Welcome to Occupied America!
By Red Curtis
@redspot (64)
Citrus Heights, California
January 2, 2014 2:45am CST
It seems U.S. strategy for relinquishing control of an occupied country to another is the same whether at home or abroad.
#1 Abroad- in Iraq and Afghanistan they started by providing military equipment as well as military strategy and training to the New Security Force to allow an easy transition for the civilian population.
#1 Home- Provide military equipment and training to state and local law enforcement, as well as DHS and Board of Education. Giving each agency it's own swat team(yes including the board of education) anti mine tanks, assault weapons, riot gear, and armored vehicles.
This includes allowing Chinese Hackers to "gain access" to classified military technology (notice the naval fleet resembles our own) worth hundreds of Billions of dollars. Also includes allowing crates of M16 and M4 assault weapons to vanish into mexico, coinciding with Chinese Military training in Mexico.
#2 abroad- Allow new security Forces to gain control of country piece by piece(while still maintaining control of Natural Resources, like opium,and oil) Even after security force has control of country, U.S. troops remain in country at several "enduring Bases" four of which in Iraq are as large as the Vatican.Bases are located in close proximity to natural resources,ie oil wells, opium fields.In return for military and monetary help, the U.S. is provided with property in the country, land.natural resources, strategic location in the world
#2 Home- Allow China to buy $1.4 trillion U.S. Debt which includes U.S. Bonds and Certificates recently bought by The Federal Reserve which is backed by U.S. property/ land. Then providing China to buy Gold from us, and numerous other nations like England,France,Netherlands,Germany,North Korea... As Chinese govt publicly states they want to De-Americanize the world.
#3-Abroad- Allow Govt elections to take place(even if the politicians were hand picked like in Iraq, or bribed as in Afghanistan) so citizens seem like they are a true democracy,then once elections are done, get new govt to be apart of a "strategic Alliance"so U.S. "enduring bases" can be built to allow troops to remain for years and years( seeing as it is not a "treaty" no senate approval is needed.)
#3 Home- Provide $500 million contract to KBR(a subsidiary of Halliburton, who was main company reconstructing in both Iraq and Afghanistan,owned by none other than Dick Cheney) to build, and renovate military bases in U.S. to be used as concentration camps in case of Mass Rioting.(Rex 84) KBR was the very first American Company to be contracted by the People’s Republic of China.
Also given the latest Executive Order which allows the U.N. to enforce international law on U.S. soil, over U.S. Law enforcement.
Yeah coincidentally The U.N. was founded in the U.S.A., HQ located in New York, and the U.S. provides 61% of annual income to the U.N.
Once the U.N. Peace Corp enters a country, it has never left.
#4 Abroad- Steadily provide U.S. friendly information to each nations citizens in order to quell violence or rioting against them, which includes falsifying Total dead due to the war or by U.S. Drone strikes occurring daily. Replacing words like "permanent" with "Enduring" -"Alliance" over "Treaty", "terrorism" to "extremism" and "terrorist" to "Insurgent".
#4 Home- Two words- "Cable T.V." so what doesn't get mentioned in Mainstream Media, which is absolutely nothing that can be deemed NEWS, What lies and manipulations are told unfortunately go unheard by most that are either enthralled in Housewives or just trying to Keep up with those Kardashians. and seeing as 7 out of 10 Americans are taking Prescription Medication such as tranquilizers,inhibitors,blockers,pain killers(opium), and good old anti depressants- If the T.V. doesn't make you a Zombie the pills will.
Yet, when misinformed voters vote or medicated voters don't vote, its the entire nation that suffers. But instead of making a change for the better we pop more pills or stare into the "Boob Tube". Meanwhile our Rights are being shredded and our sovereignty destroyed. Yet we allow it to happen because all in all we have become a nation of pu*sy whipped subordinates, instead of who we should be and thats F**king Americans!
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