The Worse Feeling I Have Ever Felt.
By Red Curtis
@redspot (64)
Citrus Heights, California
May 29, 2014 12:36am CST
I remember how it felt when I broke my Clavicle. I remember when I carelessly cut my arm, and how that felt. From break-ups,to love ones lost, I remember how they felt like it was yesterday. Today I was hands down the worse I have ever felt in my life so far.
So on May 7th I was fortunate enough to go to traffic court, for two separate traffic violations, one violation was for no-stop on red when turning right. This ticket came to my attention, when I received a pretty "Failure to appear letter" in the mail. The second ticket I received by local police officer, who pulled me over for an illegal U-turn. He also made me aware that the DMV suspended my License because of the "Failure to Appear" on the other ticket. He gave me a pink form for Verbal Notice By Peace Officer, DMV or Court Employee(DMV #310) which he said that the DMV didn't inform me of the suspension so this form does. He said I could not drive and I had a relative come get the vehicle and myself.Before he left he was nice enough to give me a ticket, illegal u-turn and Driving on a Suspended License. This made me uneasy because the officer knew I was unaware of the suspension(as noted in form he gave me) So no knowledge means no intent to drive without a license, no crime can be charged. Yet he either didn't care what the law states or he didn't know what the law states in order to charge the crime.
So in court I plead not guilty to driving on a suspended
Not Guilty to illegal u-turn-which trial was set for today.
I also pleaded not guilty to Red Light Violation,simply because conviction rate is 8%-12% and the company taking the photos gets paid not per violator caught, but for each violator convicted. So violators are being caught (by photo camera) at very high rate, but the profits they receive are way less, causing them to catch more violators, among non-violators. (pretty crappy when the company is an Australian company and not an American, or local area company hired by law enforcement)Which leads to lower convictions that lead to higher number of violators caught!
Both court dates were scheduled for today at 3:00pm. Was not expecting to win the red light ticket at court, and yep found guilty by a judge beyond a reasonable doubt. His justification was the picture looked like my DMV picture, and He said that it's not like there is more people that look like me. Which I informed him that my brother who was born 21 minutes 13 seconds before me looks just like me. Yet I was ignored and still found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt not a mention in the court minutes about my comment about my brother either.....but it wasn't over.
So the next ticket for driving on suspended and illegal u-turn was called. The officer was a no show so the Judge said the illegal u-turn infraction was dismissed, and the defendant previously pleaded Guilty to Driving without a license........"WWWWHHHAAAATTT!!!" I yelled. To that the judge said I plead guilty at my arraignment. I clearly stated that I plead NOT GUILTY at my arraignment and asked them to get the transcript, which they did get 1 page that had the charges on it, and next to the driving w/out charge was a handwritten letter "G". I was told if I wanted I could Appeal, which I was baffled,mainly because on the minute order for the arraignment it states I plead not guilty to both charges, but they said the handwritten "G" was for guilty(which was put there by the court secretary and not the judge. CLACK...Case Closed!
I was just stripped of my Constitutional right to a fair, trial where a man is innocent until proven guilty. I was ignored, along with my rights. The saddest part is when I checked the minute order and it states that I plead Guilty at today's trial and not as the judge stated from the arraignment.
I have seen people's rights being stripped from them left and right, which I could only imagine how that felt until today that is, just dreadful!
1 response
@KieraMcLean (75)
• Birmingham, England
27 Aug 14
Oops! It's a really very bad feeling, I can understand you. Hope you will soon get recover from this & live a happy life!