. Yet it wasn't what was being reported that upset me(I like cats, my daughter has a beautiful all white one of her own) it's what's not shown that is rather upsetting. It's a rather scary thing to see mainstream news being told what should be shown(by corporate sponsors,government,some guy in another country)and what shouldn't be shown. But who would bite the hand that feeds them,or will prosecute them, or own them. Oh yeah, anybody who is a true journalist and not afraid to stand up for what the believe is right, or what just isn't news.Welcome to America, rather fitting with everything else that is going on.(sorry I didn't find out why cats should drink in pairs, but then again why should they?)
1 response
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
31 Oct 13
Maybe but not only that but.. there has been 100billion (not sure on that figure) spent on internet communication systems with server, satellite and software developments so that people can talk about................. their cats?
• Citrus Heights, California
31 Oct 13
Please tell me that was a joke, or possibly an acronym for Communications Authority of Thailand, CAT-net of Tazmania? I'm pretty sure allowing people to communicate about their cats was not the main intention of anyone spending money in the technological field. Can't be 100% on that given the rising mental health issues(at least in the U.S) but more like 99.9999999999% certain! Sorry, the Anxious looking smiley didn't help.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
31 Oct 13
@redspot That was just a joke. I am not sure allowing comes into it this though I think better discribed as that is what happens. The main intention of money being spent on internet development? To make more money of course. We should worry about mental health issues, you never know you could be next. It is true the media does cover such things as cat news. My small joke however was simply connected to your article in that I think of the internet as a great tool anyone can use to learn about anything they wish. It is possible. If we all choose to talk about cats we can do that to.