benefits of spray foam insulation
spray foam insulation benefits
spray foam insulation kansas
spray foam insulation in kansas
Benefits of a Proper Installation of Spray Foam Insulation
April 24, 2014 1:58am CST
For homeowners looking to improve their home’s energy efficiency, there is no better way than to choose the best quality insulation. No matter what the season, there is no substitute for quality insulation installed by a trusted professional. Studies conducted by both local energy companies and Energy Star have shown that the key to stopping air leaks and lowering your energy cost is with quality home insulation in Kansas. The simple fact is that heating and cooling use approximately 50 to 70 percent of your home’s energy consumption. And if you are not protected by insulation, you are wasting energy and throwing money away every month.
Quality insulation provides many benefits to homeowners that will become immediately known once the proper insulation is installed. These benefits include:
Lower Energy Costs - When your home is properly insulated, it will feel cooler during those hot, smoldering summer months and warmer throughout the blistering cold season. This will ease the load on your heating and cooling system thus directly affecting the amount of energy you use. And when you use less energy to heat and cool your home, your cost of operation will go down.
Increase Energy Efficiency - If you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home you must insulated every exterior wall including those that separate unconditioned spaces from conditioned spaces. Unconditioned spaces like garages, crawlspaces and attics are considered outside the “thermal envelope” and often result in energy loss. Insulating the walls that separate these areas will help prevent air leaks and increase energy efficiency.
Control Moisture - Excessive moisture leads to mold and mildew growth, which can compromise the structural integrity of your home. Unfortunately, daily life -- such as washing clothes, bathing and cooking -- introduces moisture into the air. Without proper insulation, this moisture can make its way into the walls and cause fungal growth.
Control Sound - Insulation isn’t just for energy efficiency, it also absorbs sound that is transmitted through floors and walls. Insulation can help reduce annoying noises from audio equipment, conversations and appliances. Properly insulating your home is one of the easiest ways to control sound and make your home quieter.
Adjust your insulation and adjust so much about your home. It’s time to makeover the home with insulation -

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