God does not exist.
By Christoph56
@Christoph56 (1504)
January 20, 2014 2:41am CST
I haven't been around this website for a long long time, so I'm just wondering what will happen with this post.
God doesn't exist. There is no proof of God, no evidence of any kind of God, and for the most part, the concept of God brings more problems in the modern world then it helps.
Granted, I will give you that if you live in a world that is really harsh and filled with problems, then latching onto the concept of a God makes sense. But look at the world around you. If you generally live a happy, peaceful kind of life, where you go to work and have a family, or just have enjoyable times in your life, then you don't need any kind of God to live those times.
If you live well, and still believe in a God, then think about this, what have the people who tell you about God gotten you to do for them? The majority of the churches in the world are for getting people together for them to give to the organization. When we witness religious events, we get this love for them, and we want to help, so the money from our pockets always seems like a good idea.
It isn't, it's a really terrible one. If you want to help others, do so in your community rather then through a religious organization.
How do you feel about this? I'm interested to see what kind of comments I get back.
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7 responses
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
21 Jan 14
Hi, welcome back!
Maybe we have met before in some discussion..
I can understand you in a way, as most religions actually are greedy and very interested in collecting money.
Many have stopped believing in a God because many who claim to be his servants have been supporting wars and killing and yes, only been interested in collecting whatever they could from poor people.
Many churches have lots of posessions and here in Sweden the most common church gets money through the taxes. I am happy it is possible to leave that church and save the money - and many have done that, just like in Finland too...
But maybe you agree that if there is an Almighty God, would he not own the earth and the rest of the universe? Would he need us to support him with money?
Would you accept that there exists a scientist who can construct a hard drive that works without electricity and that can store all the digital archives in the world?
What do you think of the thougts in this article??

@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
21 Jan 14
@Christoph56 Well, those who believe that everything on the earth just evolved without anyone who designed it - just by coincidence - must have a strong faith..
There is a lot more info on the jw.org site if you are sincerely searching the truth. It is up to you if you want to go there and do research.
If we are just a result of some un proved evolution, why would we have evolved a mind that really want answers and want to learn the person who created us. Why are so many worshiping some kind of god?? 

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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
21 Jan 14
I made a quick little readthrough of your Watchtower link, and I often get copies of Watchtower when they're available around me. Around some of the transit hubs in my city, there are people who stand with the magazines to pass them out to anyone they can, so I pick them up here and there.
Really though, I pick them up and read them because they're crazy. They go against science in ways that are just plain crazy, and are really missing out on important points. It boggles my mind how people can believe in some of these things... like the ideas of this article...
Yes, DNA is extremely complex, and standard evolution (even Darwinin evolution, the backbone of the modern concepts of evolution) shows how complex DNA would come about by evolution. It goes this way because life began extremely simple. It took electricity, water, carbon, and a few other basic things on earth to start amino acids, then over time, it formed proteins, to RNA, to bacteria-like compounds, and only a billion years after that to form life, then a billion years after that to form basic life and another billion years to evolve to where we are now.
On a planet like earth, this complex system would have to happen over 4 billion years. If there was anything that held it back, over enough time, there would be additions.
And as of now, there is no scientist that can make a hard drive like what you're talking about, but looking at how technology has been advancing, there's a pretty good chance we will have that in the next 100 years (or less). If it takes us 100 years to do that, but it took evolution billions of years to form us, that totally shows that it was not any kind of intelligent form that made us.
Any other questions?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
21 Jan 14
" It took electricity, water, carbon, and a few other basic things on earth to start amino acids"
When did your marxist teachers taught you that ? Is this what science told you it happened ?

