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Health Benefits for Drinking Coffee
@coffee7thavenue (13)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 14, 2014 6:13am CST
Recent studies are concluding that coffee may have more health benefits that actually outweigh the risk of drinking coffee. Previous studies did not take into account the overall physical health of the study patients when they reported what they considered their findings on the effects of caffeine consumption. We will take a look at the top three reasons for drinking coffee, even if it is just a few times a week.
One of the biggest findings in recent studies on caffeine consumption is the ability of natural caffeine to decrease a person’s chances of Type II Diabetes. Type II Diabetes is a huge problem throughout the world, with more than 300 million people diagnosed with this disease. Studies are now showing that for each cup of coffee that you ingest per day, your risk of Type II Diabetes drops by almost 7%. This statistic was derived from 18 studies that involved over 400,000 study patients.
Not only does natural caffeine help fight of Type II Diabetes, it is now correlated with the reduction of a person’s chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, cirrhosis and depression. Current research has even suggested that caffeine consumption can even lower a person’s mortality, though this has not taken into consideration the heavy usage of caffeine consumption in young adults.
Another big affect of caffeine is it triggers a neurological affect in the brain that stimulates brain function and improves memory. Caffeine appears to increase certain neurotransmitters in the brain that trigger a higher firing of neurons. In certain controlled studies, this was linked to improved cognitive function, memory, energy levels and improved mood function.
With society being heavier as whole, the third health benefit we will discuss is caffeine’s natural way to help burn fat. There is a reason that most diet aid supplements contain caffeine. It is one of the few natural substances that act as a fat burning aid. Caffeine helps to burn fat by increasing a person’s metabolism shortly after consumption. Though extended use of caffeine may diminish its affects, studies show that caffeine can increase fat burning by up to 29% depending on the current weight of the individual.
If you want to enjoy the health benefits of coffee and delicious taste of the best beans, then consider purchasing beans from a local Oklahoma coffee roaster – 7th Avenue Roastery
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