Logical thought vs Political Manipulation
By Red Curtis
@redspot (64)
Citrus Heights, California
December 1, 2013 5:43am CST
So when taking Constitutional Law in college (like President Obama did) the text book used is Emanuel law outlines: Constitutional Law. The book is 772 pages long, yet for some reason they left much of the constitution out. The parts of the constitution that are in the book,are shortened, and are followed by several pages of opinion to what the writer's of the constitution really meant at the time(instead of reading what the words are,they seem to read in between the lines) as well as numerous exceptions to each amendment that were never written in the constitution. After more and more people graduate with a degree in Constitutional Law,(indoctrinated with the belief that the writers of the constitution didn't mean what they wrote as well as things they never wrote(like certain people are exempt from Constitutional Law)and they become members of congress,judges, or the President. Of course at that time more people read the original U.S. Constitution(unlike only 28% of Americans have now) not much changed. However over time numerous "coincidences" occurred like public schools started their educational decline, more and more graduates were unable to read or write(which by 2016 60% of high school graduates will not be able to read at a 12th grade level) and stopped teaching U.S. History, and cursive writing(which I now cursive, but my little brother can not read or write in cursive,) so not learning the constitution(and other important documents) in school or given the tools to read the original constitution elsewhere, they need to rely on an honest person interpreting what it says just so they know what their rights are to be able to know if they are being violated . Not to mention this entire time more and more 100% UN-constitutional laws are passed, taxes start getting more and more, regulations multiply and fees increase. With so many people unable to read,write, or made aware of what is and always will be "THE LAW OF THE LAND'(above all other laws) made it possible for laws and regulations to be written so vague or incomprehensible that no reasonable person can understand them(which is again UN-constitutional) except for the writer of the bill. Bills that could be summed up in 1 or 2 pages become 1000's of pages which are barely read if at all prior to voting. People's personal rights are being stripped by being told lies( Which everyone has a right of free speech,but that's only in a free speech zone or being charged $5000 to be allowed to protest fracking, which I'm pretty sure was not what the writer's of the Constitution meant when writing the first amendment.)With 7 out of 10 Americans on prescribed drugs, some of those like Prescription antidepressants which list side effects such as depression,aggression, suicidal thoughts( the 2nd most prescribed drug. Personal Property is being stripped from people due to banks knowingly providing bad loans using federally Insured Dollars (FDIC) intending on people to default in order to take their house.(2008 housing market crash benefited banks,some of those provided the loans used to buy the homes.) The icing on the cake is that the housing market is worth an estimated $23.7 trillion dollars in 2012. There are 300+ laws regulating firearms(a right for all Americans) but only 6 laws regulating tobacco smoke,not a right which kills 435,000 including 43,000 non smokers every year( www.CDC.gov) Yet assault rifles are banned in order to save lives(243 people killed by an assault weapon each year(www.FBI.gov at the same time the ATF is caught selling assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels. Contradicting to say the least. It seems unless politicians gain a moral conscience, and schools do what they are payed to do and that's teach our kids to read both cursive And American History (instead of U.S. social science)the end comes once people(myself included) who know what the constitution says die off and then those people(like my brother) who were not taught or can not read the constitution will never know if their rights are being violated. Given the American Psychiatric Associations official list of mental disorders, which covers phobias,autism,drug addiction,drug withdrawal, down syndrome, and others, if being mentally ill was deemed illegal then 90% of America would be in violation of that law. I only listed a few "coincidences" of many that "coincidentally" benefit the same group of people. Yet a lawyer would be the first to say there's no such thing as a coincidence.
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