@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
20 Jan 14
I remember seeing your posts before and think I participated in some of them. I don't know if you remember me? I don't know how you think about me if you do remember but I know I do have different beliefs than yours. That should not mean that we can not communicate without aggression. It should only mean we can openly discuss different views and beliefs. I've never looked at discussions here as debates but I understand many people perhaps did?
I detect, maybe some apprehension in your post because you said, “I wonder what will happen with this post”? What do you think will happen with it? I always thought what happens within a post really only depends on the discussion that goes on in it by the people that participate? Why did you say that in the first paragraph of your article?
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
20 Jan 14
I can't say I remember you so well, sorry for that, but it has been a long time since I've been on here, and my most notable direction was being more anti-religious. Maybe over some time I'll remember you too?
The reason I wonder what will happen, is because I'm really hoping to spring up some debate. That's something I really enjoy in discussion, 2 people having different opinions and each pushing theirs forwards, everyone can learn something of their own accord.
I also wonder because I was big on Mylot a long time ago, when there were different groups for things like religion and philosophy, or whatever sport or tv show or hobby you loved... now it seems all meshed together, which made me loose interest in it... so I wonder what will happen with it now...
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
20 Jan 14
Thanks for answering that question. I was thinking something else. Yes, Mylot has changed over the years but you might still get some responses for this post. Time will tell I guess. I personally don’t have much confidence in debate style posts in connection with this type of subject for two reasons.
1) because the subject can be very passionate (with everyone) and it can degrade very quickly
2) the subject is truly only a debate for the atheist minded
Because of my belief in God I tend to regard debate style as aggressive and therefore unproductive. I do however also enjoy learning about other people. I think, open discussion is better than aggressive debate but I will say so far I am very comfortable with your writing and that perhaps when you say debate you do not actually mean debate that is aggressive? I don’t know.
Regardless, I do disagree with your points. I do agree that the world can be harsh and filled with problems. However, if people are happy, peaceful and enjoyable they can still be even more blessed by having a belief in God. Certainly having gratitude and joy in the fact that a person has a belief in God will not hinder their enjoyment of life but make it even better. I am speaking from personal reflection but I suppose examples could be found.
I can also agree that it could be said that “God does not exist” if we were to interrupt that statement to mean "God does not exist for me as an individual" because the person does not believe in God and does not think of God as part of their life. - then that statement might reflect a persons understanding.
I myself don’t share that belief though. I do believe in God and trust in God.
Because of the above, God does exist.
I can be anti - religious sometimes too when worldly religion fails (I think God is too on that one) however I am never anti - God.
Hope these comments are acceptable for your topic.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
21 Jan 14
So, what you're saying, is that you don't see God, or talk with God, or hear anything directly from God, but you still believe that God exists?
You seem like a really nice person, that lives a good life. I think that if we're helping eachother out, not cutting people off, and not being a part of something bigger that is making problems on others, then it's a good thing.
In the direction of religion, I'm more for a lack of organized religion, and more skepticism. I think we should be asking questions rather then just going along with what we're told. It's like my Mom would tell me when I was little, "Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see".
So, on your side, what do you mean by "trust in God"? What leads to this trust, and can you give me and example of this trust? I don't quite get it, myself.
And yep, your comments are great, I always like learning more about people :)

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
22 Jan 14
What if I don't believe you exist? There are some words on a page but what does that prove? Is there really evidence of intelligent design in those words? Maybe they just randomly landed on the page after billions of years.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
23 Jan 14
If I were to seek you out you would be able to prove you exist and show me your posts in person. But let me ask you, have you sought God? Tried to seek him out and let him prove his existence to you?
I believe the Holy Bible is God's revelation of himself to men. The Bible agrees with science in many ways. Science and the Bible are in harmony, but it is not immediately obvious unless you are willing to search the scriptures and the comments of others who have already searched it out.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
22 Jan 14
Well, if you really didnt believe that I exist, you can study it, search me on the internet, find more about me, all sorts of info, put forward the idea that I dont exist, and see where it goes. If you need more, you can even come out to Canada and meet me personally. That would show you, with undeniable physical proof that I do exist.
You can't, however, get this kind of evidence for God, and thats why I dont believe in it.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
22 Jan 14
@Christoph56 I think Christoph56 is absolutely correct with that.
You can not find the kind of evidence concerning God that you can find about another human being. I think trying to understand our spirituality or if it is put forward as "finding God" is really fruitless if we think we can find physical evidence...
Is there anyone in this thread that would disagree with the above?

