My Cat Rescue Story
By John Sherack
@jjsdisounts2011 (22)
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
January 22, 2014 4:50pm CST
One day I was sitting alone at home and feeling kind of restless because I had just finalized a divorce a month earlier, so I decided to go out for a drive. As I was driving around, I saw a pet store and said "what the heck, what else do I have to do?". So I was walking around the store and came across the kitten area and decided to take a look at them. I wasn't really sure why because I never had a cat in my life, only dogs. As I came across the cages, I had to step back and take another look.I saw a tiny lifeless kitten that could fit in the palm of your hand! I inquired about her and the pet store worker said it's not for sale and is going to be put to sleep because her mother was hit by a car. I looked at this kitten and felt really bad thinking how can something like this that just came into this world be put down, so I felt I had to do something. I told the lady that I really wanted the kitten and told her that I would give her $20.00 for the kitten. After a while of thinking about it she said yes, but don't expect it to live through the night. She told me that if the kitten died I could come back and she would give me another one. This was in the summertime, but even though the weather was warm, I knew I had to act fast to see what I can do, because the kittens body temperature felt cool. I did some fast researching on the internet and got the things that I needed, which I will explain. The first thing I had to get for Naomi was a heating pad covered with a towel, where I made a little nest for her. That helped with the body temperature part. The next thing I had gotten was pre made kitten milk in a can and I feed her with an eye dropper. I later on fed her with a tiny baby bottle. I had to feed her every hour around the clock. The next thing I researched was one of the most critical issues for her survival. Newborn kittens can not go to the bathroom on their own, Their mother has to lick them to stimulate them to go. Okay the answer is NO I didn't do that! But what I did was use a cloth and rub her genitals with warm water every time after she ate. The mission was successful! If you do not do this the cat has no way to go and will die in a few days. Well 7 years later I still have Naomi and she is the best pet that I have ever had in my life!
Read more about Naomi by copying this link
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