Quality Roof Trusses – Few Things to Consider
Enid, Oklahoma
April 24, 2014 2:45am CST
There are numerous truss manufacturers and although trusses are made of the same lumber grade or steel, there is a big difference between them. Quality is the main difference and to understand just why you have to look "behind the scenes."
First, your trusses must be engineer for your specific need and floor plan. All trusses claim to be "engineered" as all trusses need to be designed, relatively speaking but there are differences. Some manufacturers use computer software and all they have to do is punch in the basic width and length along with desired pitch of the roof. As you know computer software is only as good as the programmer and then how well the operator understands the program.
The computer then generates a design that will work on your structure. But remember that just because something will work does not mean that it is the most advantageous for your design or your building engineering. As an example, perhaps part of the truss is to become cantilevered which would mean that the truss would necessitate further bolstering for the overhang.
When regarding wood trusses for your building whether commercial or residential an experienced engineer or architect ordinarily determinations the roof truss blue print befitted to the building construction.
A truss is a truss unless a professional with training, particular to the building profession will be able to utilize the room in your home, giving it a feeling of open space or design particulars while still looking beautiful. If a truss is correctly engineered the exterior of the building can remain the same but the interior can become a designing marvel. There can be particular circumstances in some areas that weather and seismic properties may call for a certain truss and a general truss design may not qualify while maintaining the engineering of the building plans. A quality truss engineered by and architect or engineer can accommodate stress and building design. There are many times a simple roof truss calculator just does not work to attain the quality truss a building not only needs but requires.
A roof truss not only needs to be aesthetically pleasing to create a great looking roof line but it also needs to be strong and do what it was made for, holding up the roof – Timberlake Truss Works.

Timberlake TrussworksWood Trusses Enid OklahomaHomeTrussesServicesGalleryAboutContact UsWe custom cut our trusses from excellent lumber, for a sturdy fit every time. We start with hem-fir, the best, straightest lumber on the market. Our cutting process is
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