@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
18 Apr 14
I think that it is not possible to proof that God exists, although many people think that one can perceive Him in the nature or other expressions in the world. God is a matter of faith. Jesus said "because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." (John 20, 29)
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
21 Jan 14
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God"... then he thought he should share his idea with the rest of the world.
Tell that to this guy :
Go tell him that the world will be a much better place without religion. Maybe you are not aware of this but some parts of the world already experienced such a life. And now there are more chrisitans in those countries than ever before.
Have you ever thought that you are indoctrinated by marxist propaganda to believe there is no God and no afterlife ? Have you ever thought that the rulers of this world want you to believe you have no support outside of this world because this way it will be easier for them to control you ?
And i must say this, they are doing a great job. As long as there are people like you who feel the need to tell everyone else that there is no God, it means they are doing a great job.
How can you compare the idea of a God with the idea of Santa ? Did Santa created this world ? Either this universe created itself or someone created it. And if someone created it then it wasn`t Santa. Or if you believe Santa created it then he is god.
Learn to make the difference between atheist propaganda ( The grand design or An universe from nothing ) and science. Multiverse is not science it is only marxist indoctrination. You can believe in it but why do you think your 10^500 gods are more real than our God ? Much of what we assume about our universe is probably not real and the standard model is on the verge of collapse, i bet you never heard about that otherwise you would had asked your marxist teachers how can they talk about multiverse when they have no idea what`s going on in this universe.
How do you know people don`t need God even if they live a happy life ? Just because you don`t need it and you believe everyone should think the same as you think because you are the greatest thinker alive ?
Or why do you care if a lot of people donate their money to the churches ? This is another marxist idea, i bet you can do a lot of things using other people`s money. "Let`s take the money from the rich and give them to the poor. We don`t need religion to build communism" .
Let them do whatever they want with their money and you do whatever you want with yours.

(Correction, born in Romania to a jewish family) For more atheist inquisition, see North Korea, Russia during the time of Stalin, Rome during the persecution...

@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
21 Jan 14
Ohhh iuliuxd, now you're one that I remember from these pages. Good to see that you're still around now, even when your comments always seem quite quite crazy.
Firstly, the world is a better place when it doesn't have religion. The least religious countries in the world are the ones that are doing the best, like Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Norway, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Japan, UK, etc... while the most religious are doing the worst, like Niger, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Congo, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tanzania, etc...
Thats what I want, I want the world to be doing better, and not let religion get in the way of helping out everyone. Religion generally only helps their own, or wants to convert people so that they'll pay money to get that help... and the help is generally just emotional rather than economic or medical or anything that would actually help them.
The idea of a multiverse has no confirmed studies for it, and is therefore a hypothesis. It's an interesting idea, like that of an infinite universe, and it's fun to think about, but we currently have no way to see what was around before our universe, so it's up in the air. Nobody in science has faith that tells them that there is a multiverse. Because of that, if evidence came around showing what actually is outside the universe, it would be amazing, and those scientists would be held high for their achievements. There would also be loads of scientists picking away at every little piece to see what parts are wrong about it, but if it came out as true, their names would go down in history.
"How do you know people don`t need God even if they live a happy life ?" - That is something that really confuses me. If life is happy in the first place, without any mythical figures behind it, then why push so much for it? I'd love to understand that. I guess we can't be in other people's minds to see how everything works out, but I'd guess if me and you switched around, then in not much time, you'd become an atheist and I'd become religious :)
How about this, what would prove to you that God doesn't exist? On my side, if there was any real evidence, that didn't have other possibilities to where it came from, if it was completely proven that it was from God, then I would totally believe it! All it would take is scientific overwhelming evidence and I'd see it as fact.
So, what would prove to you that there is no God?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
22 Jan 14
Why would i want to make the world a better place ? That is already a religion and the most idiotic one. If we become food for worms then stop telling me what to do and let`s live by the law of the jungle. I can afford that, it doesn`t matter if i die tomorrow or in 50 years anyway. If we don`t remember anything we can nuke the Earth tomorrow and it will be the same as if we live another hundred of years.
Who cares if religion holds things back ? If there is no God then we are not going anywhere anyway, there is no future for any of us, and our lives are useless. If you can find a meaning in such a life be my guest, but stop asking me to join your religion because it is the most irational religion.
And since you only believe in what science tells you then stop talking about good and bad, because according to science there is no good and bad. "DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is, and we dance by its music." So keep your religion for yourself. 

@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
21 Jan 14
Or watch this movie and maybe next time you want to tell people how great is a world without God you`ll think twice before doing it :

To order the DVD Beyond , go to www.visionvideo.com Producer an director: Alan Hartwick Un film despre inchisorile comuniste din Romania -inchisoarea Pitesti !

@Hopefull90 (921)
• United States
17 Apr 14
One of us is going to be greatly surprised if there is a God. IF there is no God then neither will be surprised because we will never know it if we aren't raised to life again. I would hate to be the one surprised that there is a God because everything the Bible predicts will happen to those who do not believe isn't very pretty and I don't even believe in eternal hell fire. The Bible uses eternal as a way of showing completeness. IT talks about stubble and wickedness being no more. That sounds like an end to me.
@sunilmishra7756 (4263)
• Moradabad, India
21 Jan 14