Guidelines on Constructing Your Typical Home
Enid, Oklahoma
May 20, 2014 10:30pm CST
So you want to know the process for building your typical home. There can be countless of ways on how to approach this depending on what you want your home to be designed like. A simple home or maybe something more complex? Let's take a trip down the guidelines of how to construct you typical home.
The first step to begin this hard-working journey is pre-construction. No type of construction can begin until the plans for your home are developed, finalized, and submitted to municipal building permit office. Permits have to be acquired for some of the following: sewer connection, a building obviously, electrical, and many others. Upon getting a permit, site tests must be done to determine and examine the soil and the bearing capacity of the ground, the water table, and a few environmental tests. Once all this information has been gathered then certain adjustments can be made to the plans.
Step two is going to be all about your foundation. Your house will be staked out and the land begins to be prepared. Usually the top soil will be and taken off site to be piled elsewhere so it's not in the way of construction. Concrete slabs to support the foundation walls will be formed and poured. If chosen so, electricity, water, telephone and cable services may be brought in right about this time as well. While the foundation walls are being erected and insulated, weeping tiles will be installed and an inspection will most likely follow. Around this time, the builder may ask you to begin making selections about flooring and cabinets or bathroom tiles, and so forth.
Framing will is the third step of this process. Roofing, exterior walls, and interior partitions are being assembled during this step. Usually, they construct a framing skeleton. Frames will be built on the floor, on one wall at a time they'll be lifted into place. Roof trusses are usually brought to the site during this process, ready for installation. They will be completed as quickly as possible to prevent any damage. Windows and doors will also be installed during this process. Basement floors will be installed as well as electrical and plumbing services will be roughed into the process. More inspections will be constructed to ensure the home is being built according to the design. During this, plumbing and electrical inspections will also be going on.
The fourth step to this process is all the interior and exterior work. For several weeks, it'll be as busy as a beehive inside the home as a great amount of work is being formed and constructed. Proper scheduling and timing is key to making this entire process run smooth. During this period, your builder will stay in regular contact with you to update you on the progress and any decisions they may need your help on.
The final objective of this entire process is the completion to the hand-over. During this final stage, your builder and crew will be busy finalizing and completing up final touches to the new home. You will be asked to do a walk through of the brand new house and any last minute touches will be made. On this date, the keys to your new home are placed in your hands.
Timberlake Truss Works enjoys being a part of any home construction process by providing the wood trusses that contractors and homeowners need.

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