@Hulnek (14)
Kampala, Uganda
November 12, 2013 3:12am CST
In life, we do things sometimes we wish we had never done, others we wish we could replay over and over, millions of times in our heads.., still others, we just become thankful that they happened!
At the end of it all, those very things are what make us what we are now! The shape every detail of who we are and about what we have become! if we had a chance to reverse it, we couldn't be where we are, or what we are, or anything inbetween!
So, just live, make mistakes, wonderful memories, and life must go on, never second guess, or underestimate what you are, what you can accomplish, who you are, the far you have made, or why you are where you are or where you are heading!!!
wasn't it said, 'what lies behind and before us, are tiny particles as compared to what lies inside us'??
-Celebrate your life, and become more comfortable facing and expressing your truth about what matterrs most to you!
Admit DEFEAT, LEARN, it's the only thing we have LEFT after we LOSE, and the OnLY HOPE, only way we can have the CONFIDENCE for a SECOND Try!
Confidence in yourself is thinking you can do anything, FAITH in yourself is KNOWING you CAN do anything! And, you should as well learn to accept how people judge you, never let it sink into your nerves especially when you well know it ain't true! Your instincts tell you what to do, you INTELLECT CONFIRMS what RIGHT! One day when you hit the rock bottom,(as you always will, as a basis others will use to mock you) don't forget to save some sand and dust to throw in the face of those who thought you'd never remerge, Wyclef says., i'm saying the same to you!
-SMILE, sometimes it's the only way to DEAL with a DIFFICULT SITUATION, even if it's FAKE, used properly, you can fool anyone with it, besides, MUCH as it doesn't make THINGS better, It STOPS and PREVENTS people from asking and saves You from answering all that's not going right in your life! You can spend so much time wishing for what you don't have, but you can choose to have enough time to enjoy what you already have, it may be too late, when you realise it's GONE or STALE!
-Don't let your PRIDE drive you BEHAVIOUR, that only INCREASES your CHANCES of LOSING what you are TRYING to KEEP.., besides, GIVING yourself AIRs of importance only GIVES the HaTErs the CREDENTIALS to Your IMPOTENCE!!
-Happiness is nothing more than GOOD HEALTH and a BAAADDDD memory(stress), you should know what to forget, and what to remember, and you will be alright.., you can choose worry, anxieties in place of good memories, but tears won't make any situation easier, or better, save for emotional relief..,
truth is, ONE lie is enough to break trust! eVERY body lies, and worse, when the trust that's broken is the one your protecting! One sentence is enough to break a heart, a second enough to lose a battle.., There is POWER in the Number ONE, including U, U are ONE, be the BEST Memory any ONE can HAVE.
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