My decision to just say no to Obamacare

Citrus Heights, California
November 1, 2013 3:54pm CST
I have decided that due to the incredible irresponsibility of the implementation of Obamacare, that I have chosen not to enroll at all. I will not pay the individual mandate if that means that I won't do my taxes this year. I do not care what happens to myself, even if it means being garnished, or arrested. I have decided to stand up for my rights, weather or not it means I will be prosecuted and put in jail or prison. This is my choice and my choice alone, it was a very difficult decision but one that I made to ensure that my rights as an American Citizen of these united States. If you would like to comment, it is always welcome. I hope people stand up for themselves and not follow in my footsteps, nor do I want people to believe that I'm doing this for anything more,or anybody but for myself! Thank You for understanding
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5 responses
@jewcial (135)
• Shanghai, China
3 Nov 13
I admire with u ,my friend ,but u'd better choose a better and legal way to do the right things ,cuz u have ur innocent family ,i afriad that ur action might hurt them . As u know there r more people ,more power will be , so do not put all the things which should be shouldered by all you guys on yours ,calm down pls , my bro !
1 person likes this
• Citrus Heights, California
3 Nov 13
I understand that I may end up going to jail for tax evasion, but that's about it. There is no punishment for not being insured, except paying a tax. Yet I can not sign up for the exchange due to the website not working. I also know that taxes are either based on privilege which if I don't partake in that privilege then I can not be legally taxed. Or there are direct taxes which due to exemptions, and that the taxes are not evenly dispersed to each state then it can not be a direct tax. Yes it may be pointless and I may end up in jail. Then on the other hand I may get someone's attention who will fix the many issues this law has. Then again I may very well be walking into a situation that I hope wouldn't be possible,in America. All these have crossed my mind, but nobody can stand up for my rights but me and if I don't then I have no rights. That's what the united states government has decided and not me,It's a rather viscous cycle! As long as I can still have a pen pal in jail I'll be just fine!
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@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Nov 13
I'm not sure what the ObamaCare law means. I THOUGHT it was gonna mean something like 'an extra tax to take care of the health-insurance of people who can't afford it'---that you 'get enrolled in it' simply by 'not being enrolled in any other health-insurance' I thought the big disagreement with it was 'that your tax-dollars will be paying for procedures your conscience/religion wouldn't allow,' but that same argument has been levied against war, 'secret' government activities & all sorts of disagreeable things, & they weren't stopped either
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Nov 13
I'm one of those this law does nothing for. Every plan on the exchange is far out of my reach in terms of cost, I make too LITTLE to qualify for a subsidy and my state didn't expand medicaid. But the good side is that because my state didn't expand medicaid, I am exempt from the penalty. Even if I qualified for a subsidy, it comes in the form of a tax refund, so it would automatically be taken from me for child support.
• Citrus Heights, California
14 Nov 13
Yeah, I just don't like the idea of giving more money to a discriminating ideologue like the IRS. They got their 70 million in bonuses for screwing over Americans just because they like a little Tea with there Party
• United States
27 Nov 13
Hey x factor and red curtis if the republicans are putting all their eggs on Obama care I would bet against them because the idea of Obama care was to help alot people not hurt them the American people will forgive the problems of Obama care overall because of its and his good intentions.
• Citrus Heights, California
1 Dec 13
@Sourceseeker elderly for the most part are those with pre-existing conditions, who are eligible for medicare and on average have an annual income of $170,000 that forces higher costs on younger people with no health issues, do not qualify for medicare and have an annual income of $23,000, seems like the Rich will get Richer(by paying a lot less for medical than what they were)and the Poor getting Poorer(by paying a lot more for their health coverage.) Well add to that almost 100 million(both individual and employer ) dropped health plans, also include those that will have their hours cut to 28 hours from 40 per week so owner's of businesses become exempt from providing employee insurance will still be in business. Those that had their hours cut will now require government assistance to be able to survive poverty. When they see government exempt,corporations exempt from law. Which will crumble our country, may not be easily forgiven, especially when corporations decide to buy our bankrupt country to do as they want with. Welcome to Bioshock 2 ...Bidding wars...... I can make your 2000 shirts for $1, well I can do the 2000 shirts for .75 cents, .65, I'll do it for .40- Deal!
• United States
16 Nov 13
The Healt care debate in America is the miost critical issue to the future of America and President Obama is the key to our future. The Healthcare debacle Obamacare represents a great failure and a great opportunity. There have been moments and events in history that have catulputed the American movement forward and this is one of them. During the American Revolution, through the civel war, the civil rights period many other events there were challenges this is one and Obama is the man to do it because he is the one who sees the potential of China, and India and the Islam calender and what consequences there and is trying to do the most important thing keep us alive and being able to compact the sheeer volume of people arrayed against American exceptionalism.
@sonlar (11)
• Bergen, Norway
4 Nov 13
i wouldn`T do that, but it is your choice and stand for it !