The Truth About Turning the Other Cheek

Quezon, Philippines
December 4, 2013 2:12am CST
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.(Matthew 5:39) This verse has always brought confusion among many Christians. It's like saying that we should allow others to slap us in the face and insult us. Does God really want to do that to us? it was until I listened to a talk given by Bro. Bo Sanchez that it became clear to me. I want to share this to you, guys to help us understand this ambiguous verse. During the time of Jesus, there's two kinds of slaps; the open-hand slap and the back-hand slap. The back- hand slap is a slap between equals, meaning people of the same stature in society. The open-hand slap is a slap between a master and a slave. Now. tradition forbids them to use the left hand because it was considered as dirty obviously for the same reasons we have today. The verse states that if someone slaps you on the right cheek...... you can't possibly give an open-hand slap to someone's right cheek, can you? Then Jesus said," turn them the other cheek" - and that means a back-hand slap , a slap between equals is what should be given to you. Not an insulting, degrading slap. Although God expects us to be forgiving and humble in our dealings with men, that doesn't mean we should allow ourselves to be trampled upon. I hope I was able to give clarity on this issue.
2 responses
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Dec 13
So it's saying 'let the slap throw you (like in movies & on TV) rather than holding your face firm into it'? Jesus teaches us ninja-fighting?
• Quezon, Philippines
5 Dec 13
ha ha! no, it meant it's okay to accept offense from anyone but we shouldn't allow ourselves to be abused. We're all equals.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5 Dec 13
@anjalmonte so 'think on how you DESERVED to be slapped' rather than 'offer them the other cheek for them TO slap'?
• Moradabad, India
6 Dec 13