By errole
@errole88 (2)
Nairobi, Kenya
February 21, 2014 9:37am CST
Clash of Clans is a combat strategy games developed by some video game company based in Finland for Apple gadgets. This game can be downloaded for free from Apple app store. Clash of Clans is among the most popular games currently available on Apple app store for download. Every Apple gadget user will tell you this.
With more than 4.5 star rating, it has been noticed that this game is quite addictive. Players may spend a couple of hours on their Apple gadgets trying to defeat their opponents. In other words this game may offer you the perfect plan for your long weekend in the house. Once you learn how to play it addiction will be the next thing to follow. You may even end up devoting 18 hours per day just to this game, it is that serious!
How To Play
Clash of Clans is a multiplayer game that allows players to build their community, organize troops and attack other players while defending themselves against attackers. The successful team earns gold and elixir. Well elixir is just a liquid that is believed to have magical powers such as those that can make a person to be immortal.
As a team you can use the chat feature to communicate with one another and join hands so as to defeat the common enemy. This feature makes the game to be so real and interesting. Through it you can discuss strategies to crush and subdue your opponents among other things.
Always know at the back of your mind that whenever you set out for the battle each and every troop you take with you will always perish even if a given unit wins at the end of the day. So think critically before setting up a more than powerful troop that is only going to be wasted on a not so powerful troop of enemies.
Which Fighters Should I Take into The Battle?
If you are just trying to defeat goblins in the single player mode then it is not possible to view every level before starting the battle. So do not fear throwing a couple of fighters within the first attempt to grab a feel for the layout. With time you will unlock a fighter for every type of hurdle.
How Do I Get 3 Stars?
This is a question most beginners ask themselves. Well if you want to get the 3 star award for each and every goblin level then you need to completely destroy everything they own. This is the only way to get maximum bonuses.
Should I Be Defensive or Offensive?
Well every good fighter should exercise a little bit of both this is the general rule of every battle. But try and exercise a little bit of moderation when it comes to this, you do not need a troop of marauding soldiers that can destroy the entire enemy group if the first player to show up on your home ground can tear both of you to pieces. Ensure that your town's resource collectors are well protected by canon- fire so that the battle can go on even when you are not around. Also remember to upgrade these weapons more frequently so that they can be more effective.
What are The Missions?
Well this should not worry you so much; there are various icons that you will see popping up in the corner of the screen. These are meant to give you some guidance on what to do next in case you are stuck in the middle of the game. If you use these icons well, then you are going to earn some great rewards every time you accomplish a given mission.
What Should I Do in Regards to Clearing New Space
Think well about the land you want to clear out for expansion purposes. Know at the back of your mind that the bigger the object the bigger the amount of resources you will have to employ. In fact sometimes it is wiser to just clear a few smaller objects rather than a single object which is so huge. However this majorly depends on what your expansion plans are for so take note of both the size and placement at the same time.
How Do I Get Ahead of the Game?
The phrase 'Use money to get money' also applies in the game 'Clash of Clans'. If you want to reduce your down-time without having to hit the inn-app purchase store then ensure that you upgrade your resource collectors more often. This may not be interesting but the pay-off at the end of the day is great. You can use the resources collected by your stuff to buy a new and more powerful troop, the magic liquid, weapons and so on. This will keep you ahead of the game by giving you an upper hand against your enemies.
Note: The game 'Clash of Clans' really has a number of nuance that is not documented anywhere. As such there are numerous tricks that a player may only learn after practicing several times. This is how they will be able to learn the weaknesses of their enemies thereby defeating them within the shortest time possible.
There are a lot of Apple fans who play the above game all across the globe. This gives each and every individual a good opportunity to team up with their counterparts from other parts of the world which is also great way to establish further links. This has made the game to be more interesting taking into consideration the various winning strategies that are put in place by various players. It is the unpredictability factor about this game that has made it to gain a huge popularity worldwide.
The game 'Clash of Clans' is so easy to understand and play but learning the right strategy to win is the big question. Many people all across the globe understand the concept and basics of this game but have never won.
All in all Clash of Clans is currently the in thing in the gaming world, if you have never given it a try then now is the time. Remember it is available free of charge on Apple app store. Go ahead and test your skills if you believe you are up to challenge.
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