If for once competitors joined hands.....

February 15, 2014 11:46am CST
Just think of a futuristic mobilephone made by Apple and Samsung together (although I doubt whether it will ever happen) or a softdrink manufactured by Coca-Cola and Pepsi togetther..... Today we find that there is stiff compettion in the world to stay at the top.It doesn't matter whether it's gadgets,automobiles,sports or any other thing. There is fierce rivalry among various companies,individual or organisations to always come out with the better result. Its a good thing because it always brings out the best in them. But what if these rivals came together for joint venture.Wouldn't it be awesome,amazing,magical,wonderful and any other adjectives you like. Just imagine- A movie made by Spielberg and Cameron. A space station made by NASA and RFSA A car by Lamborghini and Ferrari and so on.... A stupid post by shine10mathew and shine10mathew(I am peerless)
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