My Engineering Life- part 4
@Charziee91 (4)
Chengalpattu, India
March 19, 2014 11:54am CST
I forgot to mention....there was a lady handling english subject, her name is Tamilselvi. She trolled the language like hell( RIP English). She pronounced all the words in a weird way( stylish accent itseems :p ).For example she prounounced ASIA as Aye-sia. We had the time of our life in that english class alone.
One day we planned a prank on her, she asked who was ready to take seminar on the book WINGS OF FIRE #facepalm(who on earth takes seminar about a book).My friends and I volunteered to take the seminar(jus for fun),she gave us to days to prepare for the seminar.For those two days we all were present in class,from the next day each one of us bunked college by taking turns everyday,so when she asked us to take seminar,we kept an innocent face and said her(Mam! she is absent , the book is with her...we need that book for reference to take seminar).She believed us (LOL).This comedy continued for almost 2 weeks,after 2 weeks only she got a hint that we were playing fool with her.(Hahahah) At last she gave up and said us not to volunteer for any seminar hereafter(she got pissed off :P) .From that day we started targeting us in class...but we managed as our English were far better :P
We had four lab subjects in our first semester..physics,chemistry,EE and mechanical(I guess).Physics and chemistry were a piece of cake as we already know basics from school,but mechanical and EE were hellish and frustrating.Mechanical was completely about handling working tools like drilling,using spanner,using saw to cut wooden blocks.In mechanical lab,that lab incharge acted as if he was a strict officer(Like idiots we were also soo scared of him) and torture us daily by handing that those stupid equipment.In EE lab I always got caught for talking in class(chatterbox),and that lab in-charge would waste time in scolding me and advising me(Honestly I always get a urge to laugh while getting scoldings or weirdness...I know).
Moreover they killed us in the form of observations and records,because these teachers thinking themselves as so perfect screwed our life by sending us again and again to correct even a tiny mistake,striking the whole page,tearing pages,sending us out of class If we din finish our previous week's dumb....(seriously ppl grow up...Its supposed to be professional course,not KG classes).And In practicals we are supposed to learn something,but honestly I never got a chance to learn because most of the experiments we were just shown a demo,we touched the equipment for just 2-3 experiments or they separated into groups(min 6 ppl in a group) and said us to do experiment,in that only one brainy nerd will do all the of us just had fun or finishing our observations.(Seriously I never got any learning experience...I just wasted my pen ink,notebook pages by writing useless observations).If the staff is a lady,she gave attention to guys,and loathed all the girls in class(all jealously type I guess)Or they just talk to the girls who spoke about their personal life and shared all nonsense....anyway I never bothered(you don't like me eh....who cares...your loss).
One evening in bus Sai and I were hearing songs through loudspeaker of our mobile(we forgot our headphones at home).We were listening to the unfaithful by Rihanna,we kept in maximum volume as we hardly heard anything in moving bus.The moment bus stopped at traffic signal,all the background sounds came down and my phone started screeching like hell,we got bloody embarrassed and we were not able to stop the song that easily . Our seniors( some guys ) got pissed off and came near our seat and started asking questions to me and sai....that bloody girl was pretending as if she was talking to her dad over phone so eventually I became the target.That too one guy with damn big eyes(0.0) came to the seat next to us and started asking all nonsense like " where are you from,where you are staying,give me your number,you want anything to eat ".Even I got pissed off and said him "Iam staying on the streets,I don't have any house ,I am just begging on streets and don't want anything from you, whats your problem" :P). He was unable to reply back and silently went back to his seat and shut his mouth till he got down from bus.(LoL). I was cursing sai with all possible words for letting me suffer alone(-_-).
To be continued....
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